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Deprecated: AMQP Backend Removal: 5.0

Ask Solem 8 years ago

+ 12 - 241

@@ -10,25 +10,11 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
 from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
-from kombu import Exchange, Queue, Producer, Consumer
-from kombu.utils import register_after_fork
+from .rpc import BaseRPCBackend
-from celery import states
-from celery.five import items, range
-from celery.utils.functional import dictfilter
-from celery.utils.log import get_logger
-from celery.utils.timeutils import maybe_s_to_ms
+from celery.utils import warn_deprecated
-from . import base
-from .async import AsyncBackendMixin, BaseResultConsumer
-__all__ = ['BacklogLimitExceeded', 'AMQPBackend']
-logger = get_logger(__name__)
-class BacklogLimitExceeded(Exception):
-    """Too much state history to fast-forward."""
+__all__ = ['AMQPBackend']
 def repair_uuid(s):
 def repair_uuid(s):
@@ -38,111 +24,14 @@ def repair_uuid(s):
     return '%s-%s-%s-%s-%s' % (s[:8], s[8:12], s[12:16], s[16:20], s[20:])
     return '%s-%s-%s-%s-%s' % (s[:8], s[8:12], s[12:16], s[16:20], s[20:])
-def _on_after_fork_cleanup_backend(backend):
-    backend._after_fork()
-class NoCacheQueue(Queue):
-    can_cache_declaration = False
-class ResultConsumer(BaseResultConsumer):
-    Consumer = Consumer
-    _connection = None
-    _consumer = None
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(ResultConsumer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self._create_binding = self.backend._create_binding
-    def start(self, initial_task_id, no_ack=True):
-        self._connection =
-        initial_queue = self._create_binding(initial_task_id)
-        self._consumer = self.Consumer(
-            self._connection.default_channel, [initial_queue],
-            callbacks=[self.on_state_change], no_ack=no_ack,
-            accept=self.accept)
-        self._consumer.consume()
-    def drain_events(self, timeout=None):
-        return self._connection.drain_events(timeout=timeout)
-    def stop(self):
-        try:
-            self._consumer.cancel()
-        finally:
-            self._connection.close()
-    def on_after_fork(self):
-        self._consumer = None
-        if self._connection is not None:
-            self._connection.collect()
-            self._connection = None
-    def consume_from(self, task_id):
-        if self._consumer is None:
-            return self.start(task_id)
-        queue = self._create_binding(task_id)
-        if not self._consumer.consuming_from(queue):
-            self._consumer.add_queue(queue)
-            self._consumer.consume()
-    def cancel_for(self, task_id):
-        if self._consumer:
-            self._consumer.cancel_by_queue(self._create_binding(task_id).name)
-class AMQPBackend(base.Backend, AsyncBackendMixin):
+class AMQPBackend(BaseRPCBackend):
     """Publishes results by sending messages."""
     """Publishes results by sending messages."""
-    Exchange = Exchange
-    Queue = NoCacheQueue
-    Consumer = Consumer
-    Producer = Producer
-    ResultConsumer = ResultConsumer
-    BacklogLimitExceeded = BacklogLimitExceeded
-    persistent = True
-    supports_autoexpire = True
-    supports_native_join = True
-    retry_policy = {
-        'max_retries': 20,
-        'interval_start': 0,
-        'interval_step': 1,
-        'interval_max': 1,
-    }
-    def __init__(self, app, connection=None, exchange=None, exchange_type=None,
-                 persistent=None, serializer=None, auto_delete=True, **kwargs):
-        super(AMQPBackend, self).__init__(app, **kwargs)
-        conf =
-        self._connection = connection
-        self._out_of_band = {}
-        self.persistent = self.prepare_persistent(persistent)
-        self.delivery_mode = 2 if self.persistent else 1
-        exchange = exchange or conf.result_exchange
-        exchange_type = exchange_type or conf.result_exchange_type
- = self._create_exchange(
-            exchange, exchange_type, self.delivery_mode,
-        )
-        self.serializer = serializer or conf.result_serializer
-        self.auto_delete = auto_delete
-        self.queue_arguments = dictfilter({
-            'x-expires': maybe_s_to_ms(self.expires),
-        })
-        self.result_consumer = self.ResultConsumer(
-            self,, self.accept,
-            self._pending_results, self._pending_messages,
-        )
-        if register_after_fork is not None:
-            register_after_fork(self, _on_after_fork_cleanup_backend)
-    def _after_fork(self):
-        self._pending_results.clear()
-        self.result_consumer._after_fork()
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        warn_deprecated(
+            'The AMQP backend', deprecation='4.0', removal='5.0',
+            alternative='Please use RPC backend or a persistent backend.')
+        super(AMQPBackend, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     def _create_exchange(self, name, type='direct', delivery_mode=2):
     def _create_exchange(self, name, type='direct', delivery_mode=2):
         return self.Exchange(name=name,
         return self.Exchange(name=name,
@@ -160,7 +49,7 @@ class AMQPBackend(base.Backend, AsyncBackendMixin):
-    def revive(self, channel):
+    def on_task_call(self, producer, task_id):
     def rkey(self, task_id):
