@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
.. image:: http://cloud.github.com/downloads/celery/celery/celery_128.png
-:Version: 3.0.0rc5 (Chiastic Slide)
+:Version: 3.0.0 (Chiastic Slide)
:Web: http://celeryproject.org/
:Download: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/celery/
:Source: http://github.com/celery/celery/
@@ -15,30 +15,154 @@
.. contents::
+ :depth: 1
-.. _celery-synopsis:
+What is a Task Queue?
+Task queues are used as a mechanism to distribute work across threads or
-Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue/job queue based on
-distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation,
-but supports scheduling as well.
+A task queue's input is a unit of work, called a task, dedicated worker
+processes then constantly monitor the queue for new work to perform.
-The execution units, called tasks, are executed concurrently on one or
-more worker nodes using multiprocessing, `Eventlet`_ or `gevent`_. Tasks can
-execute asynchronously (in the background) or synchronously
-(wait until ready).
+Celery communicates via messages using a broker
+to mediate between clients and workers. To initiate a task a client puts a
+message on the queue, the broker then delivers the message to a worker.
-Celery is used in production systems to process millions of tasks every hour.
+A Celery system can consist of multiple workers and brokers, giving way
+to high availability and horizontal scaling.
Celery is written in Python, but the protocol can be implemented in any
-language. It can also `operate with other languages using webhooks`_.
-There's also `RCelery` for the Ruby programming language, and a `PHP client`.
+language. So far there's RCelery_ for the Ruby programming language, and a
+`PHP client`, but language interoperability can also be achieved
+by using webhooks.
-The recommended message broker is `RabbitMQ`_, but support for
-`Redis`_, `MongoDB`_, `Beanstalk`_, `Amazon SQS`_, `CouchDB`_ and
-databases (using `SQLAlchemy`_ or the `Django ORM`_) is also available.
+.. _RCelery: http://leapfrogdevelopment.github.com/rcelery/
+.. _`PHP client`: https://github.com/gjedeer/celery-php
+.. _`using webhooks`:
+ http://celery.github.com/celery/userguide/remote-tasks.html
+What do I need?
+Celery version 3.0 runs on,
+- Python ❨2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3❩
+- PyPy ❨1.8, 1.9❩
+- Jython ❨2.5, 2.7❩.
+This is the last version to support Python 2.5,
+and from Celery 3.1, Python 2.6 or later is required.
+The last version to support Python 2.4 was Celery series 2.2.
+*Celery* requires a message broker to send and receive messages.
+The RabbitMQ, Redis and MongoDB broker transports are feature complete,
+but there's also support for a myriad of other solutions, including
+using SQLite for local development.
+*Celery* can run on a single machine, on multiple machines, or even
+across datacenters.
+Get Started
+If this is the first time you're trying to use Celery, or you are
+new to Celery 3.0 coming from previous versions then you should read our
+getting started tutorials:
+- `First steps with Celery`_
+ Tutorial teaching you the bare minimum needed to get started with Celery.
+- `Next steps`_
+ A more complete overview, showing more features.
+.. _`First steps with Celery`:
+ http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/getting-started/first-steps-with-celery.html
+.. _`Next steps`:
+ http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/getting-started/next-steps.html
+Celery is…
+- **Simple**
+ Celery is easy to use and maintain, and does *not need configuration files*.
+ It has an active, friendly community you can talk to for support,
+ including a `mailing-list`_ and and an IRC channel.
+ Here's one of the simplest applications you can make::
+ from celery import Celery
+ celery = Celery('hello', broker='amqp://guest@localhost//')
+ @celery.task()
+ def hello():
+ return 'hello world'
+- **Highly Available**
+ Workers and clients will automatically retry in the event
+ of connection loss or failure, and some brokers support
+ HA in way of *Master/Master* or *Master/Slave* replication.
+- **Fast**
+ A single Celery process can process millions of tasks a minute,
+ with sub-millisecond round-trip latency (using RabbitMQ,
+ py-librabbitmq, and optimized settings).
+- **Flexible**
+ Almost every part of *Celery* can be extended or used on its own,
+ Custom pool implementations, serializers, compression schemes, logging,
+ schedulers, consumers, producers, autoscalers, broker transports and much more.
+It supports...
+ - **Brokers**
+ - RabbitMQ_, Redis_,
+ - MongoDB_, Beanstalk_,
+ - CouchDB_, SQLAlchemy_,
+ - Django ORM, Amazon SQS,
+ - and more…
+ - **Concurrency**
+ - multiprocessing, Eventlet_, gevent_, threads/single threaded
+ - **Result Stores**
+ - AMQP, Redis
+ - memcached, MongoDB
+ - SQLAlchemy, Django ORM
+ - Apache Cassandra
+ - **Serialization**
+ - *pickle*, *json*, *yaml*, *msgpack*.
+ - *zlib*, *bzip2* compression.
+ - Cryptographic message signing.
+.. _`Eventlet`: http://eventlet.net/
+.. _`gevent`: http://gevent.org/
+.. _RabbitMQ: http://rabbitmq.com
+.. _Redis: http://redis.io
+.. _MongoDB: http://mongodb.org
+.. _Beanstalk: http://kr.github.com/beanstalkd
+.. _CouchDB: http://couchdb.apache.org
+.. _SQLAlchemy: http://sqlalchemy.org
+Framework Integration
Celery is easy to integrate with web frameworks, some of which even have
integration packages:
@@ -50,27 +174,18 @@ integration packages:
| `Pylons`_ | `celery-pylons`_ |
- | `Flask`_ | `flask-celery`_ |
+ | `Flask`_ | not needed |
| `web2py`_ | `web2py-celery`_ |
| `Tornado`_ | `tornado-celery`_ |
-.. _`RCelery`: http://leapfrogdevelopment.github.com/rcelery/
-.. _`PHP client`: https://github.com/gjedeer/celery-php
-.. _`RabbitMQ`: http://www.rabbitmq.com/
-.. _`Redis`: http://code.google.com/p/redis/
-.. _`SQLAlchemy`: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
+The integration packages are not strictly necessary, but they can make
+development easier, and sometimes they add important hooks like closing
+database connections at ``fork``.
.. _`Django`: http://djangoproject.com/
-.. _`Django ORM`: http://djangoproject.com/
-.. _`Memcached`: http://memcached.org/
-.. _`Eventlet`: http://eventlet.net/
-.. _`gevent`: http://gevent.org/
-.. _`Beanstalk`: http://kr.github.com/beanstalkd/
-.. _`MongoDB`: http://mongodb.org/
-.. _`CouchDB`: http://couchdb.apache.org/
-.. _`Amazon SQS`: http://aws.amazon.com/sqs/
.. _`Pylons`: http://pylonshq.com/
.. _`Flask`: http://flask.pocoo.org/
.. _`web2py`: http://web2py.com/
@@ -79,152 +194,9 @@ integration packages:
.. _`pyramid_celery`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyramid_celery/
.. _`django-celery`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-celery
.. _`celery-pylons`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/celery-pylons
-.. _`flask-celery`: http://github.com/ask/flask-celery/
.. _`web2py-celery`: http://code.google.com/p/web2py-celery/
.. _`Tornado`: http://www.tornadoweb.org/
.. _`tornado-celery`: http://github.com/mher/tornado-celery/
-.. _`operate with other languages using webhooks`:
- http://celery.github.com/celery/userguide/remote-tasks.html
-.. _`limited support`:
- http://kombu.readthedocs.org/en/latest/introduction.html#transport-comparison
-.. _celery-overview:
-This is a high level overview of the architecture.
-.. image:: http://cloud.github.com/downloads/celery/celery/Celery-Overview-v4.jpg
-The broker delivers tasks to the worker instances.
-A worker instance is started by running the `celery worker` program.
-You can have many networked machines running worker instances, forming a
-cluster, or you can run everything on a single machine.
-The return value of the task can be stored for later retrieval,
-and the progress of the task can be tracked (called the task's *state*).
