@@ -144,17 +144,20 @@ space, see the :ref:`guide-optimizing` guide for more information.
Is Celery dependent on pickle?
-**Answer:** No.
+**Answer:** No, Celery can support any serialization scheme.
-Celery can support any serialization scheme and has built-in support for
-JSON, YAML, Pickle, and msgpack. Also, as every task is associated with a
-content type, you can even send one task using pickle, and another using JSON.
+We have built-in support for JSON, YAML, Pickle, and msgpack.
+Every task is associated with a content type, so you can even send one task using pickle,
+another using JSON.
-The default serialization format is pickle simply because it's
-convenient (it supports sending complex Python objects as task arguments).
+The default serialization support used to be pickle, but since 4.0 the default
+is now JSON. If you require sending complex Python objects as task arguments,
+you can use pickle as the serialization format, but see notes in
-If you need to communicate with other languages you should change
-to a serialization format that's suitable for that.
+If you need to communicate with other languages you should use
+a serialization format suited to that task, which pretty much means any
+serializer that's not pickle.
You can set a global default serializer, the default serializer for a
particular Task, or even what serializer to use when sending a single task
@@ -165,18 +168,16 @@ instance.
Is Celery for Django only?
-**Answer:** No.
-You can use Celery with any framework, web or otherwise.
+**Answer:** No, you can use Celery with any framework, web or otherwise.
.. _faq-is-celery-for-rabbitmq-only:
Do I have to use AMQP/RabbitMQ?
-**Answer**: No.
+**Answer**: No, although using RabbitMQ is recommended you can also
+use Redis, SQS, or Qpid.
-Although using RabbitMQ is recommended you can also use Redis, SQS or Qpid.
See :ref:`brokers` for more information.
Redis as a broker won't perform as well as
@@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ most systems), it usually contains a message describing the reason.
Does it work on FreeBSD?
-**Answer:** Depends
+**Answer:** Depends;
When using the RabbitMQ (AMQP) and Redis transports it should work
out of the box.
@@ -314,15 +315,25 @@ re-send that message to another consumer until the consumer is shut down
If you hit this problem you have to kill all workers manually and restart
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ pkill 'celery worker'
+ $ # - If you don't have pkill use:
+ $ # ps auxww | grep 'celery worker' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
- ps auxww | grep celeryd | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
+You may have to wait a while until all workers have finished executing
+tasks. If it's still hanging after a long time you can kill them by force
-You may have to wait a while until all workers have finished the work they're
-doing. If it's still hanging after a long time you can kill them by force
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ pkill -9 'celery worker'
- ps auxww | grep celeryd | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
+ $ # - If you don't have pkill use:
+ $ # ps auxww | grep 'celery worker' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
.. _faq-task-does-not-run:
@@ -334,6 +345,8 @@ Why won't my Task run?
You can find out if Celery is able to run the task by executing the
task manually:
+.. code-block:: python
>>> from myapp.tasks import MyPeriodicTask
>>> MyPeriodicTask.delay()
@@ -406,7 +419,9 @@ Results
How do I get the result of a task if I have the ID that points there?
-**Answer**: Use `task.AsyncResult`::
+**Answer**: Use `task.AsyncResult`:
+.. code-block:: pycon
>>> result = my_task.AsyncResult(task_id)
>>> result.get()
@@ -418,6 +433,8 @@ If you need to specify a custom result backend, or you want to use
the current application's default backend you can use
+.. code-block:: pycon
>>> result = app.AsyncResult(task_id)
>>> result.get()
@@ -429,9 +446,9 @@ Security
Isn't using `pickle` a security concern?
-**Answer**: Yes, indeed it's.
+**Answer**: Indeed, since Celery 4.0 the default serializer is now JSON
+to make sure people are choosing serializers consciously and aware of this concern.
-You're right to have a security concern, as this can indeed be a real issue.
It's essential that you protect against unauthorized
access to your broker, databases and other services transmitting pickled
@@ -531,8 +548,8 @@ If you don't use the results for a task, make sure you set the
Can I use Celery with ActiveMQ/STOMP?
-**Answer**: No. It used to be supported by Carrot,
-but isn't currently supported in Kombu.