     def rkey(self, task_id):
@@ -171,129 +60,11 @@ class AMQPBackend(base.Backend, AsyncBackendMixin):
             return self.rkey(task_id), request.correlation_id or task_id
             return self.rkey(task_id), request.correlation_id or task_id
         return self.rkey(task_id), task_id
         return self.rkey(task_id), task_id
-    def store_result(self, task_id, result, state,
-                     traceback=None, request=None, **kwargs):
-        """Send task return value and state."""
-        routing_key, correlation_id = self.destination_for(task_id, request)
-        if not routing_key:
-            return
-        with as producer:
-            producer.publish(
-                {'task_id': task_id, 'status': state,
-                 'result': self.encode_result(result, state),
-                 'traceback': traceback,
-                 'children': self.current_task_children(request)},
-      ,
-                routing_key=routing_key,
-                correlation_id=correlation_id,
-                serializer=self.serializer,
-                retry=True, retry_policy=self.retry_policy,
-                declare=self.on_reply_declare(task_id),
-                delivery_mode=self.delivery_mode,
-            )
-        return result
     def on_reply_declare(self, task_id):
     def on_reply_declare(self, task_id):
         return [self._create_binding(task_id)]
         return [self._create_binding(task_id)]
-    def on_out_of_band_result(self, task_id, message):
-        if self.result_consumer:
-            self.result_consumer.on_out_of_band_result(message)
-        self._out_of_band[task_id] = message
-    def get_task_meta(self, task_id, backlog_limit=1000):
-        buffered = self._out_of_band.pop(task_id, None)
-        if buffered:
-            return self._set_cache_by_message(task_id, buffered)
-        # Polling and using basic_get
-        latest_by_id = {}
-        prev = None
-        for acc in self._slurp_from_queue(task_id, self.accept, backlog_limit):
-            tid = self._get_message_task_id(acc)
-            prev, latest_by_id[tid] = latest_by_id.get(tid), acc
-            if prev:
-                # backends are not expected to keep history,
-                # so we delete everything except the most recent state.
-                prev.ack()
-                prev = None
-        latest = latest_by_id.pop(task_id, None)
-        for tid, msg in items(latest_by_id):
-            self.on_out_of_band_result(tid, msg)
-        if latest:
-            latest.requeue()
-            return self._set_cache_by_message(task_id, latest)
-        else:
-            # no new state, use previous
-            try:
-                return self._cache[task_id]
-            except KeyError:
-                # result probably pending.
-                return {'status': states.PENDING, 'result': None}
-    poll = get_task_meta  # XXX compat
-    def _set_cache_by_message(self, task_id, message):
-        payload = self._cache[task_id] = self.meta_from_decoded(
-            message.payload)
-        return payload
-    def _slurp_from_queue(self, task_id, accept,
-                          limit=1000, no_ack=False):
-        with as (_, channel):
-            binding = self._create_binding(task_id)(channel)
-            binding.declare()
-            for i in range(limit):
-                msg = binding.get(accept=accept, no_ack=no_ack)
-                if not msg:
-                    break
-                yield msg
-            else:
-                raise self.BacklogLimitExceeded(task_id)
-    def _get_message_task_id(self, message):
-        try:
-            # try property first so we don't have to deserialize
-            # the payload.
-            return['correlation_id']
-        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
-            # message sent by old Celery version, need to deserialize.
-            return message.payload['task_id']
-    def reload_task_result(self, task_id):
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'reload_task_result is not supported by this backend.')
-    def reload_group_result(self, task_id):
-        """Reload group result, even if it has been previously fetched."""
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'reload_group_result is not supported by this backend.')
-    def save_group(self, group_id, result):
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'save_group is not supported by this backend.')
-    def restore_group(self, group_id, cache=True):
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'restore_group is not supported by this backend.')
-    def delete_group(self, group_id):
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'delete_group is not supported by this backend.')
+    def on_result_fulfilled(self, result):
+        self.result_consumer.cancel_for(
     def as_uri(self, include_password=True):
     def as_uri(self, include_password=True):
         return 'amqp://'
         return 'amqp://'
-    def __reduce__(self, args=(), kwargs={}):
-        kwargs.update(
-            connection=self._connection,
-  ,
-  ,
-            persistent=self.persistent,
-            serializer=self.serializer,
-            auto_delete=self.auto_delete,
-            expires=self.expires,
-        )
-        return super(AMQPBackend, self).__reduce__(args, kwargs)

