@@ -1,857 +0,0 @@
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from functools import wraps
-from mock import Mock
-from pyparsing import ParseException
-from celery import task
-from celery.app import app_or_default
-from celery.task import task as task_dec
-from celery.exceptions import RetryTaskError
-from celery.execute import send_task
-from celery.result import EagerResult
-from celery.schedules import crontab, crontab_parser
-from celery.utils import uuid
-from celery.utils.timeutils import parse_iso8601
-from celery.tests.utils import with_eager_tasks, unittest, StringIO
-def return_True(*args, **kwargs):
- # Task run functions can't be closures/lambdas, as they're pickled.
- return True
-return_True_task = task_dec()(return_True)
-def raise_exception(self, **kwargs):
- raise Exception("%s error" % self.__class__)
-class MockApplyTask(task.Task):
- def run(self, x, y):
- return x * y
- @classmethod
- def apply_async(self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
-class IncrementCounterTask(task.Task):
- name = "c.unittest.increment_counter_task"
- count = 0
- def run(self, increment_by=1, **kwargs):
- increment_by = increment_by or 1
- self.__class__.count += increment_by
- return self.__class__.count
-class RaisingTask(task.Task):
- name = "c.unittest.raising_task"
- def run(self, **kwargs):
- raise KeyError("foo")
-class RetryTask(task.Task):
- max_retries = 3
- iterations = 0
- def run(self, arg1, arg2, kwarg=1, max_retries=None, care=True):
- self.__class__.iterations += 1
- rmax = self.max_retries if max_retries is None else max_retries
- retries = self.request.retries
- if care and retries >= rmax:
- return arg1
- else:
- return self.retry(countdown=0, max_retries=max_retries)
-class RetryTaskNoArgs(task.Task):
- max_retries = 3
- iterations = 0
- def run(self, **kwargs):
- self.__class__.iterations += 1
- retries = kwargs["task_retries"]
- if retries >= 3:
- return 42
- else:
- return self.retry(kwargs=kwargs, countdown=0)
-class RetryTaskMockApply(task.Task):
- max_retries = 3
- iterations = 0
- applied = 0
- def run(self, arg1, arg2, kwarg=1, **kwargs):
- self.__class__.iterations += 1
- retries = kwargs["task_retries"]
- if retries >= 3:
- return arg1
- else:
- kwargs.update({"kwarg": kwarg})
- return self.retry(args=[arg1, arg2], kwargs=kwargs, countdown=0)
- @classmethod
- def apply_async(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.applied = 1
-class MyCustomException(Exception):
- """Random custom exception."""
-class RetryTaskCustomExc(task.Task):
- max_retries = 3
- iterations = 0
- def run(self, arg1, arg2, kwarg=1, **kwargs):
- self.__class__.iterations += 1
- retries = kwargs["task_retries"]
- if retries >= 3:
- return arg1 + kwarg
- else:
- try:
- raise MyCustomException("Elaine Marie Benes")
- except MyCustomException, exc:
- kwargs.update({"kwarg": kwarg})
- return self.retry(args=[arg1, arg2], kwargs=kwargs,
- countdown=0, exc=exc)
-class TestTaskRetries(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_retry(self):
- RetryTask.max_retries = 3
- RetryTask.iterations = 0
- result = RetryTask.apply([0xFF, 0xFFFF])
- self.assertEqual(result.get(), 0xFF)
- self.assertEqual(RetryTask.iterations, 4)
- RetryTask.max_retries = 3
- RetryTask.iterations = 0
- result = RetryTask.apply([0xFF, 0xFFFF], {"max_retries": 10})
- self.assertEqual(result.get(), 0xFF)
- self.assertEqual(RetryTask.iterations, 11)
- def test_retry_no_args(self):
- RetryTaskNoArgs.max_retries = 3
- RetryTaskNoArgs.iterations = 0
- result = RetryTaskNoArgs.apply()
- self.assertEqual(result.get(), 42)
- self.assertEqual(RetryTaskNoArgs.iterations, 4)
- def test_retry_kwargs_can_be_empty(self):
- self.assertRaises(RetryTaskError, RetryTaskMockApply.retry,
- args=[4, 4], kwargs=None)
- def test_retry_not_eager(self):
