@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ Please use the CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE setting instead:
extract_exec_options = mattrgetter("queue", "routing_key",
"exchange", "immediate",
"mandatory", "priority",
- "serializer", "delivery_mode")
+ "serializer", "delivery_mode",
+ "compression")
_default_context = {"logfile": None,
"loglevel": None,
"id": None,
@@ -461,6 +462,12 @@ class BaseTask(object):
:mod:`carrot.serialization.registry`. Defaults to the tasks
:attr:`serializer` attribute.
+ :keyword compression: A string identifying the compression method
+ to use. Defaults to the :setting:`CELERY_MESSAGE_COMPRESSION`
+ setting. Can be one of ``zlib``, ``bzip2``, or any custom
+ compression methods registered with
+ :func:`kombu.compression.register`. **Only supported by Kombu.**
**Note**: If the ``CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER`` setting is set, it will
be replaced by a local :func:`apply` call instead.
@@ -470,6 +477,8 @@ class BaseTask(object):
if self.app.conf.CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER:
return self.apply(args, kwargs, task_id=task_id)
+ options.setdefault("compression",
options = dict(extract_exec_options(self), **options)
options = router.route(options, self.name, args, kwargs)
exchange = options.get("exchange")