@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ If you're looking for versions prior to 3.0.x you should go to :ref:`history`.
:release-date: 2013-04-09 04:00:00 P.M BST
-- Now depends on :mod:`billiard`
+- Now depends on :mod:`billiard`
- Now depends on :mod:`kombu` 2.5.9.
@@ -37,7 +37,1217 @@ If you're looking for versions prior to 3.0.x you should go to :ref:`history`.
task in the list, instead of depending on the ``current_app`` (Issue #1249).
+.. _version-3.0.17:
+:release-date: 2013-03-22 04:00:00 P.M UTC
+- Now depends on kombu 2.5.8
+- Now depends on billiard
+- RabbitMQ/Redis: thread-less and lock-free rate-limit implementation.
+ This means that rate limits pose minimal overhead when used with
+ RabbitMQ/Redis or future transports using the eventloop,
+ and that the rate-limit implementation is now thread-less and lock-free.
+ The thread-based transports will still use the old implementation for
+ now, but the plan is to use the timer also for other
+ broker transports in Celery 3.1.
+- Rate limits now works with eventlet/gevent if using RabbitMQ/Redis as the
+ broker.
+- A regression caused ``task.retry`` to ignore additional keyword arguments.
+ Extra keyword arguments are now used as execution options again.
+ Fix contributed by Simon Engledew.
+- Windows: Fixed problem with the worker trying to pickle the Django settings
+ module at worker startup.
+- generic-init.d: No longer double quotes ``$CELERYD_CHDIR`` (Issue #1235).
+- generic-init.d: Removes bash-specific syntax.
+ Fix contributed by Pär Wieslander.
+- Cassandra Result Backend: Now handles the
+ :exc:`~pycassa.AllServersUnavailable` error (Issue #1010).
+ Fix contributed by Jared Biel.
+- Result: Now properly forwards apps to GroupResults when deserializing
+ (Issue #1249).
+ Fix contributed by Charles-Axel Dein.
+- ``GroupResult.revoke`` now supports the ``terminate`` and ``signal``
+ keyword arguments.
+- Worker: Multiprocessing pool workers now import task modules/configuration
+ before setting up the logging system so that logging signals can be
+ connected before they're dispatched.
+- chord: The ``AsyncResult`` instance returned now has its ``parent``
+ attribute set to the header ``GroupResult``.
+ This is consistent with how ``chain`` works.
+.. _version-3.0.16:
+:release-date: 2013-03-07 04:00:00 P.M UTC
+- Happy International Women's Day!
+ We have a long way to go, so this is a chance for you to get involved in one
+ of the organizations working for making our communities more
+ diverse.
+ - PyLadies — http://pyladies.com
+ - Girls Who Code — http://www.girlswhocode.com
+ - Women Who Code — http://www.meetup.com/Women-Who-Code-SF/
+- Now depends on :mod:`kombu` version 2.5.7
+- Now depends on :mod:`billiard` version
+- AMQP heartbeats are now disabled by default.
+ Some users experiences issues with heartbeats enabled,
+ and it's not strictly necessary to use them.
+ If you're experiencing problems detecting connection failures,
+ you can re-enable heartbeats by configuring the :setting:`BROKER_HEARTBEAT`
+ setting.
+- Worker: Now propagates connection errors occurring in multiprocessing
+ callbacks, so that the connection can be reset (Issue #1226).
+- Worker: Now propagates connection errors occurring in timer callbacks,
+ so that the connection can be reset.
+- The modules in :setting:`CELERY_IMPORTS` and :setting:`CELERY_INCLUDE`
+ are now imported in the original order (Issue #1161).
+ The modules in :setting:`CELERY_IMPORTS` will be imported first,
+ then continued by :setting:`CELERY_INCLUDE`.
+ Thanks to Joey Wilhelm.
+- New bash completion for ``celery`` available in the git repository:
+ https://github.com/celery/celery/tree/3.0/extra/bash-completion
+ You can source this file or put it in ``bash_completion.d`` to
+ get auto-completion for the ``celery`` command-line utility.
+- The node name of a worker can now include unicode characters (Issue #1186).
+- The repr of a ``crontab`` object now displays correctly (Issue #972).
+- ``events.State`` no longer modifies the original event dictionary.
+- No longer uses ``Logger.warn`` deprecated in Python 3.
+- Cache Backend: Now works with chords again (Issue #1094).
+- Chord unlock now handles errors occurring while calling the callback.
+- Generic worker init.d script: Status check is now performed by
+ querying the pid of the instance instead of sending messages.
+ Contributed by Milen Pavlov.
+- Improved init scripts for CentOS.
+ - Updated to support celery 3.x conventions.
+ - Now uses CentOS built-in ``status`` and ``killproc``
+ - Support for multi-node / multi-pid worker services.
+ - Standard color-coded CentOS service-init output.
+ - A test suite.
+ Contributed by Milen Pavlov.
+- ``ResultSet.join`` now always works with empty result set (Issue #1219).
+- A ``group`` consisting of a single task is now supported (Issue #1219).
+- Now supports the ``pycallgraph`` program (Issue #1051).
+- Fixed Jython compatibility problems.
+- Django tutorial: Now mentions that the example app must be added to
+ ``INSTALLED_APPS`` (Issue #1192).
+.. _version-3.0.15:
+:release-date: 2013-02-11 04:30:00 P.M UTC
+- Now depends on billiard which fixed a syntax error crash.
+- Fixed bug with :setting:`CELERY_SEND_TASK_SENT_EVENT`.
+.. _version-3.0.14:
+:release-date: 2013-02-08 05:00:00 P.M UTC
+- Now depends on Kombu 2.5.6
+- Now depends on billiard
+- ``execv`` is now disabled by default.
+ It was causing too many problems for users, you can still enable
+ it using the :setting:`CELERYD_FORCE_EXECV` setting.
+ execv was only enabled when transports other than amqp/redis was used,
+ and it's there to prevent deadlocks caused by mutexes not being released
+ before the process forks. Sadly it also changes the environment
+ introducing many corner case bugs that is hard to fix without adding
+ horrible hacks. Deadlock issues are reported far less often than the
+ bugs that execv are causing, so we now disable it by default.
+ Work is in motion to create non-blocking versions of these transports
+ so that execv is not necessary (which is the situation with the amqp
+ and redis broker transports)
+- Chord exception behavior defined (Issue #1172).
+ From Celery 3.1 the chord callback will change state to FAILURE
+ when a task part of a chord raises an exception.
+ It was never documented what happens in this case,
+ and the actual behavior was very unsatisfactory, indeed
+ it will just forward the exception value to the chord callback.
+ For backward compatibility reasons we do not change to the new
+ behavior in a bugfix release, even if the current behavior was
+ never documented. Instead you can enable the
+ :setting:`CELERY_CHORD_PROPAGATES` setting to get the new behavior
+ that will be default from Celery 3.1.
+ See more at :ref:`chord-errors`.
+- worker: Fixes bug with ignored and retried tasks.
+ The ``on_chord_part_return`` and ``Task.after_return`` callbacks,
+ nor the ``task_postrun`` signal should be called when the task was
+ retried/ignored.
+ Fix contributed by Vlad.
+- ``GroupResult.join_native`` now respects the ``propagate`` argument.
+- ``subtask.id`` added as an alias to ``subtask['options'].id``
+ .. code-block:: python
+ >>> s = add.s(2, 2)
+ >>> s.id = 'my-id'
+ >>> s['options']
+ {'task_id': 'my-id'}
+ >>> s.id
+ 'my-id'
+- worker: Fixed error `Could not start worker processes` occurring
+ when restarting after connection failure (Issue #1118).
+- Adds new signal :signal:`task-retried` (Issue #1169).
+- `celery events --dumper` now handles connection loss.
+- Will now retry sending the task-sent event in case of connection failure.
+- amqp backend: Now uses ``Message.requeue`` instead of republishing
+ the message after poll.
+- New :setting:`BROKER_HEARTBEAT_CHECKRATE` setting introduced to modify the
+ rate at which broker connection heartbeats are monitored.
+ The default value was also changed from 3.0 to 2.0.
+- :class:`celery.events.state.State` is now pickleable.
+ Fix contributed by Mher Movsisyan.
+- :class:`celery.datastructures.LRUCache` is now pickleable.
+ Fix contributed by Mher Movsisyan.
+- The stats broadcast command now includes the workers pid.
+ Contributed by Mher Movsisyan.
+- New ``conf`` remote control command to get a workers current configuration.
+ Contributed by Mher Movsisyan.
+- Adds the ability to modify the chord unlock task's countdown
+ argument (Issue #1146).
+ Contributed by Jun Sakai
+- beat: The scheduler now uses the `now()`` method of the schedule,
+ so that schedules can provide a custom way to get the current date and time.
+ Contributed by Raphaël Slinckx
+- Fixed pickling of configuration modules on Windows or when execv is used
+ (Issue #1126).
+- Multiprocessing logger is now configured with loglevel ``ERROR``
+ by default.
+ Since 3.0 the multiprocessing loggers were disabled by default
+ (only configured when the :envvar:`MP_LOG` environment variable was set).