- RetryTaskMockApply.request.called_directly = False
- exc = Exception("baz")
- try:
- RetryTaskMockApply.retry(args=[4, 4], kwargs={"task_retries": 0},
- exc=exc, throw=False)
- self.assertTrue(RetryTaskMockApply.applied)
- finally:
- RetryTaskMockApply.applied = 0
- try:
- self.assertRaises(RetryTaskError, RetryTaskMockApply.retry,
- args=[4, 4], kwargs={"task_retries": 0},
- exc=exc, throw=True)
- self.assertTrue(RetryTaskMockApply.applied)
- finally:
- RetryTaskMockApply.applied = 0
- def test_retry_with_kwargs(self):
- RetryTaskCustomExc.max_retries = 3
- RetryTaskCustomExc.iterations = 0
- result = RetryTaskCustomExc.apply([0xFF, 0xFFFF], {"kwarg": 0xF})
- self.assertEqual(result.get(), 0xFF + 0xF)
- self.assertEqual(RetryTaskCustomExc.iterations, 4)
- def test_retry_with_custom_exception(self):
- RetryTaskCustomExc.max_retries = 2
- RetryTaskCustomExc.iterations = 0
- result = RetryTaskCustomExc.apply([0xFF, 0xFFFF], {"kwarg": 0xF})
- self.assertRaises(MyCustomException,
- result.get)
- self.assertEqual(RetryTaskCustomExc.iterations, 3)
- def test_max_retries_exceeded(self):
- RetryTask.max_retries = 2
- RetryTask.iterations = 0
- result = RetryTask.apply([0xFF, 0xFFFF], {"care": False})
- self.assertRaises(RetryTask.MaxRetriesExceededError,
- result.get)
- self.assertEqual(RetryTask.iterations, 3)
- RetryTask.max_retries = 1
- RetryTask.iterations = 0
- result = RetryTask.apply([0xFF, 0xFFFF], {"care": False})
- self.assertRaises(RetryTask.MaxRetriesExceededError,
- result.get)
- self.assertEqual(RetryTask.iterations, 2)
-class TestCeleryTasks(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_unpickle_task(self):
- import pickle
- @task_dec
- def xxx():
- pass
- self.assertIs(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(xxx)), xxx)
- def createTaskCls(self, cls_name, task_name=None):
- attrs = {"__module__": self.__module__}
- if task_name:
- attrs["name"] = task_name
- cls = type(cls_name, (task.Task, ), attrs)
- cls.run = return_True
- return cls
- def test_AsyncResult(self):
- task_id = uuid()
- result = RetryTask.AsyncResult(task_id)
- self.assertEqual(result.backend, RetryTask.backend)
- self.assertEqual(result.task_id, task_id)
- @with_eager_tasks
- def test_ping(self):
- self.assertEqual(task.ping(), 'pong')
- def assertNextTaskDataEqual(self, consumer, presult, task_name,
- test_eta=False, test_expires=False, **kwargs):
- next_task = consumer.fetch()
- task_data = next_task.decode()
- self.assertEqual(task_data["id"], presult.task_id)
- self.assertEqual(task_data["task"], task_name)
- task_kwargs = task_data.get("kwargs", {})
- if test_eta:
- self.assertIsInstance(task_data.get("eta"), basestring)
- to_datetime = parse_iso8601(task_data.get("eta"))
- self.assertIsInstance(to_datetime, datetime)
- if test_expires:
- self.assertIsInstance(task_data.get("expires"), basestring)
- to_datetime = parse_iso8601(task_data.get("expires"))
- self.assertIsInstance(to_datetime, datetime)
- for arg_name, arg_value in kwargs.items():
- self.assertEqual(task_kwargs.get(arg_name), arg_value)
- def test_incomplete_task_cls(self):
- class IncompleteTask(task.Task):
- name = "c.unittest.t.itask"
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, IncompleteTask().run)
- def test_task_kwargs_must_be_dictionary(self):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, IncrementCounterTask.apply_async,
- [], "str")
- def test_task_args_must_be_list(self):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, IncrementCounterTask.apply_async,
- "str", {})
- def test_regular_task(self):
- T1 = self.createTaskCls("T1", "c.unittest.t.t1")
- self.assertIsInstance(T1(), T1)
- self.assertTrue(T1().run())
- self.assertTrue(callable(T1()),
- "Task class is callable()")
- self.assertTrue(T1()(),
- "Task class runs run() when called")
- # task name generated out of class module + name.
- T2 = self.createTaskCls("T2")
- self.assertTrue(T2().name.endswith("test_task.T2"))
- t1 = T1()
- consumer = t1.get_consumer()
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, consumer.receive, "foo", "foo")
- consumer.discard_all()
- self.assertIsNone(consumer.fetch())
- # Without arguments.
- presult = t1.delay()
- self.assertNextTaskDataEqual(consumer, presult, t1.name)
- # With arguments.
- presult2 = t1.apply_async(kwargs=dict(name="George Costanza"))
- self.assertNextTaskDataEqual(consumer, presult2, t1.name,
- name="George Costanza")
- # send_task
- sresult = send_task(t1.name, kwargs=dict(name="Elaine M. Benes"))
- self.assertNextTaskDataEqual(consumer, sresult, t1.name,
- name="Elaine M. Benes")
- # With eta.
- presult2 = t1.apply_async(kwargs=dict(name="George Costanza"),
- eta=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=1),
- expires=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=2))
- self.assertNextTaskDataEqual(consumer, presult2, t1.name,
- name="George Costanza", test_eta=True, test_expires=True)
- # With countdown.
- presult2 = t1.apply_async(kwargs=dict(name="George Costanza"),
- countdown=10, expires=12)
- self.assertNextTaskDataEqual(consumer, presult2, t1.name,
- name="George Costanza", test_eta=True, test_expires=True)
- # Discarding all tasks.
- consumer.discard_all()
- t1.apply_async()
- self.assertEqual(consumer.discard_all(), 1)
- self.assertIsNone(consumer.fetch())
- self.assertFalse(presult.successful())
- t1.backend.mark_as_done(presult.task_id, result=None)
- self.assertTrue(presult.successful())
- publisher = t1.get_publisher()
- self.assertTrue(publisher.exchange)
- def test_context_get(self):
- request = self.createTaskCls("T1", "c.unittest.t.c.g").request
- request.foo = 32
- self.assertEqual(request.get("foo"), 32)
- self.assertEqual(request.get("bar", 36), 36)
- def test_task_class_repr(self):
- task = self.createTaskCls("T1", "c.unittest.t.repr")
- self.assertIn("class Task of", repr(task.app.Task))
- def test_after_return(self):
- task = self.createTaskCls("T1", "c.unittest.t.after_return")()
- task.backend = Mock()
- task.request.chord = 123
- task.after_return("SUCCESS", 1.0, "foobar", (), {}, None)
- task.backend.on_chord_part_return.assert_called_with(task)
- def test_send_task_sent_event(self):
- T1 = self.createTaskCls("T1", "c.unittest.t.t1")
- conn = T1.app.broker_connection()
- chan = conn.channel()
- dispatcher = [None]
- class Pub(object):
- channel = chan
- def delay_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
- dispatcher[0] = kwargs.get("event_dispatcher")
- try:
- T1.apply_async(publisher=Pub())
- finally:
- chan.close()
- conn.close()
- self.assertTrue(dispatcher[0])
- def test_get_publisher(self):
- connection = app_or_default().broker_connection()
- p = IncrementCounterTask.get_publisher(connection, auto_declare=False,
- exchange="foo")
- self.assertEqual(p.exchange.name, "foo")
- p = IncrementCounterTask.get_publisher(connection, auto_declare=False,
- exchange_type="fanout")
- self.assertEqual(p.exchange.type, "fanout")
- def test_update_state(self):
- @task_dec
- def yyy():
- pass
- tid = uuid()
- yyy.update_state(tid, "FROBULATING", {"fooz": "baaz"})
- self.assertEqual(yyy.AsyncResult(tid).status, "FROBULATING")
- self.assertDictEqual(yyy.AsyncResult(tid).result, {"fooz": "baaz"})
- yyy.request.id = tid
- yyy.update_state(state="FROBUZATING", meta={"fooz": "baaz"})
- self.assertEqual(yyy.AsyncResult(tid).status, "FROBUZATING")
- self.assertDictEqual(yyy.AsyncResult(tid).result, {"fooz": "baaz"})
- def test_repr(self):
- @task_dec
- def task_test_repr():
- pass
- self.assertIn("task_test_repr", repr(task_test_repr))
- def test_has___name__(self):
- @task_dec
- def yyy2():
- pass
- self.assertTrue(yyy2.__name__)
- def test_get_logger(self):
- T1 = self.createTaskCls("T1", "c.unittest.t.t1")
- t1 = T1()
- logfh = StringIO()
- logger = t1.get_logger(logfile=logfh, loglevel=0)
- self.assertTrue(logger)
- T1.request.loglevel = 3
- logger = t1.get_logger(logfile=logfh, loglevel=None)
- self.assertTrue(logger)
