@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import errno
+import os
+import resource
+import signal
+from mock import Mock, patch
+from celery import current_app
+from celery import platforms
+from celery.platforms import (
+ get_fdmax,
+ shellsplit,
+ ignore_EBADF,
+ set_process_title,
+ signals,
+ maybe_drop_privileges,
+ setuid,
+ setgid,
+ seteuid,
+ setegid,
+ initgroups,
+ parse_uid,
+ parse_gid,
+ detached,
+ DaemonContext,
+ create_pidlock,
+ PIDFile,
+ LockFailed,
+ setgroups,
+ _setgroups_hack
+from celery.tests.utils import Case, WhateverIO, override_stdouts
+class test_ignore_EBADF(Case):
+ def test_raises_EBADF(self):
+ with ignore_EBADF():
+ exc = OSError()
+ exc.errno = errno.EBADF
+ raise exc
+ def test_otherwise(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(OSError):
+ with ignore_EBADF():
+ exc = OSError()
+ exc.errno = errno.ENOENT
+ raise exc
+class test_shellsplit(Case):
+ def test_split(self):
+ self.assertEqual(shellsplit("the 'quick' brown fox"),
+ ["the", "quick", "brown", "fox"])
+class test_set_process_title(Case):
+ def when_no_setps(self):
+ prev = platforms._setproctitle = platforms._setproctitle, None
+ try:
+ set_process_title("foo")
+ finally:
+ platforms._setproctitle = prev
+class test_Signals(Case):
+ @patch("signal.getsignal")
+ def test_getitem(self, getsignal):
+ signals["SIGINT"]
+ getsignal.assert_called_with(signal.SIGINT)
+ def test_supported(self):
+ self.assertTrue(signals.supported("INT"))
+ self.assertFalse(signals.supported("SIGIMAGINARY"))
+ def test_signum(self):
+ self.assertEqual(signals.signum(13), 13)
+ self.assertEqual(signals.signum("INT"), signal.SIGINT)
+ self.assertEqual(signals.signum("SIGINT"), signal.SIGINT)
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ signals.signum("int")
+ signals.signum(object())
+ @patch("signal.signal")
+ def test_ignore(self, set):
+ signals.ignore("SIGINT")
+ set.assert_called_with(signals.signum("INT"), signals.ignored)
+ signals.ignore("SIGTERM")
+ set.assert_called_with(signals.signum("TERM"), signals.ignored)
+ @patch("signal.signal")
+ def test_setitem(self, set):
+ handle = lambda *a: a
+ signals["INT"] = handle
+ set.assert_called_with(signal.SIGINT, handle)
+ @patch("signal.signal")
+ def test_setitem_raises(self, set):
+ set.side_effect = ValueError()
+ signals["INT"] = lambda *a: a
+if not current_app.IS_WINDOWS:
+ class test_get_fdmax(Case):
+ @patch("resource.getrlimit")
+ def test_when_infinity(self, getrlimit):
+ getrlimit.return_value = [None, resource.RLIM_INFINITY]
+ default = object()
+ self.assertIs(get_fdmax(default), default)
+ @patch("resource.getrlimit")
+ def test_when_actual(self, getrlimit):
+ getrlimit.return_value = [None, 13]
+ self.assertEqual(get_fdmax(None), 13)
+ class test_maybe_drop_privileges(Case):
+ @patch("celery.platforms.parse_uid")
+ @patch("pwd.getpwuid")
+ @patch("celery.platforms.setgid")
+ @patch("celery.platforms.setuid")
+ @patch("celery.platforms.initgroups")
+ def test_with_uid(self, initgroups, setuid, setgid,
+ getpwuid, parse_uid):
+ class pw_struct(object):
+ pw_gid = 50001
+ getpwuid.return_value = pw_struct()
+ parse_uid.return_value = 5001
+ maybe_drop_privileges(uid="user")
+ parse_uid.assert_called_with("user")
+ getpwuid.assert_called_with(5001)
+ setgid.assert_called_with(50001)
+ initgroups.assert_called_with(5001, 50001)
+ setuid.assert_called_with(5001)
+ @patch("celery.platforms.parse_uid")
+ @patch("celery.platforms.parse_gid")
+ @patch("celery.platforms.setgid")
+ @patch("celery.platforms.setuid")
+ @patch("celery.platforms.initgroups")
+ def test_with_guid(self, initgroups, setuid, setgid,
+ parse_gid, parse_uid):
+ parse_uid.return_value = 5001
+ parse_gid.return_value = 50001
+ maybe_drop_privileges(uid="user", gid="group")
+ parse_uid.assert_called_with("user")
+ parse_gid.assert_called_with("group")
+ setgid.assert_called_with(50001)
+ initgroups.assert_called_with(5001, 50001)
+ setuid.assert_called_with(5001)
+ @patch("celery.platforms.setuid")
+ @patch("celery.platforms.setgid")
+ @patch("celery.platforms.parse_gid")
+ def test_only_gid(self, parse_gid, setgid, setuid):
+ parse_gid.return_value = 50001
+ maybe_drop_privileges(gid="group")
+ parse_gid.assert_called_with("group")
+ setgid.assert_called_with(50001)
+ self.assertFalse(setuid.called)
+ class test_setget_uid_gid(Case):
+ @patch("celery.platforms.parse_uid")
+ @patch("os.setuid")
+ def test_setuid(self, _setuid, parse_uid):
+ parse_uid.return_value = 5001
+ setuid("user")
+ parse_uid.assert_called_with("user")
+ _setuid.assert_called_with(5001)
+ @patch("celery.platforms.parse_uid")
+ @patch("os.geteuid")
+ @patch("os.seteuid")
+ def test_seteuid(self, _seteuid, _geteuid, parse_uid):
+ parse_uid.return_value = 5001
+ _geteuid.return_value = 5001
+ seteuid("user")
+ parse_uid.assert_called_with("user")
+ self.assertFalse(_seteuid.called)
+ _geteuid.return_value = 1
+ seteuid("user")
+ _seteuid.assert_called_with(5001)
+ @patch("celery.platforms.parse_gid")
+ @patch("os.setgid")
+ def test_setgid(self, _setgid, parse_gid):
+ parse_gid.return_value = 50001
+ setgid("group")
+ parse_gid.assert_called_with("group")
+ _setgid.assert_called_with(50001)
+ @patch("celery.platforms.parse_gid")
+ @patch("os.getegid")
+ @patch("os.setegid")
+ def test_setegid(self, _setegid, _getegid, parse_gid):
+ parse_gid.return_value = 50001
+ _getegid.return_value = 50001
+ setegid("group")
+ parse_gid.assert_called_with("group")
+ self.assertFalse(_setegid.called)
+ _getegid.return_value = 1
+ setegid("group")
+ _setegid.assert_called_with(50001)
+ def test_parse_uid_when_int(self):
+ self.assertEqual(parse_uid(5001), 5001)
+ @patch("pwd.getpwnam")
+ def test_parse_uid_when_existing_name(self, getpwnam):
+ class pwent(object):
+ pw_uid = 5001
+ getpwnam.return_value = pwent()
+ self.assertEqual(parse_uid("user"), 5001)
+ @patch("pwd.getpwnam")
+ def test_parse_uid_when_nonexisting_name(self, getpwnam):
+ getpwnam.side_effect = KeyError("user")
+ with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+ parse_uid("user")
+ def test_parse_gid_when_int(self):
+ self.assertEqual(parse_gid(50001), 50001)
+ @patch("grp.getgrnam")
+ def test_parse_gid_when_existing_name(self, getgrnam):
+ class grent(object):
+ gr_gid = 50001
+ getgrnam.return_value = grent()
+ self.assertEqual(parse_gid("group"), 50001)
+ @patch("grp.getgrnam")
+ def test_parse_gid_when_nonexisting_name(self, getgrnam):
+ getgrnam.side_effect = KeyError("group")
+ with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+ parse_gid("group")
+ class test_initgroups(Case):
+ @patch("pwd.getpwuid")
+ def test_with_initgroups(self, getpwuid):
+ prev, os.initgroups = os.initgroups, Mock()
+ try:
+ getpwuid.return_value = ["user"]
+ initgroups(5001, 50001)
+ os.initgroups.assert_called_with("user", 50001)
+ finally:
+ os.initgroups = prev
+ @patch("celery.platforms.setgroups")
+ @patch("grp.getgrall")
+ @patch("pwd.getpwuid")
+ def test_without_initgroups(self, getpwuid, getgrall, setgroups):
+ prev = getattr(os, "initgroups", None)
+ try:
+ delattr(os, "initgroups")
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ getpwuid.return_value = ["user"]
+ class grent(object):
+ gr_mem = ["user"]
+ def __init__(self, gid):
+ self.gr_gid = gid
+ getgrall.return_value = [grent(1), grent(2), grent(3)]
+ initgroups(5001, 50001)
+ setgroups.assert_called_with([1, 2, 3])
+ finally:
+ if prev:
+ os.initgroups = prev
+ class test_detached(Case):
+ def test_without_resource(self):
+ prev, platforms.resource = platforms.resource, None
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+ detached()
+ finally:
+ platforms.resource = prev
+ @patch("celery.platforms.create_pidlock")
+ @patch("celery.platforms.signals")
+ @patch("celery.platforms.maybe_drop_privileges")
+ @patch("os.geteuid")
+ @patch("__builtin__.open")
+ def test_default(self, open, geteuid, maybe_drop, signals, pidlock):
+ geteuid.return_value = 0
+ context = detached(uid="user", gid="group")
+ self.assertIsInstance(context, DaemonContext)
+ signals.reset.assert_called_with("SIGCLD")
+ maybe_drop.assert_called_with(uid="user", gid="group")
+ open.return_value = Mock()
+ geteuid.return_value = 5001
+ context = detached(uid="user", gid="group", logfile="/foo/bar")
+ self.assertIsInstance(context, DaemonContext)
+ open.assert_called_with("/foo/bar", "a")
+ open.return_value.close.assert_called_with()
+ context = detached(pidfile="/foo/bar/pid")
+ self.assertIsInstance(context, DaemonContext)
+ pidlock.assert_called_with("/foo/bar/pid")
+ class test_DaemonContext(Case):
+ @patch("os.fork")
+ @patch("os.setsid")
+ @patch("os._exit")
+ @patch("os.chdir")
+ @patch("os.umask")
+ @patch("os.close")
+ @patch("os.open")
+ @patch("os.dup2")
+ def test_open(self, dup2, open, close, umask, chdir, _exit, setsid,
+ fork):
+ x = DaemonContext(workdir="/opt/workdir")
+ fork.return_value = 0
+ with x:
+ self.assertTrue(x._is_open)
+ with x:
+ pass
+ self.assertEqual(fork.call_count, 2)
+ setsid.assert_called_with()
+ self.assertFalse(_exit.called)
+ chdir.assert_called_with(x.workdir)
+ umask.assert_called_with(x.umask)
+ open.assert_called_with(platforms.DAEMON_REDIRECT_TO, os.O_RDWR)
+ self.assertEqual(dup2.call_args_list[0], [(0, 1), {}])
+ self.assertEqual(dup2.call_args_list[1], [(0, 2), {}])
+ fork.reset_mock()
+ fork.return_value = 1
+ x = DaemonContext(workdir="/opt/workdir")
+ with x:
+ pass
+ self.assertEqual(fork.call_count, 1)
+ _exit.assert_called_with(0)
+ x = DaemonContext(workdir="/opt/workdir", fake=True)
+ x._detach = Mock()
+ with x:
+ pass
+ self.assertFalse(x._detach.called)
+ class test_PIDFile(Case):
+ @patch("celery.platforms.PIDFile")
+ def test_create_pidlock(self, PIDFile):
+ p = PIDFile.return_value = Mock()
+ p.is_locked.return_value = True
+ p.remove_if_stale.return_value = False
+ with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
+ create_pidlock("/var/pid")
+ p.remove_if_stale.return_value = True
+ ret = create_pidlock("/var/pid")
+ self.assertIs(ret, p)
+ def test_context(self):
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ p.write_pid = Mock()
+ p.remove = Mock()
+ with p as _p:
+ self.assertIs(_p, p)
+ p.write_pid.assert_called_with()
+ p.remove.assert_called_with()
+ def test_acquire_raises_LockFailed(self):
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ p.write_pid = Mock()
+ p.write_pid.side_effect = OSError()
+ with self.assertRaises(LockFailed):
+ with p:
+ pass
+ @patch("os.path.exists")
+ def test_is_locked(self, exists):