+.. _version-3.0.13:
+:release-date: 2013-01-07 04:00:00 P.M UTC
+- Now depends on Kombu 2.5
+ - py-amqp has replaced amqplib as the default transport,
+ gaining support for AMQP 0.9, and the RabbitMQ extensions
+ including Consumer Cancel Notifications and heartbeats.
+ - support for multiple connection URLs for failover.
+ - Read more in the `Kombu 2.5 changelog`_.
+ .. _`Kombu 2.5 changelog`:
+ http://kombu.readthedocs.org/en/latest/changelog.html#version-2-5-0
+- Now depends on billiard
+- Fixed a deadlock issue that could occur when the producer pool
+ inherited the connection pool instance of the parent process.
+- The :option:`--loader` option now works again (Issue #1066).
+- :program:`celery` umbrella command: All subcommands now supports
+ the :option:`--workdir` option (Issue #1063).
+- Groups included in chains now give GroupResults (Issue #1057)
+ Previously it would incorrectly add a regular result instead of a group
+ result, but now this works:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ # [4 + 4, 4 + 8, 16 + 8]
+ >>> res = (add.s(2, 2) | group(add.s(4), add.s(8), add.s(16)))()
+ >>> res
+ <GroupResult: a0acf905-c704-499e-b03a-8d445e6398f7 [
+ 4346501c-cb99-4ad8-8577-12256c7a22b1,
+ b12ead10-a622-4d44-86e9-3193a778f345,
+ 26c7a420-11f3-4b33-8fac-66cd3b62abfd]>
+- Chains can now chain other chains and use partial arguments (Issue #1057).
+ Example:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ >>> c1 = (add.s(2) | add.s(4))
+ >>> c2 = (add.s(8) | add.s(16))
+ >>> c3 = (c1 | c2)
+ # 8 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16
+ >>> assert c3(8).get() == 38
+- Subtasks can now be used with unregistered tasks.
+ You can specify subtasks even if you just have the name::
+ >>> s = subtask(task_name, args=(), kwargs=())
+ >>> s.delay()
+- The :program:`celery shell` command now always adds the current
+ directory to the module path.
+- The worker will now properly handle the :exc:`pytz.AmbiguousTimeError`
+ exception raised when an ETA/countdown is prepared while being in DST
+ transition (Issue #1061).
+- force_execv: Now makes sure that task symbols in the original
+ task modules will always use the correct app instance (Issue #1072).
+- AMQP Backend: Now republishes result messages that have been polled
+ (using ``result.ready()`` and friends, ``result.get()`` will not do this
+ in this version).
+- Crontab schedule values can now "wrap around"
+ This means that values like ``11-1`` translates to ``[11, 12, 1]``.
+ Contributed by Loren Abrams.
+- multi stopwait command now shows the pid of processes.
+ Contributed by Loren Abrams.
+- Handling of ETA/countdown fixed when the :setting:`CELERY_ENABLE_UTC`
+ setting is disabled (Issue #1065).
+- A number of uneeded properties were included in messages,
+ caused by accidentally passing ``Queue.as_dict`` as message properties.
+- Rate limit values can now be float
+ This also extends the string format so that values like ``"0.5/s"`` works.
+ Contributed by Christoph Krybus
+- Fixed a typo in the broadcast routing documentation (Issue #1026).
+- Rewrote confusing section about idempotence in the task user guide.
+- Fixed typo in the daemonization tutorial (Issue #1055).
+- Fixed several typos in the documentation.
+ Contributed by Marius Gedminas.
+- Batches: Now works when using the eventlet pool.
+ Fix contributed by Thomas Grainger.
+- Batches: Added example sending results to :mod:`celery.contrib.batches`.
+ Contributed by Thomas Grainger.
+- Mongodb backend: Connection ``max_pool_size`` can now be set in
+ Contributed by Craig Younkins.
+- Fixed problem when using earlier versions of :mod:`pytz`.
+ Fix contributed by Vlad.
+- Docs updated to include the default value for the
+ :setting:`CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES` setting.
+- Improvements to the django-celery tutorial.
+ Contributed by Locker537.
+- The ``add_consumer`` control command did not properly persist
+ the addition of new queues so that they survived connection failure
+ (Issue #1079).
+:release-date: 2012-11-06 02:00 P.M UTC
+- Now depends on kombu 2.4.8
+ - [Redis] New and improved fair queue cycle algorithm (Kevin McCarthy).
+ - [Redis] Now uses a Redis-based mutex when restoring messages.
+ - [Redis] Number of messages that can be restored in one interval is no
+ longer limited (but can be set using the
+ ``unacked_restore_limit``
+ :setting:`transport option <BROKER_TRANSPORT_OPTIONS>`.)