-class TestTaskSet(unittest.TestCase):
- @with_eager_tasks
- def test_function_taskset(self):
- subtasks = [return_True_task.subtask([i]) for i in range(1, 6)]
- ts = task.TaskSet(subtasks)
- res = ts.apply_async()
- self.assertListEqual(res.join(), [True, True, True, True, True])
- def test_counter_taskset(self):
- IncrementCounterTask.count = 0
- ts = task.TaskSet(tasks=[
- IncrementCounterTask.subtask((), {}),
- IncrementCounterTask.subtask((), {"increment_by": 2}),
- IncrementCounterTask.subtask((), {"increment_by": 3}),
- IncrementCounterTask.subtask((), {"increment_by": 4}),
- IncrementCounterTask.subtask((), {"increment_by": 5}),
- IncrementCounterTask.subtask((), {"increment_by": 6}),
- IncrementCounterTask.subtask((), {"increment_by": 7}),
- IncrementCounterTask.subtask((), {"increment_by": 8}),
- IncrementCounterTask.subtask((), {"increment_by": 9}),
- ])
- self.assertEqual(ts.total, 9)
- consumer = IncrementCounterTask().get_consumer()
- consumer.purge()
- consumer.close()
- taskset_res = ts.apply_async()
- subtasks = taskset_res.subtasks
- taskset_id = taskset_res.taskset_id
- consumer = IncrementCounterTask().get_consumer()
- for subtask in subtasks:
- m = consumer.fetch().payload
- self.assertDictContainsSubset({"taskset": taskset_id,
- "task": IncrementCounterTask.name,
- "id": subtask.task_id}, m)
- IncrementCounterTask().run(
- increment_by=m.get("kwargs", {}).get("increment_by"))
- self.assertEqual(IncrementCounterTask.count, sum(xrange(1, 10)))
- def test_named_taskset(self):
- prefix = "test_named_taskset-"
- ts = task.TaskSet([return_True_task.subtask([1])])
- res = ts.apply(taskset_id=prefix + uuid())
- self.assertTrue(res.taskset_id.startswith(prefix))
-class TestTaskApply(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_apply_throw(self):
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, RaisingTask.apply, throw=True)
- def test_apply_with_CELERY_EAGER_PROPAGATES_EXCEPTIONS(self):
- try:
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, RaisingTask.apply)
- finally:
- def test_apply(self):
- IncrementCounterTask.count = 0
- e = IncrementCounterTask.apply()
- self.assertIsInstance(e, EagerResult)
- self.assertEqual(e.get(), 1)
- e = IncrementCounterTask.apply(args=[1])
- self.assertEqual(e.get(), 2)
- e = IncrementCounterTask.apply(kwargs={"increment_by": 4})
- self.assertEqual(e.get(), 6)
- self.assertTrue(e.successful())
- self.assertTrue(e.ready())
- self.assertTrue(repr(e).startswith("<EagerResult:"))
- f = RaisingTask.apply()
- self.assertTrue(f.ready())
- self.assertFalse(f.successful())
- self.assertTrue(f.traceback)
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, f.get)
-class MyPeriodic(task.PeriodicTask):
- run_every = timedelta(hours=1)
-class TestPeriodicTask(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_must_have_run_every(self):
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, type, "Foo",
- (task.PeriodicTask, ), {"__module__": __name__})
- def test_remaining_estimate(self):
- self.assertIsInstance(
- MyPeriodic().remaining_estimate(datetime.utcnow()),
- timedelta)
- def test_is_due_not_due(self):
- due, remaining = MyPeriodic().is_due(datetime.utcnow())
- self.assertFalse(due)
- # This assertion may fail if executed in the
- # first minute of an hour, thus 59 instead of 60
- self.assertGreater(remaining, 59)
- def test_is_due(self):
- p = MyPeriodic()
- due, remaining = p.is_due(datetime.utcnow() - p.run_every.run_every)
- self.assertTrue(due)
- self.assertEqual(remaining,
- p.timedelta_seconds(p.run_every.run_every))
- def test_schedule_repr(self):
- p = MyPeriodic()
- self.assertTrue(repr(p.run_every))
-class EveryMinutePeriodic(task.PeriodicTask):
- run_every = crontab()
-class QuarterlyPeriodic(task.PeriodicTask):
- run_every = crontab(minute="*/15")
-class HourlyPeriodic(task.PeriodicTask):
- run_every = crontab(minute=30)
-class DailyPeriodic(task.PeriodicTask):
- run_every = crontab(hour=7, minute=30)
-class WeeklyPeriodic(task.PeriodicTask):
- run_every = crontab(hour=7, minute=30, day_of_week="thursday")
-def patch_crontab_nowfun(cls, retval):
- def create_patcher(fun):
- @wraps(fun)
- def __inner(*args, **kwargs):
- prev_nowfun = cls.run_every.nowfun
- cls.run_every.nowfun = lambda: retval
- try:
- return fun(*args, **kwargs)
- finally:
- cls.run_every.nowfun = prev_nowfun
- return __inner
- return create_patcher
-class test_crontab_parser(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_parse_star(self):
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser(24).parse('*'), set(range(24)))
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser(60).parse('*'), set(range(60)))
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser(7).parse('*'), set(range(7)))
- def test_parse_range(self):
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser(60).parse('1-10'),
- set(range(1, 10 + 1)))
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser(24).parse('0-20'),
- set(range(0, 20 + 1)))
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser().parse('2-10'),
- set(range(2, 10 + 1)))
- def test_parse_groups(self):
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser().parse('1,2,3,4'),
- set([1, 2, 3, 4]))
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser().parse('0,15,30,45'),
- set([0, 15, 30, 45]))
- def test_parse_steps(self):
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser(8).parse('*/2'),
- set([0, 2, 4, 6]))
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser().parse('*/2'),
- set(i * 2 for i in xrange(30)))
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser().parse('*/3'),
- set(i * 3 for i in xrange(20)))
- def test_parse_composite(self):
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser(8).parse('*/2'), set([0, 2, 4, 6]))
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser().parse('2-9/5'), set([5]))
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser().parse('2-10/5'), set([5, 10]))
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser().parse('2-11/5,3'), set([3, 5, 10]))
- self.assertEquals(crontab_parser().parse('2-4/3,*/5,0-21/4'),
- set([0, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16,
- 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55]))
- def test_parse_errors_on_empty_string(self):
- self.assertRaises(ParseException, crontab_parser(60).parse, '')
- def test_parse_errors_on_empty_group(self):
- self.assertRaises(ParseException, crontab_parser(60).parse, '1,,2')
- def test_parse_errors_on_empty_steps(self):
- self.assertRaises(ParseException, crontab_parser(60).parse, '*/')
- def test_parse_errors_on_negative_number(self):
- self.assertRaises(ParseException, crontab_parser(60).parse, '-20')
- def test_expand_cronspec_eats_iterables(self):
- self.assertEqual(crontab._expand_cronspec(iter([1, 2, 3]), 100),
- set([1, 2, 3]))
- def test_expand_cronspec_invalid_type(self):
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, crontab._expand_cronspec, object(), 100)
- def test_repr(self):
- self.assertIn("*", repr(crontab("*")))
- def test_eq(self):
- self.assertEqual(crontab(day_of_week="1, 2"),
- crontab(day_of_week="1-2"))
- self.assertEqual(crontab(minute="1", hour="2", day_of_week="5"),
- crontab(minute="1", hour="2", day_of_week="5"))
- self.assertNotEqual(crontab(minute="1"), crontab(minute="2"))
- self.assertFalse(object() == crontab(minute="1"))
- self.assertFalse(crontab(minute="1") == object())
-class test_crontab_remaining_estimate(unittest.TestCase):
- def next_ocurrance(self, crontab, now):
- crontab.nowfun = lambda: now
- return now + crontab.remaining_estimate(now)
- def test_next_minute(self):
- next = self.next_ocurrance(crontab(),
- datetime(2010, 9, 11, 14, 30, 15))
- self.assertEquals(next, datetime(2010, 9, 11, 14, 31))
- def test_not_next_minute(self):
- next = self.next_ocurrance(crontab(),
- datetime(2010, 9, 11, 14, 59, 15))
- self.assertEquals(next, datetime(2010, 9, 11, 15, 0))
- def test_this_hour(self):
- next = self.next_ocurrance(crontab(minute=[5, 42]),
- datetime(2010, 9, 11, 14, 30, 15))
- self.assertEquals(next, datetime(2010, 9, 11, 14, 42))
- def test_not_this_hour(self):
- next = self.next_ocurrance(crontab(minute=[5, 10, 15]),
