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Stole LocalProxy from Werkzeug, and added celery.current_app (always points to the current app)

Ask Solem 14 years ago
4 changed files with 123 additions and 4 deletions
  1. 3 3
  2. 1 1
  3. 116 0
  4. 3 0

+ 3 - 3

@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ def CompatCelery(*args, **kwargs):
     return Celery(loader=os.environ.get("CELERY_LOADER", "default"))
-def current_app():
-    from import current_app
-    return current_app()
+if not os.environ.get("CELERY_NO_EVAL", False):
+    from celery.utils import LocalProxy, instantiate
+    current_app = LocalProxy(lambda: instantiate(""))

+ 1 - 1

@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class App(base.BaseApp):
         """Create new :class:`~celery.task.sets.TaskSet`."""
         from celery.task.sets import TaskSet
         kwargs["app"] = self
-        return TaskSet(*args, app=self, **kwargs)
+        return TaskSet(*args, **kwargs)
     def worker_main(self, argv=None):
         """Run :program:`celeryd` using `argv`.  Uses :data:`sys.argv`

+ 116 - 0

@@ -438,3 +438,119 @@ def cry():
         pprint(frame.f_locals, stream=out)
     return out.getvalue()
+class LocalProxy(object):
+    """Code stolen from werkzeug.local.LocalProxy."""
+    __slots__ = ('__local', '__dict__', '__name__')
+    def __init__(self, local, name=None):
+        object.__setattr__(self, '_LocalProxy__local', local)
+        object.__setattr__(self, '__name__', name)
+    def _get_current_object(self):
+        """Return the current object.  This is useful if you want the real
+        object behind the proxy at a time for performance reasons or because
+        you want to pass the object into a different context.
+        """
+        if not hasattr(self.__local, '__release_local__'):
+            return self.__local()
+        try:
+            return getattr(self.__local, self.__name__)
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise RuntimeError('no object bound to %s' % self.__name__)
+    @property
+    def __dict__(self):
+        try:
+            return self._get_current_object().__dict__
+        except RuntimeError:
+            raise AttributeError('__dict__')
+    def __repr__(self):
+        try:
+            obj = self._get_current_object()
+        except RuntimeError:
+            return '<%s unbound>' % self.__class__.__name__
+        return repr(obj)
+    def __nonzero__(self):
+        try:
+            return bool(self._get_current_object())
+        except RuntimeError:
+            return False
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        try:
+            return unicode(self._get_current_object())
+        except RuntimeError:
+            return repr(self)
+    def __dir__(self):
+        try:
+            return dir(self._get_current_object())
+        except RuntimeError:
+            return []
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        if name == '__members__':
+            return dir(self._get_current_object())
+        return getattr(self._get_current_object(), name)
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        self._get_current_object()[key] = value
+    def __delitem__(self, key):
+        del self._get_current_object()[key]
+    def __setslice__(self, i, j, seq):
+        self._get_current_object()[i:j] = seq
+    def __delslice__(self, i, j):
+        del self._get_current_object()[i:j]
+    __setattr__ = lambda x, n, v: setattr(x._get_current_object(), n, v)
+    __delattr__ = lambda x, n: delattr(x._get_current_object(), n)
+    __str__ = lambda x: str(x._get_current_object())
+    __lt__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() < o
+    __le__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() <= o
+    __eq__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() == o
+    __ne__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() != o
+    __gt__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() > o
+    __ge__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() >= o
+    __cmp__ = lambda x, o: cmp(x._get_current_object(), o)
+    __hash__ = lambda x: hash(x._get_current_object())
+    __call__ = lambda x, *a, **kw: x._get_current_object()(*a, **kw)
+    __len__ = lambda x: len(x._get_current_object())
+    __getitem__ = lambda x, i: x._get_current_object()[i]
+    __iter__ = lambda x: iter(x._get_current_object())
+    __contains__ = lambda x, i: i in x._get_current_object()
+    __getslice__ = lambda x, i, j: x._get_current_object()[i:j]
+    __add__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() + o
+    __sub__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() - o
+    __mul__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() * o
+    __floordiv__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() // o
+    __mod__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() % o
+    __divmod__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object().__divmod__(o)
+    __pow__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() ** o
+    __lshift__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() << o
+    __rshift__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() >> o
+    __and__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() & o
+    __xor__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() ^ o
+    __or__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() | o
+    __div__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object().__div__(o)
+    __truediv__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object().__truediv__(o)
+    __neg__ = lambda x: -(x._get_current_object())
+    __pos__ = lambda x: +(x._get_current_object())
+    __abs__ = lambda x: abs(x._get_current_object())
+    __invert__ = lambda x: ~(x._get_current_object())
+    __complex__ = lambda x: complex(x._get_current_object())
+    __int__ = lambda x: int(x._get_current_object())
+    __long__ = lambda x: long(x._get_current_object())
+    __float__ = lambda x: float(x._get_current_object())
+    __oct__ = lambda x: oct(x._get_current_object())
+    __hex__ = lambda x: hex(x._get_current_object())
+    __index__ = lambda x: x._get_current_object().__index__()
+    __coerce__ = lambda x, o: x.__coerce__(x, o)
+    __enter__ = lambda x: x.__enter__()
+    __exit__ = lambda x, *a, **kw: x.__exit__(*a, **kw)

+ 3 - 0

@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ except ImportError:
     from setuptools.command.test import test
     from setuptools.command.install import install
+os.environ["CELERY_NO_EVAL"] = "yes"
 import celery as distmeta
+os.environ.pop("CELERY_NO_EVAL", None)
+sys.modules.pop("celery", None)
 def with_dist_not_in_path(fun):