+ - Heartbeat value can be specified in broker URLs (Mher Movsisyan).
+ - Fixed problem with msgpack on Python 3 (Jasper Bryant-Greene).
+- Now depends on billiard
+- Celery can now be used with static analysis tools like PyDev/PyCharm/pylint
+ etc.
+- Development documentation has moved to Read The Docs.
+ The new URL is: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/master
+- New :setting:`CELERY_QUEUE_HA_POLICY` setting used to set the default
+ HA policy for queues when using RabbitMQ.
+- New method ``Task.subtask_from_request`` returns a subtask using the current
+ request.
+- Results get_many method did not respect timeout argument.
+ Fix contributed by Remigiusz Modrzejewski
+- generic_init.d scripts now support setting :envvar:`CELERY_CREATE_DIRS` to
+ always create log and pid directories (Issue #1045).
+ This can be set in your :file:`/etc/default/celeryd`.
+- Fixed strange kombu import problem on Python 3.2 (Issue #1034).
+- Worker: ETA scheduler now uses millisecond precision (Issue #1040).
+- The ``--config`` argument to programs is now supported by all loaders.
+- The :setting:`CASSANDRA_OPTIONS` setting has now been documented.
+ Contributed by Jared Biel.
+- Task methods (:mod:`celery.contrib.methods`) cannot be used with the old
+ task base class, the task decorator in that module now inherits from the new.
+- An optimization was too eager and caused some logging messages to never emit.
+- :mod:`celery.contrib.batches` now works again.
+- Fixed missing whitespace in ``bdist_rpm`` requirements (Issue #1046).
+- Event state's ``tasks_by_name`` applied limit before filtering by name.
+ Fix contributed by Alexander A. Sosnovskiy.
+.. _version-3.0.11:
+:release-date: 2012-09-26 04:00 P.M UTC
+- [security:low] generic-init.d scripts changed permissions of /var/log & /var/run
+ In the daemonization tutorial the recommended directories were as follows:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ CELERYD_LOG_FILE="/var/log/celery/%n.log"
+ CELERYD_PID_FILE="/var/run/celery/%n.pid"
+ But in the scripts themselves the default files were ``/var/log/celery%n.log``
+ and ``/var/run/celery%n.pid``, so if the user did not change the location
+ by configuration, the directories ``/var/log`` and ``/var/run`` would be
+ created - and worse have their permissions and owners changed.
+ This change means that:
+ - Default pid file is ``/var/run/celery/%n.pid``
+ - Default log file is ``/var/log/celery/%n.log``
+ - The directories are only created and have their permissions
+ changed if *no custom locations are set*.
+ Users can force paths to be created by calling the ``create-paths``
+ subcommand:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ $ sudo /etc/init.d/celeryd create-paths
+ .. admonition:: Upgrading Celery will not update init scripts
+ To update the init scripts you have to re-download
+ the files from source control and update them manually.
+ You can find the init scripts for version 3.0.x at:
+ http://github.com/celery/celery/tree/3.0/extra/generic-init.d
+- Now depends on billiard
+- Fixes request stack protection when app is initialized more than
+ once (Issue #1003).
+- ETA tasks now properly works when system timezone is not the same
+ as the configured timezone (Issue #1004).
+- Terminating a task now works if the task has been sent to the
+ pool but not yet acknowledged by a pool process (Issue #1007).
+ Fix contributed by Alexey Zatelepin
+- Terminating a task now properly updates the state of the task to revoked,
+ and sends a ``task-revoked`` event.
+- Generic worker init script now waits for workers to shutdown by default.
+- Multi: No longer parses --app option (Issue #1008).
+- Multi: stop_verify command renamed to stopwait.
+- Daemonization: Now delays trying to create pidfile/logfile until after
+ the working directory has been changed into.
+- :program:`celery worker` and :program:`celery beat` commands now respects
+ the :option:`--no-color` option (Issue #999).
+- Fixed typos in eventlet examples (Issue #1000)
+ Fix contributed by Bryan Bishop.
+ Congratulations on opening bug #1000!
+- Tasks that raise :exc:`~celery.exceptions.Ignore` are now acknowledged.
+- Beat: Now shows the name of the entry in ``sending due task`` logs.
+.. _version-3.0.10:
+:release-date: 2012-09-20 05:30 P.M BST
+- Now depends on kombu 2.4.7
+- Now depends on billiard
+ - Fixes crash at startup when using Django and pre-1.4 projects
+ (setup_environ).
+ - Hard time limits now sends the KILL signal shortly after TERM,
+ to terminate processes that have signal handlers blocked by C extensions.
+ - Billiard now installs even if the C extension cannot be built.
+ It's still recommended to build the C extension if you are using
+ a transport other than rabbitmq/redis (or use forced execv for some
+ other reason).
+ - Pool now sets a ``current_process().index`` attribute that can be used to create
+ as many log files as there are processes in the pool.
+- Canvas: chord/group/chain no longer modifies the state when called
+ Previously calling a chord/group/chain would modify the ids of subtasks
+ so that:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ >>> c = chord([add.s(2, 2), add.s(4, 4)], xsum.s())
+ >>> c()
+ >>> c() <-- call again
+ at the second time the ids for the tasks would be the same as in the
+ previous invocation. This is now fixed, so that calling a subtask
+ won't mutate any options.
+- Canvas: Chaining a chord to another task now works (Issue #965).
+- Worker: Fixed a bug where the request stack could be corrupted if
+ relative imports are used.
+ Problem usually manifested itself as an exception while trying to
+ send a failed task result (``NoneType does not have id attribute``).
+ Fix contributed by Sam Cooke.
+- Tasks can now raise :exc:`~celery.exceptions.Ignore` to skip updating states
+ or events after return.
+ Example:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ from celery.exceptions import Ignore
+ @task
+ def custom_revokes():
+ if redis.sismember('tasks.revoked', custom_revokes.request.id):
+ raise Ignore()
+- The worker now makes sure the request/task stacks are not modified
+ by the initial ``Task.__call__``.
+ This would previously be a problem if a custom task class defined
+ ``__call__`` and also called ``super()``.
+- Because of problems the fast local optimization has been disabled,
+ and can only be enabled by setting the :envvar:`USE_FAST_LOCALS` attribute.
+- Worker: Now sets a default socket timeout of 5 seconds at shutdown
+ so that broken socket reads do not hinder proper shutdown (Issue #975).
+- More fixes related to late eventlet/gevent patching.
+- Documentation for settings out of sync with reality:
+ Documented as disabled by default, but it was enabled by default
+ since 2.5 as stated by the 2.5 changelog.
+ The default max_retries had been set to 100, but documented as being
+ 3, and the interval_max was set to 1 but documented as 0.2.
+ The default setting are now set to 3 and 0.2 as it was originally
+ documented.
+ Fix contributed by Matt Long.
+- Worker: Log messages when connection established and lost have been improved.
+- The repr of a crontab schedule value of '0' should be '*' (Issue #972).
+- Revoked tasks are now removed from reserved/active state in the worker
+ (Issue #969)
+ Fix contributed by Alexey Zatelepin.
+- gevent: Now supports hard time limits using ``gevent.Timeout``.
+- Documentation: Links to init scripts now point to the 3.0 branch instead
+ of the development branch (master).
+- Documentation: Fixed typo in signals user guide (Issue #986).
+ ``instance.app.queues`` -> ``instance.app.amqp.queues``.
+- Eventlet/gevent: The worker did not properly set the custom app
+ for new greenlets.
+- Eventlet/gevent: Fixed a bug where the worker could not recover
+ from connection loss (Issue #959).
+ Also, because of a suspected bug in gevent the
+ :setting:`BROKER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT` setting has been disabled
+ when using gevent
+:release-date: 2012-08-31 06:00 P.M BST
+- Important note for users of Django and the database scheduler!
+ Recently a timezone issue has been fixed for periodic tasks,
+ but erroneous timezones could have already been stored in the
+ database, so for the fix to work you need to reset
+ the ``last_run_at`` fields.
+ You can do this by executing the following command:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ $ python manage.py shell
+ >>> from djcelery.models import PeriodicTask
+ >>> PeriodicTask.objects.update(last_run_at=None)
+ You also have to do this if you change the timezone or
+ :setting:`CELERY_ENABLE_UTC` setting.
+- Note about the :setting:`CELERY_ENABLE_UTC` setting.
+ If you previously disabled this just to force periodic tasks to work with
+ your timezone, then you are now *encouraged to re-enable it*.
+- Now depends on Kombu 2.4.5 which fixes PyPy + Jython installation.
+- Fixed bug with timezones when :setting:`CELERY_ENABLE_UTC` is disabled
+ (Issue #952).
+- Fixed a typo in the celerybeat upgrade mechanism (Issue #951).
+- Make sure the `exc_info` argument to logging is resolved (Issue #899).
+- Fixed problem with Python 3.2 and thread join timeout overflow (Issue #796).
+- A test case was occasionally broken for Python 2.5.
+- Unit test suite now passes for PyPy 1.9.
+- App instances now supports the with statement.
+ This calls the new :meth:`~celery.Celery.close` method at exit, which
+ cleans up after the app like closing pool connections.
+ Note that this is only necessary when dynamically creating apps,
+ e.g. for "temporary" apps.
+- Support for piping a subtask to a chain.
+ For example:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ pipe = sometask.s() | othertask.s()
+ new_pipe = mytask.s() | pipe
+ Contributed by Steve Morin.
+- Fixed problem with group results on non-pickle serializers.
+ Fix contributed by Steeve Morin.
+.. _version-3.0.8:
+:release-date: 2012-08-29 05:00 P.M BST
+- Now depends on Kombu 2.4.4
+- Fixed problem with amqplib and receiving larger message payloads
+ (Issue #922).
+ The problem would manifest itself as either the worker hanging,
+ or occasionally a ``Framing error`` exception appearing.
+ Users of the new ``pyamqp://`` transport must upgrade to
+ :mod:`amqp` 0.9.3.
+- Beat: Fixed another timezone bug with interval and crontab schedules
+ (Issue #943).
+- Beat: The schedule file is now automatically cleared if the timezone
+ is changed.
+ The schedule is also cleared when you upgrade to 3.0.8 from an earlier
+ version, this to register the initial timezone info.
+- Events: The :event:`worker-heartbeat` event now include processed and active
+ count fields.
+ Contributed by Mher Movsisyan.
+- Fixed error with error email and new task classes (Issue #931).
+- ``BaseTask.__call__`` is no longer optimized away if it has been monkey
+ patched.
+- Fixed shutdown issue when using gevent (Issue #911 & Issue #936).
+ Fix contributed by Thomas Meson.
+.. _version-3.0.7:
+:release-date: 2012-08-24 05:00 P.M BST
+- Fixes several problems with periodic tasks and timezones (Issue #937).
+- Now depends on kombu 2.4.2
+ - Redis: Fixes a race condition crash
+ - Fixes an infinite loop that could happen when retrying establishing
+ the broker connection.
+- Daemons now redirect standard file descriptors to :file:`/dev/null`
+ Though by default the standard outs are also redirected
+ to the logger instead, but you can disable this by changing
+ the :setting:`CELERY_REDIRECT_STDOUTS` setting.
+- Fixes possible problems when eventlet/gevent is patched too late.
+- ``LoggingProxy`` no longer defines ``fileno()`` (Issue #928).
+- Results are now ignored for the chord unlock task.
+ Fix contributed by Steeve Morin.
+- Cassandra backend now works if result expiry is disabled.
+ Fix contributed by Steeve Morin.
+- The traceback object is now passed to signal handlers instead
+ of the string representation.
+ Fix contributed by Adam DePue.
+- Celery command: Extensions are now sorted by name.
+- A regression caused the :event:`task-failed` event to be sent
+ with the exception object instead of its string representation.
+- The worker daemon would try to create the pid file before daemonizing
+ to catch errors, but this file was not immediately released (Issue #923).
+- Fixes Jython compatibility.
+- ``billiard.forking_enable`` was called by all pools not just the
+ processes pool, which would result in a useless warning if the billiard
+ C extensions were not installed.
+.. _version-3.0.6:
+:release-date: 2012-08-17 11:00 P.M BST
+- Now depends on kombu 2.4.0
+- Now depends on billiard
+- Redis: Celery now tries to restore messages whenever there are no messages
+ in the queue.
+- Crontab schedules now properly respects :setting:`CELERY_TIMEZONE` setting.
+ It's important to note that crontab schedules uses UTC time by default
+ unless this setting is set.
+ Issue #904 and django-celery #150.
+- ``billiard.enable_forking`` is now only set by the processes pool.
+- The transport is now properly shown by :program:`celery report`
+ (Issue #913).
+- The `--app` argument now works if the last part is a module name
+ (Issue #921).
+- Fixed problem with unpickleable exceptions (billiard #12).
+- Adds ``task_name`` attribute to ``EagerResult`` which is always
+ :const:`None` (Issue #907).
+- Old Task class in :mod:`celery.task` no longer accepts magic kwargs by
+ default (Issue #918).
+ A regression long ago disabled magic kwargs for these, and since
+ no one has complained about it we don't have any incentive to fix it now.
+- The ``inspect reserved`` control command did not work properly.
+- Should now play better with static analyzation tools by explicitly
+ specifying dynamically created attributes in the :mod:`celery` and
+ :mod:`celery.task` modules.
+- Terminating a task now results in
+ :exc:`~celery.exceptions.RevokedTaskError` instead of a ``WorkerLostError``.
+- ``AsyncResult.revoke`` now accepts ``terminate`` and ``signal`` arguments.
+- The :event:`task-revoked` event now includes new fields: ``terminated``,
+ ``signum``, and ``expired``.
+- The argument to :class:`~celery.exceptions.TaskRevokedError` is now one
+ of the reasons ``revoked``, ``expired`` or ``terminated``.
+- Old Task class does no longer use classmethods for push_request and
+ pop_request (Issue #912).
+- ``GroupResult`` now supports the ``children`` attribute (Issue #916).
+- ``AsyncResult.collect`` now respects the ``intermediate`` argument
+ (Issue #917).
+- Fixes example task in documentation (Issue #902).
+- Eventlet fixed so that the environment is patched as soon as possible.
+- eventlet: Now warns if celery related modules that depends on threads
+ are imported before eventlet is patched.
+- Improved event and camera examples in the monitoring guide.
+- Disables celery command setuptools entrypoints if the command can't be
+ loaded.
+- Fixed broken ``dump_request`` example in the tasks guide.
+.. _version-3.0.5:
+:release-date: 2012-08-01 04:00 P.M BST
+- Now depends on kombu 2.3.1 + billiard
+- Fixed a bug with the -B option (``cannot pickle thread.lock objects``)
+ (Issue #894 + Issue #892, + django-celery #154).
+- The :control:`restart_pool` control command now requires the
+ :setting:`CELERYD_POOL_RESTARTS` setting to be enabled
+ This change was necessary as the multiprocessing event that the restart
+ command depends on is responsible for creating many semaphores/file
+ descriptors, resulting in problems in some environments.
+- ``chain.apply`` now passes args to the first task (Issue #889).
+- Documented previously secret options to the Django-Celery monitor
+ in the monitoring userguide (Issue #396).
+- Old changelog are now organized in separate documents for each series,
+ see :ref:`history`.
+.. _version-3.0.4:
+:release-date: 2012-07-26 07:00 P.M BST
+- Now depends on Kombu 2.3
+- New experimental standalone Celery monitor: Flower
+ See :ref:`monitoring-flower` to read more about it!
+ Contributed by Mher Movsisyan.
+- Now supports AMQP heartbeats if using the new ``pyamqp://`` transport.
+ - The py-amqp transport requires the :mod:`amqp` library to be installed::
+ $ pip install amqp
+ - Then you need to set the transport URL prefix to ``pyamqp://``.
+ - The default heartbeat value is 10 seconds, but this can be changed using
+ the :setting:`BROKER_HEARTBEAT` setting::
+ - If the broker heartbeat is set to 10 seconds, the heartbeats will be
+ monitored every 5 seconds (double the hertbeat rate).
+ See the `Kombu 2.3 changelog`_ for more information.
+.. _`Kombu 2.3 changelog`:
+ http://kombu.readthedocs.org/en/latest/changelog.html#version-2-3-0
+- Now supports RabbitMQ Consumer Cancel Notifications, using the ``pyamqp://``
+ transport.
+ This is essential when running RabbitMQ in a cluster.
+ See the `Kombu 2.3 changelog`_ for more information.
+- Delivery info is no longer passed directly through.
+ It was discovered that the SQS transport adds objects that can't
+ be pickled to the delivery info mapping, so we had to go back
+ to using the whitelist again.
+ Fixing this bug also means that the SQS transport is now working again.
+- The semaphore was not properly released when a task was revoked (Issue #877).
+ This could lead to tasks being swallowed and not released until a worker
+ restart.
+ Thanks to Hynek Schlawack for debugging the issue.
+- Retrying a task now also forwards any linked tasks.
+ This means that if a task is part of a chain (or linked in some other
+ way) and that even if the task is retried, then the next task in the chain
+ will be executed when the retry succeeds.
+- Chords: Now supports setting the interval and other keyword arguments
+ to the chord unlock task.
+ - The interval can now be set as part of the chord subtasks kwargs::
+ chord(header)(body, interval=10.0)
+ - In addition the chord unlock task now honors the Task.default_retry_delay
+ option, used when none is specified, which also means that the default
+ interval can also be changed using annotations:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ 'celery.chord_unlock': {
+ 'default_retry_delay': 10.0,
+ }
+ }
+- New :meth:`@Celery.add_defaults` method can add new default configuration
+ dicts to the applications configuration.
+ For example::
+ config = {'FOO': 10}
+ celery.add_defaults(config)
+ is the same as ``celery.conf.update(config)`` except that data will not be
+ copied, and that it will not be pickled when the worker spawns child
+ processes.
+ In addition the method accepts a callable::
+ def initialize_config():
+ # insert heavy stuff that can't be done at import time here.
+ celery.add_defaults(initialize_config)
+ which means the same as the above except that it will not happen
+ until the celery configuration is actually used.
