@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
celery - Distributed Task Queue
-:Version: 0.9.0
+:Version: 0.8.0
@@ -21,9 +21,18 @@ languages see `Executing tasks on a remote web server`_.
.. _`Executing tasks on a remote web server`: http://bit.ly/CgXSc
-It is used for executing functions *asynchronously*, routed to one or more
+It is used for executing tasks *asynchronously*, routed to one or more
worker servers, running concurrently using multiprocessing.
+It is designed to solve certain problems related to running websites
+demanding high-availability and performance.
+It is perfect for filling caches, posting updates to twitter, mass
+downloading data like syndication feeds or web scraping. Use-cases are
+plentiful. Implementing these features asynchronously using ``celery`` is
+easy and fun, and the performance improvements can make it more than
@@ -50,7 +59,7 @@ Features
be *guaranteed that the task is only executed once.*
* Tasks are executed *concurrently* using the Python 2.6
- ``multiprocessing`` module (also available as a back-port
+ ```multiprocessing`` module (also available as a back-port
to older python versions)
* Supports *periodic tasks*, which makes it a (better) replacement
@@ -78,7 +87,8 @@ Features
You can find out how many, or if all of the sub-tasks has been executed.
Excellent for progress-bar like functionality.
- * Has a ``map`` like function that uses tasks, called ``dmap``.
+ * Has a ``map`` like function that uses tasks,
+ called ``celery.task.dmap``.
* However, you rarely want to wait for these results in a web-environment.
You'd rather want to use Ajax to poll the task status, which is
@@ -258,21 +268,15 @@ advanced features of celery later.
This is a task that basically does nothing but take some arguments,
and return a value:
- >>> from celery.decorators import task
- >>> @task()
- ... def add(x, y):
- ... return x * y
+ from celery.task import Task
+ from celery.registry import tasks
+ class MyTask(Task):
-You can also use the workers logger to add some diagnostic output to
-the worker log:
- >>> from celery.decorators import task
- >>> @task()
- ... def add(x, y, **kwargs):
- ... logger = add.get_logger(**kwargs)
- ... logger.info("Adding %s + %s" % (x, y))
- ... return x + y
+ def run(self, some_arg, **kwargs):
+ logger = self.get_logger(**kwargs)
+ logger.info("Did something: %s" % some_arg)
+ return 42
+ tasks.register(MyTask)
As you can see the worker is sending some keyword arguments to this task,
this is the default keyword arguments. A task can choose not to take these,
@@ -302,20 +306,21 @@ The current default keyword arguments are:
How many times the current task has been retried.
(an integer starting a ``0``).
-Now if we want to execute this task, we can use the ``delay`` method of the
-task class (this is a handy shortcut to the ``apply_async`` method which gives
+Now if we want to execute this task, we can use the
+delay method (``celery.task.Base.Task.delay``) of the task class
+(this is a handy shortcut to the ``apply_async`` method which gives
you greater control of the task execution).
- >>> from myapp.tasks import add
- >>> add.delay(4, 4)
+ >>> from myapp.tasks import MyTask
+ >>> MyTask.delay(some_arg="foo")
At this point, the task has been sent to the message broker. The message
broker will hold on to the task until a celery worker server has successfully
picked it up.
-*Note* If everything is just hanging when you execute ``delay``, please make
-sure the RabbitMQ user/password has access to the virtual host configured
+*Note* If everything is just hanging when you execute ``delay``, please check
+that RabbitMQ is running, and that the user/password has access to the virtual
+host you configured earlier.
Right now we have to check the celery worker logfiles to know what happened with
the task. This is because we didn't keep the ``AsyncResult`` object returned
@@ -326,15 +331,15 @@ finish and get its return value (or exception if the task failed).
So, let's execute the task again, but this time we'll keep track of the task:
- >>> result = add.delay(4, 4)
+ >>> result = MyTask.delay("hello")
>>> result.ready() # returns True if the task has finished processing.
>>> result.result # task is not ready, so no return value yet.
>>> result.get() # Waits until the task is done and return the retval.
- 8
+ 42
>>> result.result
- 8
+ 42
>>> result.successful() # returns True if the task didn't end in failure.
@@ -356,16 +361,19 @@ Periodic Tasks
Periodic tasks are tasks that are run every ``n`` seconds.
Here's an example of a periodic task:
+ from celery.task import PeriodicTask
+ from celery.registry import tasks
+ from datetime import timedelta
+ class MyPeriodicTask(PeriodicTask):
+ run_every = timedelta(seconds=30)
- >>> from celery.task import PeriodicTask
- >>> from datetime import timedelta
- >>> class MyPeriodicTask(PeriodicTask):
- ... run_every = timedelta(seconds=30)
- ...
- ... def run(self, **kwargs):
- ... logger = self.get_logger(**kwargs)
- ... logger.info("Running periodic task!")
- ...
+ def run(self, **kwargs):
+ logger = self.get_logger(**kwargs)
+ logger.info("Running periodic task!")
+ >>> tasks.register(MyPeriodicTask)
A look inside the worker