@@ -12,7 +12,134 @@ new in Celery 3.1.
-:release-date: 2013-12-16 X:XX P.M UTC
+:release-date: 2013-12-17 X:XX P.M UTC
+.. _v317-important:
+Important Notes
+Init script security improvements
+Where the generic init scripts (for ``celeryd``, and ``celerybeat``) before
+delegated the responsibility of dropping privileges to the target application,
+it will now use ``su`` instead, so that the Python program is not trusted
+with superuser privileges.
+This is not in reaction to any known exploit, but instead will
+limit the possibility of a privilege escalation bug being discovered in the
+You have to upgrade the init scripts manually from this directory:
+AMQP result backend
+The 3.1 release accidentally left the amqp backend configured to be
+non-persistent by default.
+Upgrading from 3.0 would give "not equivalent" errors when attempting to
+set or retrieve results for a task unless you manually set the
+persistence setting:
+This version restores the previous setting so if you already forced
+this upgrade by removing the existing exchange you must either
+keep the configuration by setting ``CELERY_RESULT_PERSISTENT = False``
+or delete the ``celeryresults`` exchange again.
+.. _v317-fixes:
+- Now depends on :ref:`Kombu 3.0.8 <kombu:version-3.0.8>`.
+- Now depends on :mod:`billiard`
+- Events: Fixed compatability with non-standard json libraries
+ that sends float as :class:`decimal.Decimal` (Issue #1731)
+- Events: State worker objects now always defines attributes:
+ ``active``, ``processed``, ``loadavg``, ``sw_ident``, ``sw_ver``
+ and ``sw_sys``.
+- Worker: Now keeps count of the total number of tasks processed,
+ not just by type (``all_active_count``).
+- Init scripts: Fixed problem with reading configuration file
+ when the init script is symlinked to a runlevel (e.g. ``S02celeryd``).
+ (Issue #1740).
+ This also removed a rarely used feature where you can symlink the script
+ to provide alternative configurations. You instead copy the script
+ and give it a new name, but perhaps a better solution is to provide
+ arguments to ``CELERYD_OPTS`` to separate them:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ CELERYD_OPTS="-A:X1 x -A:X2 x -A:Y1 y -A:Y2 y"
+- Fallback chord unlock task is now always called after the chord header
+ (Issue #1700).
+ This means that the unlock task will not be started if there's
+ an error sending the header.
+- Celery command: Fixed problem with arguments for some control commands.
+ Fix contributed by Konstantin Podshumok.
+- Fixed bug in ``utcoffset`` where the offset when in DST would be
+ completely wrong (Issue #1743).
+- Worker with ``-B`` argument did not properly shut down the beat instance.
+- Worker: The ``%n`` and ``%h`` formats are now also supported by the
+ :option:`--logfile`, :option:`--pidfile` and :option:`--statedb` arguments.
+ Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ $ celery -A proj worker -n foo@%h --logfile=%n.log --statedb=%n.db
+- Redis/Cache result backends: Will now timeout if keys evicted while trying
+ to join a chord.
+- The fallbock unlock chord task now raises :exc:`Retry` so that the
+ retry even is properly logged by the worker.
+- Multi: Will no longer apply Eventlet/gevent monkey patches (Issue #1717).
+- Redis result backend: Now supports UNIX sockets.
+ Like the Redis broker transport the result backend now also supports
+ using ``redis+socket:///tmp/redis.sock`` URLs.
+ Contributed by Alcides Viamontes Esquivel.
+- Events: Events sent by clients was mistaken for worker related events
+ (Issue #1714).
+ For ``events.State`` the tasks now have a ``Task.client`` attribute
+ that is set when a ``task-sent`` event is being received.
+ Also, a clients logical clock is not in sync with the cluster so
+ they live in a "time bubble". So for this reason monitors will no
+ longer attempt to merge with the clock of an event sent by a client,
+ instead it will fake the value by using the current clock with
+ a skew of -1.
+- Prefork pool: The method used to find terminated process was flawed
+ in that it did not also take into account a missing popen object.
+- Events: No longer takes clock value from ``task-sent`` events.
.. _version-3.1.6: