* ``celery.discovery`` has been removed, and it's ``autodiscover`` function is
now in ``celery.loaders.djangoapp``. Reason: Internal API.
+* ``CELERY_LOADER`` now needs loader class name in addition to module name,
+ e.g. where you previously had: ``"celery.loaders.default"``, you now need
+ ``"celery.loaders.default.Loader"``, using the previous syntax will result
+ in a DeprecationWarning.
+* Detecting the loader is now lazy, and so is not done when importing
+ ``celery.loaders``. To make this happen ``celery.loaders.settings`` has
+ been renamed to ``load_settings`` and is now a function returning the
+ settings object. ``celery.loaders.current_loader`` is now also
+ a function, returning the current loader.
+ So::
+ loader = current_loader
+ needs to be changed to::
+ loader = current_loader()
@@ -166,6 +184,11 @@ NEWS
* You can now delete (revoke) tasks that has already been applied.
+* You can now set the hostname celeryd identifies as using the ``--hostname``
+ argument.
+* Cache backend now respects ``CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES``.
* Message format has been standardized and now uses ISO-8601 format
for dates instead of datetime.
@@ -183,6 +206,10 @@ NEWS
... ([8, 8], {}, {"countdown": 3})])
>>> ts.run()
+* Got a 3x performance gain by setting the prefetch count to four times the
+ concurrency, (from an average task round-trip of 0.1s to 0.03s!). A new
+ setting has been added: ``CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER``, which is set
+ to ``4`` by default.
@@ -202,6 +229,8 @@ CHANGES
* ETA no longer sends datetime objects, but uses ISO 8601 date format in a
string for better compatibility with other platforms.
+* No longer sends error mails for retried tasks.
* Task can now override the backend used to store results.
* Refactored the ExecuteWrapper, ``apply`` and ``CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER`` now