@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ from celery.contrib.rdb import (
-from celery.tests.case import Case, Mock, WhateverIO, patch, skip_if_pypy
+from celery.tests.case import AppCase, Mock, WhateverIO, patch, skip_if_pypy
class SockErr(socket.error):
errno = None
-class test_Rdb(Case):
+class test_Rdb(AppCase):
def test_debugger(self, Rdb):
@@ -37,56 +37,60 @@ class test_Rdb(Case):
get_avail_port.return_value = (sock, 8000)
sock.accept.return_value = (Mock(), ['helu'])
out = WhateverIO()
- rdb = Rdb(out=out)
- self.assertTrue(get_avail_port.called)
- self.assertIn('helu', out.getvalue())
- # set_quit
- with patch('sys.settrace') as settrace:
- rdb.set_quit()
- settrace.assert_called_with(None)
- # set_trace
- with patch('celery.contrib.rdb.Pdb.set_trace') as pset:
- with patch('celery.contrib.rdb._frame'):
- rdb.set_trace()
- rdb.set_trace(Mock())
- pset.side_effect = SockErr
- pset.side_effect.errno = errno.ENOENT
- with self.assertRaises(SockErr):
+ with Rdb(out=out) as rdb:
+ self.assertTrue(get_avail_port.called)
+ self.assertIn('helu', out.getvalue())
+ # set_quit
+ with patch('sys.settrace') as settrace:
+ rdb.set_quit()
+ settrace.assert_called_with(None)
+ # set_trace
+ with patch('celery.contrib.rdb.Pdb.set_trace') as pset:
+ with patch('celery.contrib.rdb._frame'):
+ rdb.set_trace(Mock())
+ pset.side_effect = SockErr
+ pset.side_effect.errno = errno.ENOENT
+ with self.assertRaises(SockErr):
+ rdb.set_trace()
- # _close_session
- rdb._close_session()
+ # _close_session
+ rdb._close_session()
- # do_continue
- rdb.set_continue = Mock()
- rdb.do_continue(Mock())
- rdb.set_continue.assert_called_with()
+ # do_continue
+ rdb.set_continue = Mock()
+ rdb.do_continue(Mock())
+ rdb.set_continue.assert_called_with()
- # do_quit
- rdb.set_quit = Mock()
- rdb.do_quit(Mock())
- rdb.set_quit.assert_called_with()
+ # do_quit
+ rdb.set_quit = Mock()
+ rdb.do_quit(Mock())
+ rdb.set_quit.assert_called_with()
def test_get_avail_port(self, sock):
out = WhateverIO()
sock.return_value.accept.return_value = (Mock(), ['helu'])
- Rdb(out=out)
+ with Rdb(out=out) as rdb:
+ pass
with patch('celery.contrib.rdb.current_process') as curproc:
curproc.return_value.name = 'PoolWorker-10'
- Rdb(out=out)
+ with Rdb(out=out) as rdb:
+ pass
err = sock.return_value.bind.side_effect = SockErr()
err.errno = errno.ENOENT
with self.assertRaises(SockErr):
- Rdb(out=out)
+ with Rdb(out=out) as rdb:
+ pass
err.errno = errno.EADDRINUSE
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
- Rdb(out=out)
+ with Rdb(out=out) as rdb:
+ pass
called = [0]
def effect(*a, **kw):
@@ -97,4 +101,5 @@ class test_Rdb(Case):
called[0] += 1
sock.return_value.bind.side_effect = effect
- Rdb(out=out)
+ with Rdb(out=out) as rdb:
+ pass