@@ -215,6 +215,55 @@ on the automatic naming:
def add(x, y):
return x + y
+.. _task-name-generator-info:
+Changing the automatic naming behavior
+.. versionadded:: 3.2
+There are some cases when the default automatic naming is not suitable.
+Consider you have many tasks within many different modules::
+ project/
+ /__init__.py
+ /celery.py
+ /moduleA/
+ /__init__.py
+ /tasks.py
+ /moduleB/
+ /__init__.py
+ /tasks.py
+Using the default automatic naming, each task will have a generated name
+like `moduleA.tasks.taskA`, `moduleA.tasks.taskB`, `moduleB.tasks.test`
+and so on. You may want to get rid of having `tasks` in all task names.
+As pointed above, you can explicitly give names for all tasks, or you
+can change the automatic naming behavior by overriding
+:meth:`~@Celery.gen_task_name`. Continuing with the example, `celery.py`
+may contain:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from celery import Celery
+ class MyCelery(Celery):
+ def gen_task_name(self, name, module):
+ if module.endswith('.tasks'):
+ module = module[:-6]
+ return super(MyCelery, self).gen_task_name(name, module)
+ app = MyCelery('main')
+So each task will have a name like `moduleA.taskA`, `moduleA.taskB` and
+.. warning::
+ Make sure that your `gen_task_name` is a pure function, which means
+ that for the same input it must always return the same output.
.. _task-request-info: