@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import os
+import pprint
+import re
+import sys
+from collections import defaultdict
+from itertools import starmap
+from unipath import Path
+RE_COMMENT = r'^\s*\#'
+RE_NOQA = r'.+?\#\s+noqa+'
+RE_MULTILINE_COMMENT_O = r'^\s*(?:\'\'\'|""").+?(?:\'\'\'|""")'
+RE_MULTILINE_COMMENT_S = r'^\s*(?:\'\'\'|""")'
+RE_MULTILINE_COMMENT_E = r'(?:^|.+?)(?:\'\'\'|""")'
+RE_WITH = r'(?:^|\s+)with\s+'
+RE_WITH_IMPORT = r'''from\s+ __future__\s+ import\s+ with_statement'''
+RE_PRINT = r'''(?:^|\s+)print\((?:"|')\W+?[A-Z0-9:]{2,}'''
+RE_ABS_IMPORT = r'''from\s+ __future__\s+ import\s+ absolute_import'''
+acc = defaultdict(lambda: {"abs": False, "print": False})
+def compile(regex):
+ return re.compile(regex, re.VERBOSE)
+class FlakePP(object):
+ re_comment = compile(RE_COMMENT)
+ re_ml_comment_o = compile(RE_MULTILINE_COMMENT_O)
+ re_ml_comment_s = compile(RE_MULTILINE_COMMENT_S)
+ re_ml_comment_e = compile(RE_MULTILINE_COMMENT_E)
+ re_abs_import = compile(RE_ABS_IMPORT)
+ re_print = compile(RE_PRINT)
+ re_with_import = compile(RE_WITH_IMPORT)
+ re_with = compile(RE_WITH)
+ re_noqa = compile(RE_NOQA)
+ map = {"abs": False, "print": False,
+ "with": False, "with-used": False}
+ def __init__(self, verbose=False):
+ self.verbose = verbose
+ self.steps = (("abs", self.re_abs_import),
+ ("with", self.re_with_import),
+ ("with-used", self.re_with),
+ ("print", self.re_print))
+ def analyze_fh(self, fh):
+ steps = self.steps
+ filename = fh.name
+ acc = dict(self.map)
+ index = 0
+ errors = [0]
+ def error(fmt, **kwargs):
+ errors[0] += 1
+ self.announce(fmt, **dict(kwargs, filename=filename))
+ for index, line in enumerate(self.strip_comments(fh)):
+ for key, pattern in self.steps:
+ if pattern.match(line):
+ acc[key] = True
+ if index:
+ if not acc["abs"]:
+ error("%(filename)s: missing abs import")
+ if acc["with-used"] and not acc["with"]:
+ error("%(filename)s: missing with import")
+ if acc["print"]:
+ error("%(filename)s: left over print statement")
+ return filename, errors[0], acc
+ def analyze_file(self, filename):
+ with open(filename) as fh:
+ return self.analyze_fh(fh)
+ def analyze_tree(self, dir):
+ for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(dir):
+ for path in (Path(dirpath, f) for f in filenames):
+ if path.endswith(".py"):
+ yield self.analyze_file(path)
+ def analyze(self, *paths):
+ for path in map(Path, paths):
+ if path.isdir():
+ for res in self.analyze_tree(path):
+ yield res
+ else:
+ yield self.analyze_file(path)
+ def strip_comments(self, fh):
+ re_comment = self.re_comment
+ re_ml_comment_o = self.re_ml_comment_o
+ re_ml_comment_s = self.re_ml_comment_s
+ re_ml_comment_e = self.re_ml_comment_e
+ re_noqa = self.re_noqa
+ in_ml = False
+ for line in fh.readlines():
+ if in_ml:
+ if re_ml_comment_e.match(line):
+ in_ml = False
+ else:
+ if re_noqa.match(line) or re_ml_comment_o.match(line):
+ pass
+ elif re_ml_comment_s.match(line):
+ in_ml = True
+ elif re_comment.match(line):
+ pass
+ else:
+ yield line
+ def announce(self, fmt, **kwargs):
+ sys.stderr.write((fmt + "\n") % kwargs)
+def main(argv=sys.argv, exitcode=0):
+ for _, errors, _ in FlakePP(verbose=True).analyze(*argv[1:]):
+ if errors:
+ exitcode = 1
+ return exitcode
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())