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ exists.return_value = True
+ self.assertTrue(p.is_locked())
+ exists.return_value = False
+ self.assertFalse(p.is_locked())
+ @patch("__builtin__.open")
+ def test_read_pid(self, open_):
+ s = open_.return_value = WhateverIO()
+ s.write("1816\n")
+ s.seek(0)
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ self.assertEqual(p.read_pid(), 1816)
+ @patch("__builtin__.open")
+ def test_read_pid_partially_written(self, open_):
+ s = open_.return_value = WhateverIO()
+ s.write("1816")
+ s.seek(0)
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ p.read_pid()
+ @patch("__builtin__.open")
+ def test_read_pid_raises_ENOENT(self, open_):
+ exc = IOError()
+ exc.errno = errno.ENOENT
+ open_.side_effect = exc
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ self.assertIsNone(p.read_pid())
+ @patch("__builtin__.open")
+ def test_read_pid_raises_IOError(self, open_):
+ exc = IOError()
+ exc.errno = errno.EAGAIN
+ open_.side_effect = exc
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ with self.assertRaises(IOError):
+ p.read_pid()
+ @patch("__builtin__.open")
+ def test_read_pid_bogus_pidfile(self, open_):
+ s = open_.return_value = WhateverIO()
+ s.write("eighteensixteen\n")
+ s.seek(0)
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ p.read_pid()
+ @patch("os.unlink")
+ def test_remove(self, unlink):
+ unlink.return_value = True
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ p.remove()
+ unlink.assert_called_with(p.path)
+ @patch("os.unlink")
+ def test_remove_ENOENT(self, unlink):
+ exc = OSError()
+ exc.errno = errno.ENOENT
+ unlink.side_effect = exc
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ p.remove()
+ unlink.assert_called_with(p.path)
+ @patch("os.unlink")
+ def test_remove_EACCES(self, unlink):
+ exc = OSError()
+ exc.errno = errno.EACCES
+ unlink.side_effect = exc
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ p.remove()
+ unlink.assert_called_with(p.path)
+ @patch("os.unlink")
+ def test_remove_OSError(self, unlink):
+ exc = OSError()
+ exc.errno = errno.EAGAIN
+ unlink.side_effect = exc
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ with self.assertRaises(OSError):
+ p.remove()
+ unlink.assert_called_with(p.path)
+ @patch("os.kill")
+ def test_remove_if_stale_process_alive(self, kill):
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ p.read_pid = Mock()
+ p.read_pid.return_value = 1816
+ kill.return_value = 0
+ self.assertFalse(p.remove_if_stale())
+ kill.assert_called_with(1816, 0)
+ p.read_pid.assert_called_with()
+ kill.side_effect = OSError()
+ kill.side_effect.errno = errno.ENOENT
+ self.assertFalse(p.remove_if_stale())
+ @patch("os.kill")
+ def test_remove_if_stale_process_dead(self, kill):
+ with override_stdouts():
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ p.read_pid = Mock()
+ p.read_pid.return_value = 1816
+ p.remove = Mock()
+ exc = OSError()
+ exc.errno = errno.ESRCH
+ kill.side_effect = exc
+ self.assertTrue(p.remove_if_stale())
+ kill.assert_called_with(1816, 0)
+ p.remove.assert_called_with()
+ def test_remove_if_stale_broken_pid(self):
+ with override_stdouts():
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ p.read_pid = Mock()
+ p.read_pid.side_effect = ValueError()
+ p.remove = Mock()
+ self.assertTrue(p.remove_if_stale())
+ p.remove.assert_called_with()
+ def test_remove_if_stale_no_pidfile(self):
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ p.read_pid = Mock()
+ p.read_pid.return_value = None
+ p.remove = Mock()
+ self.assertTrue(p.remove_if_stale())
+ p.remove.assert_called_with()
+ @patch("os.fsync")
+ @patch("os.getpid")
+ @patch("os.open")
+ @patch("os.fdopen")
+ @patch("__builtin__.open")
+ def test_write_pid(self, open_, fdopen, osopen, getpid, fsync):
+ getpid.return_value = 1816
+ osopen.return_value = 13
+ w = fdopen.return_value = WhateverIO()
+ w.close = Mock()
+ r = open_.return_value = WhateverIO()
+ r.write("1816\n")
+ r.seek(0)
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ p.write_pid()
+ w.seek(0)
+ self.assertEqual(w.readline(), "1816\n")
+ self.assertTrue(w.close.called)
+ getpid.assert_called_with()
+ osopen.assert_called_with(p.path, platforms.PIDFILE_FLAGS,
+ platforms.PIDFILE_MODE)
+ fdopen.assert_called_with(13, "w")
+ fsync.assert_called_with(13)
+ open_.assert_called_with(p.path)
+ @patch("os.fsync")
+ @patch("os.getpid")
+ @patch("os.open")
+ @patch("os.fdopen")
+ @patch("__builtin__.open")
+ def test_write_reread_fails(self, open_, fdopen,
+ osopen, getpid, fsync):
+ getpid.return_value = 1816
+ osopen.return_value = 13
+ w = fdopen.return_value = WhateverIO()
+ w.close = Mock()
+ r = open_.return_value = WhateverIO()
+ r.write("11816\n")
+ r.seek(0)
+ p = PIDFile("/var/pid")
+ with self.assertRaises(LockFailed):
+ p.write_pid()
+ class test_setgroups(Case):
+ @patch("os.setgroups")
+ def test_setgroups_hack_ValueError(self, setgroups):
+ def on_setgroups(groups):
+ if len(groups) <= 200:
+ setgroups.return_value = True
+ return
+ raise ValueError()
+ setgroups.side_effect = on_setgroups
+ _setgroups_hack(range(400))
+ setgroups.side_effect = ValueError()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ _setgroups_hack(range(400))
+ @patch("os.setgroups")
+ def test_setgroups_hack_OSError(self, setgroups):
+ exc = OSError()
+ exc.errno = errno.EINVAL
+ def on_setgroups(groups):
+ if len(groups) <= 200:
+ setgroups.return_value = True
+ return
+ raise exc
+ setgroups.side_effect = on_setgroups
+ _setgroups_hack(range(400))
+ setgroups.side_effect = exc
+ with self.assertRaises(OSError):
+ _setgroups_hack(range(400))
+ exc2 = OSError()
+ exc.errno = errno.ESRCH
+ setgroups.side_effect = exc2
+ with self.assertRaises(OSError):
+ _setgroups_hack(range(400))
+ @patch("os.sysconf")
+ @patch("celery.platforms._setgroups_hack")
+ def test_setgroups(self, hack, sysconf):
+ sysconf.return_value = 100
+ setgroups(range(400))
+ hack.assert_called_with(range(100))
+ @patch("os.sysconf")
+ @patch("celery.platforms._setgroups_hack")
+ def test_setgroups_sysconf_raises(self, hack, sysconf):
+ sysconf.side_effect = ValueError()
+ setgroups(range(400))
+ hack.assert_called_with(range(400))
+ @patch("os.getgroups")
+ @patch("os.sysconf")
+ @patch("celery.platforms._setgroups_hack")
+ def test_setgroups_raises_ESRCH(self, hack, sysconf, getgroups):
+ sysconf.side_effect = ValueError()
+ esrch = OSError()
+ esrch.errno = errno.ESRCH
+ hack.side_effect = esrch
+ with self.assertRaises(OSError):
+ setgroups(range(400))
+ @patch("os.getgroups")
+ @patch("os.sysconf")
+ @patch("celery.platforms._setgroups_hack")
+ def test_setgroups_raises_EPERM(self, hack, sysconf, getgroups):
+ sysconf.side_effect = ValueError()
+ eperm = OSError()
+ eperm.errno = errno.EPERM
+ hack.side_effect = eperm
+ getgroups.return_value = range(400)
+ setgroups(range(400))
+ getgroups.assert_called_with()
+ getgroups.return_value = [1000]
+ with self.assertRaises(OSError):
+ setgroups(range(400))
+ getgroups.assert_called_with()