+ 248 - 11

@@ -8,18 +8,258 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
 from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
-from kombu import Consumer, Exchange
+from kombu import Consumer, Exchange, Producer, Queue
 from kombu.common import maybe_declare
 from kombu.common import maybe_declare
-from kombu.utils import cached_property
+from kombu.utils import cached_property, register_after_fork
 from celery import current_task
 from celery import current_task
+from celery import states
 from celery._state import task_join_will_block
 from celery._state import task_join_will_block
-from celery.backends import amqp
+from celery.five import items, range
+from celery.utils.functional import dictfilter
+from celery.utils.timeutils import maybe_s_to_ms
-__all__ = ['RPCBackend']
+from . import base
+from .async import AsyncBackendMixin, BaseResultConsumer
+__all__ = ['BacklogLimitExceeded', 'BaseRPCBackend', 'RPCBackend']
-class RPCBackend(amqp.AMQPBackend):
+class BacklogLimitExceeded(Exception):
+    """Too much state history to fast-forward."""
+class NoCacheQueue(Queue):
+    can_cache_declaration = False
+def _on_after_fork_cleanup_backend(backend):
+    backend._after_fork()
+class ResultConsumer(BaseResultConsumer):
+    Consumer = Consumer
+    _connection = None
+    _consumer = None
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(ResultConsumer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self._create_binding = self.backend._create_binding
+    def start(self, initial_task_id, no_ack=True):
+        self._connection =
+        initial_queue = self._create_binding(initial_task_id)
+        self._consumer = self.Consumer(
+            self._connection.default_channel, [initial_queue],
+            callbacks=[self.on_state_change], no_ack=no_ack,
+            accept=self.accept)
+        self._consumer.consume()
+    def drain_events(self, timeout=None):
+        return self._connection.drain_events(timeout=timeout)
+    def stop(self):
+        try:
+            self._consumer.cancel()
+        finally:
+            self._connection.close()
+    def on_after_fork(self):
+        self._consumer = None
+        if self._connection is not None:
+            self._connection.collect()
+            self._connection = None
+    def consume_from(self, task_id):
+        if self._consumer is None:
+            return self.start(task_id)
+        queue = self._create_binding(task_id)
+        if not self._consumer.consuming_from(queue):
+            self._consumer.add_queue(queue)
+            self._consumer.consume()
+    def cancel_for(self, task_id):
+        if self._consumer:
+            self._consumer.cancel_by_queue(self._create_binding(task_id).name)
+class BaseRPCBackend(base.Backend, AsyncBackendMixin):
+    Exchange = Exchange
+    Queue = NoCacheQueue
+    Consumer = Consumer
+    Producer = Producer
+    ResultConsumer = ResultConsumer
+    BacklogLimitExceeded = BacklogLimitExceeded
+    persistent = True
+    supports_autoexpire = True
+    supports_native_join = True
+    retry_policy = {
+        'max_retries': 20,
+        'interval_start': 0,
+        'interval_step': 1,
+        'interval_max': 1,
+    }
+    def __init__(self, app, connection=None, exchange=None, exchange_type=None,
+                 persistent=None, serializer=None, auto_delete=True, **kwargs):
+        super(BaseRPCBackend, self).__init__(app, **kwargs)
+        conf =
+        self._connection = connection
+        self._out_of_band = {}
+        self.persistent = self.prepare_persistent(persistent)
+        self.delivery_mode = 2 if self.persistent else 1
+        exchange = exchange or conf.result_exchange
+        exchange_type = exchange_type or conf.result_exchange_type
+ = self._create_exchange(
+            exchange, exchange_type, self.delivery_mode,
+        )
+        self.serializer = serializer or conf.result_serializer
+        self.auto_delete = auto_delete
+        self.queue_arguments = dictfilter({
+            'x-expires': maybe_s_to_ms(self.expires),
+        })
+        self.result_consumer = self.ResultConsumer(
+            self,, self.accept,
+            self._pending_results, self._pending_messages,
+        )
+        if register_after_fork is not None:
+            register_after_fork(self, _on_after_fork_cleanup_backend)
+    def _after_fork(self):
+        self._pending_results.clear()
+        self.result_consumer._after_fork()
+    def store_result(self, task_id, result, state,
+                     traceback=None, request=None, **kwargs):
+        """Send task return value and state."""
+        routing_key, correlation_id = self.destination_for(task_id, request)
+        if not routing_key:
+            return
+        with as producer:
+            producer.publish(
+                {'task_id': task_id, 'status': state,
+                 'result': self.encode_result(result, state),
+                 'traceback': traceback,
+                 'children': self.current_task_children(request)},
+      ,