+**Answer**: No. It used to be supported by :pypi:`Carrot` (our old messaging library)
+but isn't currently supported in :pypi:`Kombu` (our new messaging library).
.. _faq-non-amqp-missing-features:
@@ -601,19 +618,22 @@ queue for exchange, so that rejected messages is moved there.
Can I call a task by name?
-**Answer**: Yes. Use :meth:`@send_task`.
-You can also call a task by name from any language
-with an AMQP client.
+**Answer**: Yes, use :meth:`@send_task`.
+You can also call a task by name, from any language,
+using an AMQP client:
+.. code-block:: python
>>> app.send_task('tasks.add', args=[2, 2], kwargs={})
<AsyncResult: 373550e8-b9a0-4666-bc61-ace01fa4f91d>
.. _faq-get-current-task-id:
-How can I get the task id of the current task?
+Can I get the task id of the current task?
-**Answer**: The current id and more is available in the task request::
+**Answer**: Yes, the current id and more is available in the task request::
def mytask(self):
@@ -621,12 +641,36 @@ How can I get the task id of the current task?
For more information see :ref:`task-request-info`.
+If you don't have a reference to the task instance you can use
+:attr:`app.current_task <@current_task>`:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> app.current_task.request.id
+But note that this will be any task, be it one executed by the worker, or a
+task called directly by that task, or a task called eagerly.
+To get the current task being worked on specifically, use
+:attr:`app.current_worker_task <@current_worker_task>`:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> app.current_worker_task.request.id
+.. note::
+ Both :attr:`~@current_task`, and :attr:`~@current_worker_task` can be
+ :const:`None`.
.. _faq-custom-task-ids:
Can I specify a custom task_id?
-**Answer**: Yes. Use the `task_id` argument to :meth:`Task.apply_async`::
+**Answer**: Yes, use the `task_id` argument to :meth:`Task.apply_async`:
+.. code-block:: pycon
>>> task.apply_async(args, kwargs, task_id='…')
@@ -644,16 +688,17 @@ Can I use natural task ids?
**Answer**: Yes, but make sure it's unique, as the behavior
for two tasks existing with the same id is undefined.
-The world will probably not explode, but at the worst
-they can overwrite each others results.
+The world will probably not explode, but they can
+definitely overwrite each others results.
.. _faq-task-callbacks:
-How can I run a task once another task has finished?
+Can I run a task once another task has finished?
+**Answer**: Yes, you can safely launch a task inside a task.
-**Answer**: You can safely launch a task inside a task.
-Also, a common pattern is to add callbacks to tasks:
+A common pattern is to add callbacks to tasks:
.. code-block:: python
@@ -669,7 +714,9 @@ Also, a common pattern is to add callbacks to tasks:
def log_result(result):
logger.info("log_result got: %r", result)
+.. code-block:: pycon
>>> (add.s(2, 2) | log_result.s()).delay()
@@ -679,24 +726,32 @@ See :doc:`userguide/canvas` for more information.
Can I cancel the execution of a task?
-**Answer**: Yes. Use `result.revoke`::
+**Answer**: Yes, Use :meth:`result.revoke() <celery.result.AsyncResult.revoke>`:
+.. code-block:: pycon
>>> result = add.apply_async(args=[2, 2], countdown=120)
>>> result.revoke()
-or if you only have the task id::
+or if you only have the task id:
+.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from proj.celery import app
>>> app.control.revoke(task_id)
+The latter also support passing a list of task-ids as argument.
.. _faq-node-not-receiving-broadcast-commands:
Why aren't my remote control commands received by all workers?
**Answer**: To receive broadcast remote control commands, every worker node
-uses its host name to create a unique queue name to listen to,
-so if you have more than one worker with the same host name, the
+creates a unique queue name, based on the nodename of the worker.
+If you have more than one worker with the same host name, the
control commands will be received in round-robin between them.
To work around this you can explicitly set the nodename for every worker
@@ -708,15 +763,16 @@ using the :option:`-n <celery worker -n>` argument to
$ celery -A proj worker -n worker1@%h
$ celery -A proj worker -n worker2@%h
-where ``%h`` is automatically expanded into the current hostname.
+where ``%h`` expands into the current hostname.
