@@ -48,11 +48,12 @@ This is an example configuration for a Python project.
.. code-block:: bash
- # Name of nodes to start
- # here we have a single node
- # or we could have three nodes:
- #CELERYD_NODES="w1 w2 w3"
+ # Names of nodes to start
+ # most will only start one node:
+ CELERYD_NODES="worker1"
+ # but you can also start multiple and configure settings
+ # for each in CELERYD_OPTS (see `celery multi --help` for examples).
+ CELERYD_NODES="worker1 worker2 worker3"
# Absolute or relative path to the 'celery' command:
@@ -75,80 +76,30 @@ This is an example configuration for a Python project.
# Workers should run as an unprivileged user.
+ # You need to create this user manually (or you can choose
+ # a user/group combination that already exists, e.g. nobody).
+ # If enabled pid and log directories will be created if missing,
+ # and owned by the userid/group configured.
.. _generic-initd-celeryd-django-example:
Example Django configuration
-This is an example configuration for those using `django-celery`:
-.. code-block:: bash
- # Name of nodes to start, here we have a single node
- # or we could have three nodes:
- #CELERYD_NODES="w1 w2 w3"
- # Where to chdir at start.
- CELERYD_CHDIR="/opt/Myproject/"
- # How to call "manage.py celery"
- CELERY_BIN="$CELERYD_CHDIR/manage.py celery"
- # Extra command-line arguments for the worker (see celery worker --help).
- CELERYD_OPTS="--time-limit=300 --concurrency=8"
- # %n will be replaced with the nodename.
- CELERYD_LOG_FILE="/var/log/celery/%n.log"
- CELERYD_PID_FILE="/var/run/celery/%n.pid"
- # Workers should run as an unprivileged user.
- CELERYD_USER="celery"
- CELERYD_GROUP="celery"
- # Name of the projects settings module.
- export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="MyProject.settings"
-.. _generic-initd-celeryd-django-with-env-example:
-Example Django configuration Using Virtualenv
-In case you are using virtualenv, you should add the path to your
-environment's python interpreter:
+You should use the same template as above, but make sure the
+``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`` variable is set (and exported), and that
+``CELERYD_CHDIR`` is set to the projects directory:
.. code-block:: bash
- # Name of nodes to start, here we start three nodes (worker1,
- # worker2, and worker3)
- CELERYD_NODES="worker1 worker2 worker3"
- # Where to chdir at start.
- CELERYD_CHDIR="/opt/Myproject/"
- # Python interpreter from environment.
- ENV_PYTHON="$CELERYD_CHDIR/env/bin/python"
- # How to call "manage.py celery"
- CELERYD_MULTI="$CELERYD_CHDIR/env/bin/celeryd-multi"
- # Extra command-line arguments to the worker (see celery worker --help)
- CELERYD_OPTS="--time-limit=300 --concurrency=8"
- # %n will be replaced with the nodename.
- CELERYD_LOG_FILE="/var/log/celery/%n.log"
- CELERYD_PID_FILE="/var/run/celery/%n.pid"
- # Workers should run as an unprivileged user.
- CELERYD_USER="celery"
- CELERYD_GROUP="celery"
+ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="settings"
- # Name of the projects settings module.
- export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="MyProject.settings"
+ CELERYD_CHDIR="/opt/MyProject"
.. _generic-initd-celeryd-options:
@@ -157,6 +108,8 @@ Available options
App instance to use (value for ``--app`` argument).
+ If you're still using the old API, or django-celery, then you
+ can omit this setting.
Absolute or relative path to the :program:`celery` program.
@@ -167,19 +120,14 @@ Available options
* :file:`/virtualenvs/proj/bin/celery`
* :file:`/virtualenvs/proj/bin/python -m celery`
- Absolute or relative path to the program `celeryd-multi`, which is used to start multiple celeryd instances,
- Examples:
- * :file:`celeryd-multi`
- * :file:`/virtualenvs/proj/bin/celeryd-multi`
- Node names to start.
+ List of node names to start (separated by space).
Additional command-line arguments for the worker, see
- `celery worker --help` for a list.
+ `celery worker --help` for a list. This also supports the extended
+ syntax used by `multi` to configure settings for individual nodes.
+ See `celery multi --help` for some multi-node configuration examples.
Path to change directory to at start. Default is to stay in the current
@@ -251,53 +199,15 @@ This is an example configuration for a Python project:
Example Django configuration
-This is an example configuration for those using `django-celery`
+You should use the same template as above, but make sure the
+``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`` variable is set (and exported), and that
+``CELERYD_CHDIR`` is set to the projects directory:
.. code-block:: bash
- # Where the Django project is.
- CELERYBEAT_CHDIR="/opt/Project/"
- # Name of the projects settings module.
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="settings"
- # Path to celery command
- CELERBEAT="/opt/Project/manage.py celery beat"
- # Extra arguments to celerybeat
- CELERYBEAT_OPTS="--schedule=/var/run/celerybeat-schedule"
- # Overrider default log and/or PID file locations
- CELERYBEAT_LOG_FILE="/var/log/celerybeat.log"
- CELERYBEAT_PID_FILE="/var/run/celerybeat.pid"
-.. _generic-initd-celerybeat-django-width-env-example:
-Example Django configuration Using Virtualenv
-In case you are using virtualenv, you should add the path to your
-environment's python interpreter:
-.. code-block:: bash
- # Where the Django project is.
- CELERYBEAT_CHDIR="/opt/Project"
- # Name of the projects settings module.
- export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="settings"
- # Path to celery command
- ENV_PYTHON="$CELERYD_CHDIR/env/bin/python"
- # Extra arguments to celerybeat
- CELERYBEAT_OPTS="--schedule=/var/run/celerybeat-schedule"
+ CELERYD_CHDIR="/opt/MyProject"
.. _generic-initd-celerybeat-options:
Available options
@@ -306,16 +216,6 @@ Available options
App instance to use (value for ``--app`` argument).
- Absolute or relative path to the :program:`celery beat` program.
- Examples:
- * :file:`celerybeat`
- * :file:`/usr/local/bin/celerybeat`
- * :file:`/virtualenvs/proj/bin/celerybeat`
- * :file:`/opt/Project/manage.py celery beat`
- * :file:`/virtualenvs/proj/bin/python -m celerybeat`
Additional arguments to celerybeat, see `celerybeat --help` for a