+                routing_key=routing_key,
+                correlation_id=correlation_id,
+                serializer=self.serializer,
+                retry=True, retry_policy=self.retry_policy,
+                declare=self.on_reply_declare(task_id),
+                delivery_mode=self.delivery_mode,
+            )
+        return result
+    def on_out_of_band_result(self, task_id, message):
+        if self.result_consumer:
+            self.result_consumer.on_out_of_band_result(message)
+        self._out_of_band[task_id] = message
+    def get_task_meta(self, task_id, backlog_limit=1000):
+        buffered = self._out_of_band.pop(task_id, None)
+        if buffered:
+            return self._set_cache_by_message(task_id, buffered)
+        # Polling and using basic_get
+        latest_by_id = {}
+        prev = None
+        for acc in self._slurp_from_queue(task_id, self.accept, backlog_limit):
+            tid = self._get_message_task_id(acc)
+            prev, latest_by_id[tid] = latest_by_id.get(tid), acc
+            if prev:
+                # backends are not expected to keep history,
+                # so we delete everything except the most recent state.
+                prev.ack()
+                prev = None
+        latest = latest_by_id.pop(task_id, None)
+        for tid, msg in items(latest_by_id):
+            self.on_out_of_band_result(tid, msg)
+        if latest:
+            latest.requeue()
+            return self._set_cache_by_message(task_id, latest)
+        else:
+            # no new state, use previous
+            try:
+                return self._cache[task_id]
+            except KeyError:
+                # result probably pending.
+                return {'status': states.PENDING, 'result': None}
+    poll = get_task_meta  # XXX compat
+    def _set_cache_by_message(self, task_id, message):
+        payload = self._cache[task_id] = self.meta_from_decoded(
+            message.payload)
+        return payload
+    def _slurp_from_queue(self, task_id, accept,
+                          limit=1000, no_ack=False):
+        with as (_, channel):
+            binding = self._create_binding(task_id)(channel)
+            binding.declare()
+            for i in range(limit):
+                msg = binding.get(accept=accept, no_ack=no_ack)
+                if not msg:
+                    break
+                yield msg
+            else:
+                raise self.BacklogLimitExceeded(task_id)
+    def _get_message_task_id(self, message):
+        try:
+            # try property first so we don't have to deserialize
+            # the payload.
+            return['correlation_id']
+        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+            # message sent by old Celery version, need to deserialize.
+            return message.payload['task_id']
+    def revive(self, channel):
+        pass
+    def reload_task_result(self, task_id):
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'reload_task_result is not supported by this backend.')
+    def reload_group_result(self, task_id):
+        """Reload group result, even if it has been previously fetched."""
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'reload_group_result is not supported by this backend.')
+    def save_group(self, group_id, result):
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'save_group is not supported by this backend.')
+    def restore_group(self, group_id, cache=True):
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'restore_group is not supported by this backend.')
+    def delete_group(self, group_id):
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'delete_group is not supported by this backend.')
+    def __reduce__(self, args=(), kwargs={}):
+        kwargs.update(
+            connection=self._connection,
+  ,
+  ,
+            persistent=self.persistent,
+            serializer=self.serializer,
+            auto_delete=self.auto_delete,
+            expires=self.expires,
+        )
+        return super(BaseRPCBackend, self).__reduce__(args, kwargs)
+class RPCBackend(BaseRPCBackend):
     persistent = False
     persistent = False
     class Consumer(Consumer):
     class Consumer(Consumer):
@@ -29,15 +269,12 @@ class RPCBackend(amqp.AMQPBackend):
         # uses direct to queue routing (anon exchange).
         # uses direct to queue routing (anon exchange).
         return Exchange(None)
         return Exchange(None)
-    def on_task_call(self, producer, task_id):
-        if not task_join_will_block():
-            maybe_declare(self.binding(, retry=True)
     def _create_binding(self, task_id):
     def _create_binding(self, task_id):
         return self.binding
         return self.binding
-    def _many_bindings(self, ids):
-        return [self.binding]
+    def on_task_call(self, producer, task_id):
+        if not task_join_will_block():
+            maybe_declare(self.binding(, retry=True)
     def rkey(self, task_id):
     def rkey(self, task_id):
         return task_id
         return task_id

+ 1 - 1

@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class AsyncResult(ResultBase):
         :keyword propagate: Re-raise exception if the task failed.
         :keyword propagate: Re-raise exception if the task failed.
         :keyword interval: Time to wait (in seconds) before retrying to
         :keyword interval: Time to wait (in seconds) before retrying to
            retrieve the result.  Note that this does not have any effect
            retrieve the result.  Note that this does not have any effect
-           when using the amqp result store backend, as it does not
+           when using the RPC/redis result store backends, as they do not
            use polling.
            use polling.
         :keyword no_ack: Enable amqp no ack (automatically acknowledge
         :keyword no_ack: Enable amqp no ack (automatically acknowledge
             message).  If this is :const:`False` then the message will
             message).  If this is :const:`False` then the message will

+ 0 - 6

@@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ class test_RPCBackend(AppCase):
-    def test_many_bindings(self):
-        self.assertListEqual(
-            self.b._many_bindings(['a', 'b']),
-            [self.b.binding],
-        )
     def test_create_binding(self):
     def test_create_binding(self):
         self.assertEqual(self.b._create_binding('id'), self.b.binding)
         self.assertEqual(self.b._create_binding('id'), self.b.binding)

+ 17 - 56

@@ -532,10 +532,6 @@ Can be one of the following:
     Use a shared directory to store the results.
     Use a shared directory to store the results.
     See :ref:`conf-filesystem-result-backend`.
     See :ref:`conf-filesystem-result-backend`.
-* ``amqp``
-    Older AMQP backend (badly) emulating a database-based backend.
-    See :ref:`conf-amqp-result-backend`.
 * ``consul``
 * ``consul``
     Use the `Consul`_ K/V store to store the results
     Use the `Consul`_ K/V store to store the results
     See :ref:`conf-consul-result-backend`.
     See :ref:`conf-consul-result-backend`.
@@ -604,8 +600,8 @@ Default is to expire after 1 day.
-Enables client caching of results, which can be useful for the old 'amqp'
-backend where the result is unavailable as soon as one result instance
+Enables client caching of results, which can be useful for the old deprecated
+'amqp' backend where the result is unavailable as soon as one result instance
 consumes it.
 consumes it.
 This is the total number of results to cache before older results are evicted.
 This is the total number of results to cache before older results are evicted.
@@ -709,6 +705,21 @@ you to customize the table names:
 RPC backend settings
 RPC backend settings
+.. setting:: result_exchange
+Name of the exchange to publish results in.  Default is `celeryresults`.
+.. setting:: result_exchange_type
+The exchange type of the result exchange.  Default is to use a `direct`
 .. setting:: result_persistent
 .. setting:: result_persistent
@@ -1166,56 +1177,6 @@ The URL is formed out of the following parts:
     The default container the CouchDB server is writing to.
     The default container the CouchDB server is writing to.
     Defaults to ``default``.
     Defaults to ``default``.
-.. _conf-amqp-result-backend:
-AMQP backend settings
-.. admonition:: Do not use in production.
-    This is the old AMQP result backend that creates one queue per task,
-    if you want to send results back as message please consider using the
-    RPC backend instead, or if you need the results to be persistent
-    use a result backend designed for that purpose (e.g. Redis, or a database).
-.. note::
-    The AMQP backend requires RabbitMQ 1.1.0 or higher to automatically
-    expire results.  If you are running an older version of RabbitMQ
-    you should disable result expiration like this:
-        result_expires = None
-.. setting:: result_exchange
-Name of the exchange to publish results in.  Default is `celeryresults`.
-.. setting:: result_exchange_type
-The exchange type of the result exchange.  Default is to use a `direct`
-If set to :const:`True`, result messages will be persistent.  This means the
-messages will not be lost after a broker restart.  The default is for the
-results to be transient.
-Example configuration
-.. code-block:: python
-    result_backend = 'amqp'
-    result_expires = 18000  # 5 hours.
 .. _conf-filesystem-result-backend:
 .. _conf-filesystem-result-backend:
 File-system backend settings
 File-system backend settings

+ 4 - 0

@@ -501,6 +501,10 @@ When running with the AMQP result backend, every task result will be sent
 as a message. If you don't collect these results, they will build up and
 as a message. If you don't collect these results, they will build up and
 RabbitMQ will eventually run out of memory.
 RabbitMQ will eventually run out of memory.
+This result backend is now deprecated so you should not be using it.
+Use either the RPC backend for rpc-style calls, or a persistent backend
+if you need multi-consumer access to results.
 Results expire after 1 day by default.  It may be a good idea
 Results expire after 1 day by default.  It may be a good idea
 to lower this value by configuring the :setting:`result_expires`
 to lower this value by configuring the :setting:`result_expires`

+ 2 - 1

@@ -203,7 +203,8 @@ Keeping Results
 If you want to keep track of the tasks' states, Celery needs to store or send
 If you want to keep track of the tasks' states, Celery needs to store or send
 the states somewhere.  There are several
 the states somewhere.  There are several
 built-in result backends to choose from: `SQLAlchemy`_/`Django`_ ORM,
 built-in result backends to choose from: `SQLAlchemy`_/`Django`_ ORM,
-`Memcached`_, `Redis`_, AMQP (`RabbitMQ`_), and -- or you can define your own.
+`Memcached`_, `Redis`_, :ref:`RPC <conf-rpc-result-backend>` (`RabbitMQ`_/AMQP),
+and -- or you can define your own.
 .. _`Memcached`:
 .. _`Memcached`:
 .. _`MongoDB`:
 .. _`MongoDB`:

+ 2 - 2

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ you simply import this instance.
 - The ``backend`` argument specifies the result backend to use,
 - The ``backend`` argument specifies the result backend to use,
     It's used to keep track of task state and results.
     It's used to keep track of task state and results.
-    While results are disabled by default I use the amqp result backend here
+    While results are disabled by default I use the RPC result backend here
     because I demonstrate how retrieving results work later, you may want to use
     because I demonstrate how retrieving results work later, you may want to use
     a different backend for your application. They all have different
     a different backend for your application. They all have different
     strengths and weaknesses.  If you don't need results it's better
     strengths and weaknesses.  If you don't need results it's better
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ exception, in fact ``result.get()`` will propagate any errors by default:
     File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
     File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
     File "/opt/devel/celery/celery/", line 113, in get
     File "/opt/devel/celery/celery/", line 113, in get
-    File "/opt/devel/celery/celery/backends/", line 138, in wait_for
+    File "/opt/devel/celery/celery/backends/", line 138, in wait_for
         raise meta['result']
         raise meta['result']
     TypeError: add() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
     TypeError: add() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ A queue named `"video"` will be created with the following settings:
      'exchange_type': 'direct',
      'exchange_type': 'direct',
      'routing_key': 'video'}
      'routing_key': 'video'}
-The non-AMQP backends like `SQS` do not support exchanges,
+The non-AMQP transports like `SQS` do not support exchanges,
 so they require the exchange to have the same name as the queue. Using this
 so they require the exchange to have the same name as the queue. Using this
 design ensures it will work for them as well.
 design ensures it will work for them as well.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ In Other News
     Contributed by Samuel Jaillet.
     Contributed by Samuel Jaillet.
-- **Result Backends**: Fix problem with RPC/AMQP backends where exception
+- **Result Backends**: Fix problem with RPC backend where exception
     was not deserialized properly with the json serializer (Issue #2518).
     was not deserialized properly with the json serializer (Issue #2518).
     Fix contributed by Allard Hoeve.
     Fix contributed by Allard Hoeve.