@@ -8,6 +8,118 @@ This document contains change notes for bugfix releases in the 3.1.x series
(Cipater), please see :ref:`whatsnew-3.1` for an overview of what's
new in Celery 3.1.
+.. _version-3.1.5:
+:release-date: 2013-11-21 6:00 P.M UTC
+:release-by: Ask Solem
+- Now depends on :ref:`Kombu 3.0.6 <kombu:version-3.0.6>`.
+- Now depends on :mod:`billiard`
+- App: ``config_from_object`` is now lazy (Issue #1665).
+- App: ``autodiscover_tasks`` is now lazy.
+ Django users should now wrap access to the settings object
+ in a lambda::
+ app.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: settings.INSTALLED_APPS)
+ this ensures that the settings object is not prepared
+ prematurely.
+- Fixed regression for ``--app`` argument experienced by
+ some users (Issue #1653).
+- Worker: Now respects the ``--uid`` and ``--gid`` arguments
+ even if ``--detach`` is not enabled.
+- Beat: Now respects the ``--uid`` and ``--gid`` arguments
+ even if ``--detach`` is not enabled.
+- Python 3: Fixed unorderable error occuring with the worker ``-B``
+ argument enabled.
+- ``celery.VERSION`` is now a named tuple.
+- ``maybe_signature(list)`` is now applied recursively (Issue #1645).
+- ``celery shell`` command: Fixed ``IPython.frontend`` deprecation warning.
+- The default app no longer includes the builtin fixups.
+ This fixes a bug where ``celery multi`` would attempt
+ to load the Django settings module before entering
+ the target working directory.
+- The Django daemonization tutorial was changed.
+ Users no longer have to explicitly export ``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE``
+ in :file:`/etc/default/celeryd` when the new project layout is used.
+- Redis result backend: expiry value can now be 0 (Issue #1661).
+- Censoring settings now accounts for non-string keys (Issue #1663).
+- App: New ``autofinalize`` option.
+ Apps are automatically finalized when the task registry is accessed.
+ You can now disable this behavior so that an exception is raised
+ instead.
+ Example:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ app = Celery(autofinalize=False)
+ # raises RuntimeError
+ tasks = app.tasks
+ @app.task
+ def add(x, y):
+ return x + y
+ # raises RuntimeError
+ add.delay(2, 2)
+ app.finalize()
+ # no longer raises:
+ tasks = app.tasks
+ add.delay(2, 2)
+- The worker did not send monitoring events during shutdown.
+- Worker: Mingle and gossip is now automatically disabled when
+ used with an unsupported transport (Issue #1664).
+- ``celery`` command: Preload options now supports
+ the rare ``--opt value`` format (Issue #1668).
+- ``celery`` command: Accidentally removed options
+ appearing before the subcommand, these are now moved to the end
+ instead.
+- Worker now properly responds to ``inspect stats`` commands
+ even if received before startup is complete (Issue #1659).
+- :signal:`task_postrun` is now sent within a finally block, to make
+ sure the signal is always sent.
+- Beat: Fixed syntax error in string formatting.
+ Contributed by nadad.
+- Fixed typos in the documentation.
+ Fixes contributed by Loic Bistuer, sunfinite.
+- Nested chains now works properly when constructed using the
+ ``chain`` type instead of the ``|`` operator (Issue #1656).
.. _version-3.1.4:
@@ -15,7 +127,7 @@ new in Celery 3.1.
:release-date: 2013-11-15 11:40 P.M UTC
:release-by: Ask Solem
-- Now depends on :mod:`kombu` 3.0.5
+- Now depends on :ref:`Kombu 3.0.5 <kombu:version-3.0.5>`.
- Now depends on :mod:`billiard`