@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+.. _whatsnew-2.5:
+ What's new in Celery 2.5
+:release-date: 2011-02-24 04:00 P.M GMT
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+.. _v250-important:
+Important Notes
+Broker connection pool now enabled by default
+The default limit is 10 connections, if you have many threads/green-threads
+using connections at the same time you may want to tweak this limit
+to avoid contention.
+See the :setting:`BROKER_POOL_LIMIT` setting for more information.
+Also note that publishing tasks will be retried by default, to change
+this default or the default retry policy see
+AMQP Result Backend: Exchange is no longer *auto delete*
+The exchange used for results used to have the *auto_delete* flag set,
+that could result in a race condition leading to an annoying warning.
+.. admonition:: For RabbitMQ users
+ Old exchanges created with the *auto_delete* flag enabled has
+ to be removed.
+ The :program:`camqadm` command can be used to delete the
+ previous exchange::
+ $ camqadm exchange.delete celeryresults
+ As an alternative to deleting the old exchange you can
+ configure a new name for the exchange::
+ CELERY_RESULT_EXCHANGE = "celeryresults2"
+ But you have to make sure that both clients and workers
+ use this new setting, so they are updated to use the same
+ exchange name.
+Solution for hanging workers (but must be manually enabled)
+The :setting:`CELERYD_FORCE_EXECV` setting has been added to solve
+a problem with deadlocks that originate when threads and fork is mixed
+.. code-block:: python
+This setting is recommended for all users using the processes pool,
+but especially users also using time limits and max tasks per child,
+or users experiencing workers that hang.
+- See `Python issue 6721` to read more about the details, and why
+ resorting to execv is the only safe solution.
+Enabling this option will result in a slight performance penalty
+when new child worker processes are started, and it will also increase
+memory usage (but many platforms are optimized, so the impact may be
+minimal). However, this should be worth it considering that it ensures
+reliability when replacing lost worker processes.
+- It is already the default behavior on Windows.
+- It will be the default behavior for all platforms in a future version.
+.. _`Python Issue 6721`: http://bugs.python.org/issue6721#msg140215
+.. _v250-optimizations:
+- The code path used when the worker executes a task has been heavily
+ optimized, meaning the worker is able to process a great deal
+ more tasks/s compared to previous versions. As an example the solo
+ pool can now process up to 15000 tasks/s on a 4 core MacBook Pro
+ when using the `pylibrabbitmq`_ transport, where it previously
+ could only do 5000 tasks/s.
+- The task error tracebacks are now much shorter.
+- Fixed a noticeable delay in task processing when rate limits are enabled.
+.. _`pylibrabbitmq`: http://pypi.python.org/pylibrabbitmq/
+.. _v250-news:
+Timezone support
+Celery can now be configured to treat all incoming and outgoing dates
+as UTC, and the local timezone can be configured.
+This is not yet enabled by default, since enabling
+time zone support means workers running versions pre 2.5
+will be out of sync with upgraded workers.
+To enable UTC you have to set :setting:`CELERY_ENABLE_UTC`::
+When UTC is enabled, dates and times in task messages will be
+converted to UTC, and then converted back to the local timezone
+when received by a worker.
+You can change the local timezone using the :setting:`CELERY_TIMEZONE`
+setting. Installing the :mod:`pytz` library is recommended when
+using a custom timezone, to keep timezone definition up-to-date,
+but it will fallback to a system definition of the timezone if available.
+UTC will enabled by default in version 3.0.
+.. note::
+ django-celery will use the local timezone as specified by the
+ ``TIME_ZONE`` setting, it will also honor the new `USE_TZ`_ setting
+ introuced in Django 1.4.
+.. _`USE_TZ`: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/i18n/timezones/
+New security serializer using cryptographic signing
+A new serializer has been added that signs and verifies the signature
+of messages.
+The name of the new serializer is ``auth``, and needs additional
+configuration to work (see :ref:`conf-security`).
+.. seealso::
+ :ref:`guide-security`
+New :setting:`CELERY_ANNOTATIONS` setting
+This new setting enables the configuration to modify task classes
+and their attributes.
+The setting can be a dict, or a list of annotation objects that filter
+for tasks and return a map of attributes to change.
+As an example, this is an annotation to change the ``rate_limit`` attribute
+for the ``tasks.add`` task:
+.. code-block:: python
+ CELERY_ANNOTATIONS = {"tasks.add": {"rate_limit": "10/s"}}
+or change the same for all tasks:
+.. code-block:: python
+ CELERY_ANNOTATIONS = {"*": {"rate_limit": "10/s"}}
+You can change methods too, for example the ``on_failure`` handler:
+.. code-block:: python
+ def my_on_failure(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
+ print("Oh no! Task failed: %r" % (exc, ))
+ CELERY_ANNOTATIONS = {"*": {"on_failure": my_on_failure}}
+If you need more flexibility then you can also create objects
+that filter for tasks to annotate:
+.. code-block:: python
+ class MyAnnotate(object):
+ def annotate(self, task):
+ if task.name.startswith("tasks."):
+ return {"rate_limit": "10/s"}
+ CELERY_ANNOTATIONS = (MyAnnotate(), {...})
+In Other News
+- Now depends on Kombu 2.1.0.
+- Efficient Chord support for the memcached backend (Issue #533)
+ This means memcached joins Redis in the ability to do non-polling
+ chord support.
+ Contributed by Dan McGee.
+- Adds Chord support for the AMQP backend
+ The AMQP backend can now use the fallback chord solution.
+- New "detailed" mode for the Cassandra backend.
+ Allows to have a "detailed" mode for the Cassandra backend.
+ Basically the idea is to keep all states using Cassandra wide columns.
+ New states are then appended to the row as new columns, the last state
+ being the last column.
+ See the :setting:`CASSANDRA_DETAILED_MODE` setting.
+ Contributed by Steeve Morin.
+- More information is now preserved in the pickleable traceback.
+ This has been added so that Sentry can show more details.
+ Contributed by Sean O'Connor.
+- CentOS init script has been updated and should be more flexible.
+ Contributed by Andrew McFague.
+- MongoDB result backend now supports ``forget()``.
+ Contributed by Andrew McFague
+- ``task.retry()`` now re-raises the original exception thus keeping
+ the original stack trace.
+ Suggested by ojii.
+- The `--uid` argument to daemons now uses ``initgroups()`` to set
+ groups to all the groups the user is a member of.
+ Contributed by Łukasz Oleś.
+- celeryctl: Added ``shell`` command.
+ The shell will have the current_app (``celery``) and all tasks
+ automatically added to locals.
+- celeryctl: Added ``migrate`` command.
+ The migrate command moves all tasks from one broker to another.
+ Note that this is experimental and you should have a backup
+ of the data before proceeding.
+ **Examples**::
+ $ celeryctl migrate redis://localhost amqp://localhost
+ $ celeryctl migrate amqp://localhost//v1 amqp://localhost//v2
+ $ python manage.py celeryctl migrate django:// redis://
+* Routers can now override the ``exchange`` and ``routing_key`` used
+ to create missing queues (Issue #577).
+ Previously this would always be named the same as the queue,
+ but you can now have a router return exchange and routing_key keys
+ to set the explicitly.
+ This is useful when using routing classes which decides a destination
+ at runtime.
+ Contributed by Akira Matsuzaki.
+- Redis result backend: Adds support for a ``max_connections`` parameter.
+ It is now possible to configure the maximum number of
+ simultaneous connections in the Redis connection pool used for
+ results.
+ The default max connections setting can be configured using the
+ :setting:`CELERY_REDIS_MAX_CONNECTIONS` setting,
+ or it can be changed individually by ``RedisBackend(max_connections=int)``.
+ Contributed by Steeve Morin.
+- Redis result backend: Adds the ability to wait for results without polling.
+ Contributed by Steeve Morin.
+- MongoDB result backend: Now supports save and restore taskset.
+ Contributed by Julien Poissonnier.
+- There's a new :ref:`guide-security` guide in the documentation.
+- The init scripts has been updated, and many bugs fixed.
+ Contributed by Chris Streeter.
+- User (tilde) is now expanded in command line arguments.
+- Can now configure CELERYCTL envvar in :file:`/etc/default/celeryd`.
+ While not necessary for operation, :program:`celeryctl` is used for the
+ ``celeryd status`` command, and the path to :program:`celeryctl` must be
+ configured for that to work.
+ The daemonization cookbook contains examples.
+ Contributed by Jude Nagurney.
+- The MongoDB result backend can now use Replica Sets.
+ Contributed by Ivan Metzlar.
+- gevent: Now supports autoscaling (Issue #599).
+ Contributed by Mark Lavin.
+- multiprocessing: Mediator thread is now always enabled,
+ even though rate limits are disabled, as the pool semaphore
+ is known to block the main thread, causing broadcast commands and
+ shutdown to depend on the semaphore being released.
+- Exceptions that are re-raised with a new exception object now keeps
+ the original stack trace.
+- Windows: Fixed the ``no handlers found for multiprocessing`` warning.
+- Windows: The ``celeryd`` program can now be used.
+ Previously Windows users had to launch celeryd using
+ ``python -m celery.bin.celeryd``.
+- Redis result backend: Now uses ``SETEX`` command to set result key,
+ and expiry atomically.
+ Suggested by yaniv-aknin.
+- celeryd: Fixed a problem where shutdown hanged when Ctrl+C was used to
+ terminate.
+- celeryd: No longer crashes when channel errors occur.
+ Fix contributed by Roger Hu.
+- Fixed memory leak in the eventlet pool, caused by the
+ use of ``greenlet.getcurrent``.
+ Fix contributed by Ignas Mikalajūnas.
+- Cassandra backend: No longer uses :func:`pycassa.connect` which is
+ deprecated since :mod:`pycassa` 1.4.
+ Fix contributed by Jeff Terrace.
+- Fixed unicode decode errors that could occur while sending error emails.
+ Fix contributed by Seong Wun Mun.
+- ``celery.bin`` programs now always defines ``__package__`` as recommended
+ by PEP-366.
+- ``send_task`` now emits a warning when used in combination with
+ :setting:`CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER` (Issue #581).
+ Contributed by Mher Movsisyan.
+- ``apply_async`` now forwards the original keyword arguments to ``apply``
+ when :setting:`CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER` is enabled.
+- celeryev now tries to re-establish the connection if the connection
+ to the broker is lost (Issue #574).
+- celeryev: Fixed a crash occurring if a task has no associated worker
+ information.
+ Fix contributed by Matt Williamson.
+- The current date and time is now consistently taken from the current loaders
+ ``now`` method.
+- Now shows helpful error message when given a config module ending in
+ ``.py`` that can't be imported.
+- celeryctl: The ``--expires`` and ``-eta`` arguments to the apply command
+ can now be an ISO-8601 formatted string.
+- celeryctl now exits with exit status ``EX_UNAVAILABLE`` (69) if no replies
+ have been received.