@@ -291,6 +291,28 @@ an overview of what's new in Celery 4.2.
Contributed by **Nicholas Pilon**.
+- **Command Line**: Flush stderr before exiting with error code 1.
+ Contributed by **Antonin Delpeuch**.
+- **Task**: Escapes single quotes in kwargsrepr strings.
+ Contributed by **Kareem Zidane**
+- **AsyncResult**: Restore ability to join over ResultSet after fixing celery/#3818.
+ Contributed by **Derek Harland**
+- **Redis Results Backend**: Unsubscribe on message success.
+ Previously Celery would leak channels, filling the memory of the Redis instance.
+ Contributed by **George Psarakis**
+- **Task**: Only convert eta to isoformat when it is not already a string.
+ Contributed by **Omer Katz**
Documentation, CI, Installation and Tests fixes: