@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Use ``.. autotask::`` to alternatively manually document a task.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from celery.app.task import BaseTask
+from celery.local import PromiseProxy
from sphinx.domains.python import PyModulelevel
from sphinx.ext.autodoc import FunctionDocumenter
@@ -68,11 +69,13 @@ class TaskDocumenter(FunctionDocumenter):
def check_module(self):
# Normally checks if *self.object* is really defined in the module
# given by *self.modname*. But since functions decorated with the @task
- # decorator are instances living in the celery.local module we're
- # checking for that and simply agree to document those then.
+ # decorator are instances living in the celery.local, we have to check
+ # the wrapped function instead.
modname = self.get_attr(self.object, '__module__', None)
if modname and modname == 'celery.local':
- return True
+ wrapped = getattr(self.object, '__wrapped__', None)
+ if wrapped and getattr(wrapped, '__module__') == self.modname:
+ return True
return super(TaskDocumenter, self).check_module()
@@ -83,11 +86,26 @@ class TaskDirective(PyModulelevel):
return self.env.config.celery_task_prefix
+def autodoc_skip_member_handler(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
+ """Handler for autodoc-skip-member event."""
+ # Celery tasks created with the @task decorator have the property
+ # that *obj.__doc__* and *obj.__class__.__doc__* are equal, which
+ # trips up the logic in sphinx.ext.autodoc that is supposed to
+ # suppress repetition of class documentation in an instance of the
+ # class. This overrides that behavior.
+ if isinstance(obj, BaseTask) and getattr(obj, '__wrapped__'):
+ if skip and isinstance(obj, PromiseProxy):
+ return False
+ return None
def setup(app):
"""Setup Sphinx extension."""
+ app.setup_extension('sphinx.ext.autodoc')
app.add_directive_to_domain('py', 'task', TaskDirective)
app.add_config_value('celery_task_prefix', '(task)', True)
+ app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', autodoc_skip_member_handler)
return {
'parallel_read_safe': True