+ As an example, Celery can lazily use the configuration of a Flask app::
+ flask_app = Flask()
+ celery = Celery()
+ celery.add_defaults(lambda: flask_app.config)
+- Revoked tasks were not marked as revoked in the result backend (Issue #871).
+ Fix contributed by Hynek Schlawack.
+- Eventloop now properly handles the case when the epoll poller object
+ has been closed (Issue #882).
+- Fixed syntax error in ``funtests/test_leak.py``
+ Fix contributed by Catalin Iacob.
+- group/chunks: Now accepts empty task list (Issue #873).
+- New method names:
+ - ``Celery.default_connection()`` ➠ :meth:`~@Celery.connection_or_acquire`.
+ - ``Celery.default_producer()`` ➠ :meth:`~@Celery.producer_or_acquire`.
+ The old names still work for backward compatibility.
+.. _version-3.0.3:
+:release-date: 2012-07-20 09:17 P.M BST
+:by: Ask Solem
+- amqplib passes the channel object as part of the delivery_info
+ and it's not pickleable, so we now remove it.
+.. _version-3.0.2:
+:release-date: 2012-07-20 04:00 P.M BST
+:by: Ask Solem
+- A bug caused the following task options to not take defaults from the
+ configuration (Issue #867 + Issue #858)
+ The following settings were affected:
+ Fix contributed by John Watson.
+- Task Request: ``delivery_info`` is now passed through as-is (Issue #807).
+- The eta argument now supports datetime's with a timezone set (Issue #855).
+- The worker's banner displayed the autoscale settings in the wrong order
+ (Issue #859).
+- Extension commands are now loaded after concurrency is set up
+ so that they don't interfere with e.g. eventlet patching.
+- Fixed bug in the threaded pool (Issue #863)
+- The task failure handler mixed up the fields in :func:`sys.exc_info`.
+ Fix contributed by Rinat Shigapov.
+- Fixed typos and wording in the docs.
+ Fix contributed by Paul McMillan
+- New setting: :setting:`CELERY_WORKER_DIRECT`
+ If enabled each worker will consume from their own dedicated queue
+ which can be used to route tasks to specific workers.
+- Fixed several edge case bugs in the add consumer remote control command.
+- :mod:`~celery.contrib.migrate`: Can now filter and move tasks to specific
+ workers if :setting:`CELERY_WORKER_DIRECT` is enabled.
+ Among other improvements, the following functions have been added:
+ * ``move_direct(filterfun, **opts)``
+ * ``move_direct_by_id(task_id, worker_hostname, **opts)``
+ * ``move_direct_by_idmap({task_id: worker_hostname, ...}, **opts)``
+ * ``move_direct_by_taskmap({task_name: worker_hostname, ...}, **opts)``
+- :meth:`~celery.Celery.default_connection` now accepts a pool argument that
+ if set to false causes a new connection to be created instead of acquiring
+ one from the pool.
+- New signal: :signal:`celeryd_after_setup`.
+- Default loader now keeps lowercase attributes from the configuration module.
+.. _version-3.0.1:
+:release-date: 2012-07-10 06:00 P.M BST
+:by: Ask Solem
+- Now depends on kombu 2.2.5
+- inspect now supports limit argument::
+ myapp.control.inspect(limit=1).ping()
+- Beat: now works with timezone aware datetime's.
+- Task classes inheriting ``from celery import Task``
+ mistakingly enabled ``accept_magic_kwargs``.
+- Fixed bug in ``inspect scheduled`` (Issue #829).
+- Beat: Now resets the schedule to upgrade to UTC.
+- The :program:`celery worker` command now works with eventlet/gevent.
+ Previously it would not patch the environment early enough.
+- The :program:`celery` command now supports extension commands
+ using setuptools entry-points.
+ Libraries can add additional commands to the :program:`celery`
+ command by adding an entry-point like::
+ setup(
+ entry_points=[
+ 'celery.commands': [
+ 'foo = my.module:Command',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ...)
+ The command must then support the interface of
+ :class:`celery.bin.base.Command`.
+- contrib.migrate: New utilities to move tasks from one queue to another.
+ - :func:`~celery.contrib.migrate.move_tasks`
+ - :func:`~celery.contrib.migrate.move_task_by_id`
+- The :event:`task-sent` event now contains ``exchange`` and ``routing_key``
+ fields.
+- Fixes bug with installing on Python 3.
+ Fix contributed by Jed Smith.
+.. _version-3.0.0:
+3.0.0 (Chiastic Slide)
+:release-date: 2012-07-07 01:30 P.M BST
+:by: Ask Solem
+See :ref:`whatsnew-3.0`.
+>>>>>>> 3.0
.. _version-3.0.17: