@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ new in Celery 3.1.
:release-date: 2014-01-17 XX:XX X.X UTC
:release-by: Ask Solem
+- Now depends on :ref:`Kombu 3.0.10 <kombu:version-3.0.10>`.
- ``ResultSet.iterate`` is now pending deprecation.
The implementation is very inefficient and using
@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ new in Celery 3.1.
- Redis result backend: Will now retry storing the result in the event
of connection problems.
-- ``autodiscover_tasks``: Fixed bug when called multiple times (Issue #1797).
+- ``autodiscover_tasks()``: Fixed bug when called multiple times (Issue #1797).
- Generic init scripts: Now runs a check at startup to verify
that the configuration scripts are owned by root and that they
@@ -59,6 +61,12 @@ new in Celery 3.1.
source distribution:
+- The :program:`celery purge` command now warns the user that the operation
+ will delete all tasks and prompts for confirmation.
+ A new :option:`-f` has also been added that can be used to disable
+ the interactive mode.
- The documentation for ``Task.retry`` states that the value provided in
``exc`` argument will be raised if the call does not happen in an error
context, but that did not happen (Issue #1755).