@@ -20,6 +20,15 @@
# Cannot use set -e/bash -e since the kill -0 command will abort
# abnormally in the absence of a valid process ID.
#set -e
+echo "celery init v${VERSION}."
+if [ "$EUID" != "0" ]; then
+ echo "Error: This program can only be used by the root user."
+ echo " Unpriviliged users must use 'celery beat --detach'"
+ exit 1
# May be a runlevel symlink (e.g. S02celeryd)
if [ -L "$0" ]; then
@@ -31,14 +40,65 @@ SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename "$SCRIPT_FILE")"
# /etc/init.d/celerybeat: start and stop the celery periodic task scheduler daemon.
+# Make sure executable configuration script is owned by root
+_config_sanity() {
+ local path="$1"
+ local owner=$(stat -Lr "$path" | awk '{print $5}')
+ local perm=$(stat -Lr "$path" | awk '{print $3}')
+ if [ "$owner" != "0" ]; then
+ echo "Error: Config script '$path' must be owned by root!"
+ echo
+ echo "Resolution:"
+ echo "Review the file carefully and make sure it has not been "
+ echo "modified with mailicious intent. When sure the "
+ echo "script is safe to execute with superuser privileges "
+ echo "you can change ownership of the script:"
+ echo " $ sudo chown root '$path'"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$(($perm & 02))" -ne 0 ]; then # S_IWOTH
+ echo "Error: Config script '$path' cannot be writable by others!"
+ echo
+ echo "Resolution:"
+ echo "Review the file carefully and make sure it has not been "
+ echo "modified with malicious intent. When sure the "
+ echo "script is safe to execute with superuser privileges "
+ echo "you can change the scripts permissions:"
+ echo " $ sudo chmod 640 '$path'"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$(($perm & 020))" -ne 0 ]; then # S_IWGRP
+ echo "Error: Config script '$path' cannot be writable by group!"
+ echo
+ echo "Resolution:"
+ echo "Review the file carefully and make sure it has not been "
+ echo "modified with malicious intent. When sure the "
+ echo "script is safe to execute with superuser privileges "
+ echo "you can change the scripts permissions:"
+ echo " $ sudo chmod 640 '$path'"
+ exit 1
+ fi
if test -f /etc/default/celeryd; then
+ scripts="/etc/default/celeryd"
+ _config_sanity /etc/default/celeryd
. /etc/default/celeryd
-if test -f /etc/default/${SCRIPT_NAME}; then
- . /etc/default/${SCRIPT_NAME}
+if test -f "$EXTRA_CONFIG"; then
+ scripts="$scripts, $EXTRA_CONFIG"
+ _config_sanity "$EXTRA_CONFIG"
+echo "Using configuration: $scripts"