@@ -23,23 +23,16 @@ It should contain all you need to run a basic Celery set-up.
.. code-block:: python
+ ## Broker settings.
+ BROKER_URL = "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//"
# List of modules to import when celery starts.
CELERY_IMPORTS = ("myapp.tasks", )
- ## Result store settings.
+ ## Using the database to store task state and results.
CELERY_RESULT_DBURI = "sqlite:///mydatabase.db"
- ## Broker settings.
- BROKER_URL = "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//"
- ## Worker settings
- ## If you're doing mostly I/O you can have more processes,
- ## but if mostly spending CPU, try to keep it close to the
- ## number of CPUs on your machine. If not set, the number of CPUs/cores
- ## available will be used.
CELERY_ANNOTATIONS = {"tasks.add": {"rate_limit": "10/s"}}
@@ -145,6 +138,11 @@ CELERYD_CONCURRENCY
The number of concurrent worker processes/threads/green threads, executing
+If you're doing mostly I/O you can have more processes,
+but if mostly CPU-bound, try to keep it close to the
+number of CPUs on your machine. If not set, the number of CPUs/cores
+on the host will be used.
Defaults to the number of available CPUs.
@@ -676,12 +674,6 @@ BROKER_TRANSPORT
:Aliases: ``BROKER_BACKEND``
:Deprecated aliases: ``CARROT_BACKEND``
-The Kombu transport to use. Default is ``amqplib``.
-You can use a custom transport class name, or select one of the
-built-in transports: ``amqplib``, ``pika``, ``redis``, ``beanstalk``,
-``sqlalchemy``, ``django``, ``mongodb``, ``couchdb``.
.. setting:: BROKER_URL
@@ -694,49 +686,14 @@ Default broker URL. This must be an URL in the form of::
Only the scheme part (``transport://``) is required, the rest
is optional, and defaults to the specific transports default values.
-If this setting is defined it will override a subset of the
-other ``BROKER`` options. These options are :setting:`BROKER_HOST`,
-:setting:`BROKER_USER`, :setting:`BROKER_PASSWORD`, :setting:`BROKER_PORT`,
-and :setting:`BROKER_VHOST`.
+The transport part is the broker implementation to use, and the
+default is ``amqp``, but there are many other choices including
+``librabbitmq``, ``amqplib``, ``redis``, ``beanstalk``,
+``sqlalchemy``, ``django``, ``mongodb``, ``couchdb`` and ``pika``.
+It can also be a fully qualified path to your own transport implementation.
See the Kombu documentation for more information about broker URLs.
-.. setting:: BROKER_HOST
-Hostname of the broker.
-.. setting:: BROKER_PORT
-Custom port of the broker. Default is to use the default port for the
-selected backend.
-.. setting:: BROKER_USER
-Username to connect as.
-.. setting:: BROKER_PASSWORD
-Password to connect with.
-.. setting:: BROKER_VHOST
-Virtual host. Default is `"/"`.
.. setting:: BROKER_USE_SSL