- datetime(2010, 9, 11, 14, 30, 15))
- self.assertEquals(next, datetime(2010, 9, 11, 15, 5))
- def test_today(self):
- next = self.next_ocurrance(crontab(minute=[5, 42], hour=[12, 17]),
- datetime(2010, 9, 11, 14, 30, 15))
- self.assertEquals(next, datetime(2010, 9, 11, 17, 5))
- def test_not_today(self):
- next = self.next_ocurrance(crontab(minute=[5, 42], hour=[12]),
- datetime(2010, 9, 11, 14, 30, 15))
- self.assertEquals(next, datetime(2010, 9, 12, 12, 5))
- def test_weekday(self):
- next = self.next_ocurrance(crontab(minute=30,
- hour=14,
- day_of_week="sat"),
- datetime(2010, 9, 11, 14, 30, 15))
- self.assertEquals(next, datetime(2010, 9, 18, 14, 30))
- def test_not_weekday(self):
- next = self.next_ocurrance(crontab(minute=[5, 42],
- day_of_week="mon-fri"),
- datetime(2010, 9, 11, 14, 30, 15))
- self.assertEquals(next, datetime(2010, 9, 13, 0, 5))
-class test_crontab_is_due(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.now = datetime.utcnow()
- self.next_minute = 60 - self.now.second - 1e-6 * self.now.microsecond
- def test_default_crontab_spec(self):
- c = crontab()
- self.assertEquals(c.minute, set(range(60)))
- self.assertEquals(c.hour, set(range(24)))
- self.assertEquals(c.day_of_week, set(range(7)))
- def test_simple_crontab_spec(self):
- c = crontab(minute=30)
- self.assertEquals(c.minute, set([30]))
- self.assertEquals(c.hour, set(range(24)))
- self.assertEquals(c.day_of_week, set(range(7)))
- def test_crontab_spec_minute_formats(self):
- c = crontab(minute=30)
- self.assertEquals(c.minute, set([30]))
- c = crontab(minute='30')
- self.assertEquals(c.minute, set([30]))
- c = crontab(minute=(30, 40, 50))
- self.assertEquals(c.minute, set([30, 40, 50]))
- c = crontab(minute=set([30, 40, 50]))
- self.assertEquals(c.minute, set([30, 40, 50]))
- def test_crontab_spec_invalid_minute(self):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, crontab, minute=60)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, crontab, minute='0-100')
- def test_crontab_spec_hour_formats(self):
- c = crontab(hour=6)
- self.assertEquals(c.hour, set([6]))
- c = crontab(hour='5')
- self.assertEquals(c.hour, set([5]))
- c = crontab(hour=(4, 8, 12))
- self.assertEquals(c.hour, set([4, 8, 12]))
- def test_crontab_spec_invalid_hour(self):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, crontab, hour=24)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, crontab, hour='0-30')
- def test_crontab_spec_dow_formats(self):
- c = crontab(day_of_week=5)
- self.assertEquals(c.day_of_week, set([5]))
- c = crontab(day_of_week='5')
- self.assertEquals(c.day_of_week, set([5]))
- c = crontab(day_of_week='fri')
- self.assertEquals(c.day_of_week, set([5]))
- c = crontab(day_of_week='tuesday,sunday,fri')
- self.assertEquals(c.day_of_week, set([0, 2, 5]))
- c = crontab(day_of_week='mon-fri')
- self.assertEquals(c.day_of_week, set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
- c = crontab(day_of_week='*/2')
- self.assertEquals(c.day_of_week, set([0, 2, 4, 6]))
- def test_crontab_spec_invalid_dow(self):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, crontab, day_of_week='fooday-barday')
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, crontab, day_of_week='1,4,foo')
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, crontab, day_of_week='7')
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, crontab, day_of_week='12')
- def test_every_minute_execution_is_due(self):
- last_ran = self.now - timedelta(seconds=61)
- due, remaining = EveryMinutePeriodic().is_due(last_ran)
- self.assertTrue(due)
- self.assertAlmostEquals(remaining, self.next_minute, 1)
- def test_every_minute_execution_is_not_due(self):
- last_ran = self.now - timedelta(seconds=self.now.second)
- due, remaining = EveryMinutePeriodic().is_due(last_ran)
- self.assertFalse(due)
- self.assertAlmostEquals(remaining, self.next_minute, 1)
- # 29th of May 2010 is a saturday
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(HourlyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 29, 10, 30))
- def test_execution_is_due_on_saturday(self):
- last_ran = self.now - timedelta(seconds=61)
- due, remaining = EveryMinutePeriodic().is_due(last_ran)
- self.assertTrue(due)
- self.assertAlmostEquals(remaining, self.next_minute, 1)
- # 30th of May 2010 is a sunday
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(HourlyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 30, 10, 30))
- def test_execution_is_due_on_sunday(self):
- last_ran = self.now - timedelta(seconds=61)
- due, remaining = EveryMinutePeriodic().is_due(last_ran)
- self.assertTrue(due)
- self.assertAlmostEquals(remaining, self.next_minute, 1)
- # 31st of May 2010 is a monday
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(HourlyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 31, 10, 30))
- def test_execution_is_due_on_monday(self):
- last_ran = self.now - timedelta(seconds=61)
- due, remaining = EveryMinutePeriodic().is_due(last_ran)
- self.assertTrue(due)
- self.assertAlmostEquals(remaining, self.next_minute, 1)
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(HourlyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 10, 10, 30))
- def test_every_hour_execution_is_due(self):
- due, remaining = HourlyPeriodic().is_due(datetime(2010, 5, 10, 6, 30))
- self.assertTrue(due)
- self.assertEquals(remaining, 60 * 60)
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(HourlyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 10, 10, 29))
- def test_every_hour_execution_is_not_due(self):
- due, remaining = HourlyPeriodic().is_due(datetime(2010, 5, 10, 9, 30))
- self.assertFalse(due)
- self.assertEquals(remaining, 60)
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(QuarterlyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 10, 10, 15))
- def test_first_quarter_execution_is_due(self):
- due, remaining = QuarterlyPeriodic().is_due(
- datetime(2010, 5, 10, 6, 30))
- self.assertTrue(due)
- self.assertEquals(remaining, 15 * 60)
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(QuarterlyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 10, 10, 30))
- def test_second_quarter_execution_is_due(self):
- due, remaining = QuarterlyPeriodic().is_due(
- datetime(2010, 5, 10, 6, 30))
- self.assertTrue(due)
- self.assertEquals(remaining, 15 * 60)
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(QuarterlyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 10, 10, 14))
- def test_first_quarter_execution_is_not_due(self):
- due, remaining = QuarterlyPeriodic().is_due(
- datetime(2010, 5, 10, 10, 0))
- self.assertFalse(due)
- self.assertEquals(remaining, 60)
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(QuarterlyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 10, 10, 29))
- def test_second_quarter_execution_is_not_due(self):
- due, remaining = QuarterlyPeriodic().is_due(
- datetime(2010, 5, 10, 10, 15))
- self.assertFalse(due)
- self.assertEquals(remaining, 60)
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(DailyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 10, 7, 30))
- def test_daily_execution_is_due(self):
- due, remaining = DailyPeriodic().is_due(datetime(2010, 5, 9, 7, 30))
- self.assertTrue(due)
- self.assertEquals(remaining, 24 * 60 * 60)
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(DailyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 10, 10, 30))
- def test_daily_execution_is_not_due(self):
- due, remaining = DailyPeriodic().is_due(datetime(2010, 5, 10, 7, 30))
- self.assertFalse(due)
- self.assertEquals(remaining, 21 * 60 * 60)
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(WeeklyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 6, 7, 30))
- def test_weekly_execution_is_due(self):
- due, remaining = WeeklyPeriodic().is_due(datetime(2010, 4, 30, 7, 30))
- self.assertTrue(due)
- self.assertEquals(remaining, 7 * 24 * 60 * 60)
- @patch_crontab_nowfun(WeeklyPeriodic, datetime(2010, 5, 7, 10, 30))
- def test_weekly_execution_is_not_due(self):
- due, remaining = WeeklyPeriodic().is_due(datetime(2010, 5, 6, 7, 30))
- self.assertFalse(due)
- self.assertEquals(remaining, 6 * 24 * 60 * 60 - 3 * 60 * 60)