Procházet zdrojové kódy

Forgot to add new module: Closes #60

Ask Solem před 15 roky
1 změnil soubory, kde provedl 58 přidání a 0 odebrání
  1. 58 0

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+from celery import conf
+from celery.messaging import establish_connection
+. %(name)s -> exchange:%(exchange)s (%(exchange_type)s) \
+BROKER_FORMAT = "%(carrot_backend)s://%(userid)s@%(host)s%(port)s%(vhost)s"
+TIME_UNITS = (("day", 60 * 60 * 24, lambda n: int(math.ceil(n))),
+              ("hour", 60 * 60, lambda n: int(math.ceil(n))),
+              ("minute", 60, lambda n: int(math.ceil(n))),
+              ("second", 1, lambda n: "%.2d" % n))
+def humanize_seconds(secs, prefix=""):
+    """Show seconds in human form, e.g. 60 is "1 minute", 7200 is "2
+    hours"."""
+    for unit, divider, formatter in TIME_UNITS:
+        if secs >= divider:
+            w = secs / divider
+            punit = w > 1 and unit+"s" or unit
+            return "%s%s %s" % (prefix, formatter(w), punit)
+    return "now"
+def textindent(t, indent=0):
+    """Indent text."""
+    return "\n".join(" " * indent + p for p in t.split("\n"))
+def format_routing_table(table=None, indent=0):
+    """Format routing table into string for log dumps."""
+    table = table or conf.routing_table
+    format = lambda **route: ROUTE_FORMAT.strip() % route
+    routes = "\n".join(format(name=name, **route)
+                            for name, route in table.items())
+    return textindent(routes, indent=indent)
+def format_broker_info():
+    """Get message broker connection info string for log dumps."""
+    broker_connection = establish_connection()
+    carrot_backend = broker_connection.backend_cls
+    if carrot_backend and not isinstance(carrot_backend, str):
+        carrot_backend = carrot_backend.__name__
+    carrot_backend = carrot_backend or "amqp"
+    port = broker_connection.port or \
+                broker_connection.get_backend_cls().default_port
+    port = port and ":%s" % port or ""
+    vhost = broker_connection.virtual_host
+    if not vhost.startswith("/"):
+        vhost = "/" + vhost
+    return BROKER_FORMAT % {"carrot_backend": carrot_backend,
+                            "userid": broker_connection.userid,
+                            "host": broker_connection.hostname,
+                            "port": port,
+                            "vhost": vhost}