.. _faq-task-routing:
Can I send some tasks to only some servers?
-**Answer:** Yes. You can route tasks to an arbitrary server using AMQP,
-and a worker can bind to as many queues as it wants.
+**Answer:** Yes, you can route tasks to one or more workers,
+using different message routing topologies, and a worker instance
+can bind to multiple queues.
See :doc:`userguide/routing` for more information.
@@ -725,8 +781,8 @@ See :doc:`userguide/routing` for more information.
Can I disable prefetching of tasks?
-**Answer**: The AMQP term "prefetch" is confusing, as it's only used
-to describe the task prefetching *limits*.
+**Answer**: Maybe! The AMQP term "prefetch" is confusing, as it's only used
+to describe the task prefetching *limit*. There's no actual prefetching involved.
Disabling the prefetch limits is possible, but that means the worker will
consume as many tasks as it can, as fast as possible.
@@ -740,7 +796,7 @@ that only reserves one task at a time is found here:
Can I change the interval of a periodic task at runtime?
-**Answer**: Yes. You can use the Django database scheduler, or you can
+**Answer**: Yes, you can use the Django database scheduler, or you can
create a new schedule subclass and override
@@ -748,7 +804,6 @@ create a new schedule subclass and override
from celery.schedules import schedule
class my_schedule(schedule):
def is_due(self, last_run_at):
@@ -759,15 +814,13 @@ create a new schedule subclass and override
Does Celery support task priorities?
-**Answer**: Yes.
-RabbitMQ supports priorities since version 3.5.0.
-Redis transport emulates support of priorities.
+**Answer**: Yes, RabbitMQ supports priorities since version 3.5.0,
+and the Redis transport emulates priority support.
You can also prioritize work by routing high priority tasks
-to different workers. In the real world this may actually work better
+to different workers. In the real world this usually works better
than per message priorities. You can use this in combination with rate
-limiting to achieve a responsive system.
+limiting, and per message priorities to achieve a responsive system.
.. _faq-acks_late-vs-retry:
@@ -819,7 +872,7 @@ is required.
Can I schedule tasks to execute at a specific time?
-.. module:: celery.task.base
+.. module:: celery.app.task
**Answer**: Yes. You can use the `eta` argument of :meth:`Task.apply_async`.
@@ -828,21 +881,24 @@ See also :ref:`guide-beat`.
.. _faq-safe-worker-shutdown:
-How can I safely shut down the worker?
+Can I safely shut down the worker?
+**Answer**: Yes, use the :sig:`TERM` signal.
-**Answer**: Use the :sig:`TERM` signal, and the worker will finish all currently
-executing jobs and shut down as soon as possible. No tasks should be lost.
+This will tell the worker to finish all currently
+executing jobs and shut down as soon as possible. No tasks should be lost
+even with experimental transports as long as the shutdown completes.
You should never stop :mod:`~celery.bin.worker` with the :sig:`KILL` signal
(``kill -9``), unless you've tried :sig:`TERM` a few times and waited a few
minutes to let it get a chance to shut down.
-Also make sure you kill the main worker process, not its child processes.
-You can direct a kill signal to a specific child process if you know the
-process is currently executing a task the worker shutdown is depending on,
-but this also means that a ``WorkerLostError`` state will be set for the
-task so the task won't run again.
+Also make sure you kill the main worker process only, not any of its child
+processes. You can direct a kill signal to a specific child process if
+you know the process is currently executing a task the worker shutdown
+is depending on, but this also means that a ``WorkerLostError`` state will
+be set for the task so the task won't run again.
Identifying the type of process is easier if you have installed the
:pypi:`setproctitle` module:
@@ -860,9 +916,9 @@ With this library installed you'll be able to see the type of process in
.. _faq-daemonizing:
-How do I run the worker in the background on [platform]?
-**Answer**: Please see :ref:`daemonizing`.
+Can I run the worker in the background on [platform]?
+**Answer**: Yes, please see :ref:`daemonizing`.
.. _faq-django:
@@ -909,3 +965,5 @@ Does Celery support Windows?
**Answer**: No.
Since Celery 4.x, Windows is no longer supported due to lack of resources.
+But it may still work and we are happy to accept patches.