@@ -243,3 +243,57 @@ You can also override this using the ``routing_key`` argument to
>>> apply_async(RefreshFeedTask, args=["http://cnn.com/rss"],
>>> apply_async(RefreshFeedTask, args=["http://cnn.com/rss"],
... routing_key="feed.importer")
... routing_key="feed.importer")
+Can I use celery without Django?
+**Answer:** Yes. But you have to either create a custom loader, or use the
+default loader with a configuration file.
+Using the default loader
+You need a configuration file named ``celeryconfig.py``, either in the
+directory you run ``celeryd`` in, or in a Python library path where it is
+able to find it. The configuration file can contain any of the settings
+described in :mod:`celery.conf`, and in additional if you're using the
+database backend you have to configure the database. Here is an example
+configuration using the database backend with MySQL:
+.. code-block:: python
+ # Broker configuration
+ AMQP_SERVER = "localhost"
+ AMQP_PORT = "5672"
+ AMQP_VHOST = "celery"
+ AMQP_USER = "celery"
+ AMQP_PASSWORD = "celerysecret"
+ # Using the database backend.
+ CELERY_BACKEND = "database"
+ # Number of processes that processes tasks simultaneously.
+ # Modules to import when celeryd starts.
+ # This must import every module where you register tasks so celeryd
+ # is able to find and run them.
+ CELERY_IMPORTS = ("mytaskmodule1", "mytaskmodule2")
+Now with this configuration file in the current directory you have to
+run ``celeryinit`` to create the database tables::
+ $ celeryinit
+Then you should be able to successfully run ``celeryd``::
+ $ celeryd --loglevel=INFO
+and send a task from a python shell (note that it must be able to import
+ >>> from celery.task.builtins import PingTask
+ >>> result = PingTask.apply_async()
+ >>> result.get()
+ 'pong'