@@ -477,11 +477,7 @@ class group(Signature):
tasks = _maybe_clone(self.tasks, app=self._app)
if not tasks:
return self.freeze()
- # taking the app from the first task in the list,
- # there may be a better solution to this, e.g.
- # consolidate tasks with the same app and apply them in
- # batches.
- type = tasks[0].type.app.tasks[self['task']]
+ type = self.type
return type(*type.prepare(dict(self.options, **options),
tasks, args))
@@ -535,7 +531,13 @@ class group(Signature):
def type(self):
- return self._type or self.tasks[0].type.app.tasks[self['task']]
+ if self._type:
+ return self._type
+ # taking the app from the first task in the list, there may be a
+ # better solution for this, e.g. to consolidate tasks with the same
+ # app and apply them in batches.
+ app = self._app if self._app else self.tasks[0].type.app
+ return app.tasks[self['task']]
@@ -563,15 +565,25 @@ class chord(Signature):
def type(self):
- return self._type or self.tasks[0].type.app.tasks['celery.chord']
+ if self._type:
+ return self._type
+ # we will be able to fix this mess in 3.2 when we no longer
+ # require an actual task implementation for chord/group
+ if self._app:
+ app = self._app
+ else:
+ try:
+ app = self.tasks[0].type.app
+ except IndexError:
+ app = self.body.type.app
+ return app.tasks['celery.chord']
def apply_async(self, args=(), kwargs={}, task_id=None, **options):
body = kwargs.get('body') or self.kwargs['body']
kwargs = dict(self.kwargs, **kwargs)
body = body.clone(**options)
- _chord = self._type or body.type.app.tasks['celery.chord']
+ _chord = self.type
if _chord.app.conf.CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER:
return self.apply((), kwargs, task_id=task_id, **options)
res = body.freeze(task_id)