-.. _celery-example:
-You probably want to see some code by now, so here's an example task
-which adds two numbers:
- from celery import task
- @task()
- def add(x, y):
- return x + y
-You can execute the task in the background, or wait for it to finish::
- >>> result = add.delay(4, 4)
- >>> result.wait() # wait for and return the result
- 8
-.. _celery-features:
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Messaging | Supported brokers include `RabbitMQ`_, `Redis`_, |
- | | `MongoDB`_, `Beanstalk`_, SQL databases, |
- | | Amazon SQS and more. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Fault-tolerant | Excellent configurable error recovery when using |
- | | `RabbitMQ`, ensures your tasks are never lost. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Distributed | Runs on one or more machines. Supports |
- | | broker `clustering`_ and `HA`_ when used in |
- | | combination with `RabbitMQ`_. You can set up new |
- | | workers without central configuration (e.g. use |
- | | your grandma's laptop to help if the queue is |
- | | temporarily congested). |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Concurrency | Concurrency is achieved by using multiprocessing, |
- | | `Eventlet`_, `gevent` or a mix of these. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Scheduling | Supports recurring tasks like cron, or specifying |
- | | an exact date or countdown for when after the task |
- | | should be executed. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Latency | Low latency means you are able to execute tasks |
- | | *while the user is waiting*. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Return Values | Task return values can be saved to the selected |
- | | result store backend. You can wait for the result, |
- | | retrieve it later, or ignore it. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Result Stores | Database, `MongoDB`_, `Redis`_, `Memcached`_, |
- | | `Cassandra`, or `AMQP`_ (message notification). |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Webhooks | Your tasks can also be HTTP callbacks, enabling |
- | | cross-language communication. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Rate limiting | Supports rate limiting by using the token bucket |
- | | algorithm, which accounts for bursts of traffic. |
- | | Rate limits can be set for each task type, or |
- | | globally for all. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Routing | Using AMQP's flexible routing model you can route |
- | | tasks to different workers, or select different |
- | | message topologies, by configuration or even at |
- | | runtime. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Remote-control | Worker nodes can be controlled from remote by |
- | | using broadcast messaging. A range of built-in |
- | | commands exist in addition to the ability to |
- | | easily define your own. (AMQP/Redis only) |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Monitoring | You can capture everything happening with the |
- | | workers in real-time by subscribing to events. |
- | | A real-time web monitor is in development. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Serialization | Supports Pickle, JSON, YAML, or easily defined |
- | | custom schemes. One task invocation can have a |
- | | different scheme than another. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Tracebacks | Errors and tracebacks are stored and can be |
- | | investigated after the fact. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | UUID | Every task has an UUID (Universally Unique |
- | | Identifier), which is the task id used to query |
- | | task status and return value. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Retries | Tasks can be retried if they fail, with |
- | | configurable maximum number of retries, and delays |
- | | between each retry. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Task Sets | A Task set is a task consisting of several |
- | | sub-tasks. You can find out how many, or if all |
- | | of the sub-tasks has been executed, and even |
- | | retrieve the results in order. Progress bars, |
- | | anyone? |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Made for Web | You can query status and results via URLs, |
- | | enabling the ability to poll task status using |
- | | Ajax. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Error Emails | Can be configured to send emails to the |
- | | administrators when tasks fails. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
- | Message signing | Supports message signing. Messages are signed |
- | | using public-key cryptography. |
- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
-.. _`clustering`: http://www.rabbitmq.com/clustering.html
-.. _`HA`: http://www.rabbitmq.com/pacemaker.html
-.. _`AMQP`: http://www.amqp.org/
-.. _`Stomp`: http://stomp.codehaus.org/
-.. _`Tokyo Tyrant`: http://tokyocabinet.sourceforge.net/
.. _celery-documentation:
@@ -232,9 +204,9 @@ Documentation
The `latest documentation`_ with user guides, tutorials and API reference
-is hosted at Github.
+is hosted at Read The Docs.
-.. _`latest documentation`: http://celery.github.com/celery/
+.. _`latest documentation`: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/
.. _celery-installation:
@@ -296,7 +268,10 @@ You can install it by doing the following,::
$ tar xvfz celery-0.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd celery-0.0.0
$ python setup.py build
- # python setup.py install # as root
+ # python setup.py install
+The last command must be executed as a privileged user if
+you are not currently using a virtualenv.
.. _celery-installing-from-git: