@@ -47,6 +47,29 @@ Important Notes
if the database backend is used (does not apply to users of
+* If you get an error after upgrading saying:
+ ``AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'system'``,
+ Then this is because the ``celery.platform`` module has been
+ renamed to ``celery.platforms`` to not collide with the built-in
+ :mod:`platform` module.
+ You have to remove the old :file:`platform.py` (and maybe
+ :file:`platform.pyc`) file from your previous Celery installation.
+ To do this use :program:`python` to find the location
+ of this module::
+ $ python
+ >>> import celery.platform
+ >>> celery.platform
+ <module 'celery.platform' from '/opt/devel/celery/celery/platform.pyc'>
+ Here the compiled module is in :file:`/opt/devel/celery/celery/`,
+ to remove the offending files do::
+ $ rm -f /opt/devel/celery/celery/platform.py*
.. _v210-news:
@@ -1019,7 +1042,7 @@ News
- .. image:: http://celeryproject.org/img/celeryevshotsm.jpg
+ .. figure:: images/celeryevshotsm.jpg
If you run ``celeryev`` with the ``-d`` switch it will act as an event
dumper, simply dumping the events it receives to standard out::