@@ -319,3 +319,44 @@ and send a task from a python shell (note that it must be able to import
>>> result = PingTask.apply_async()
>>> result.get()
+The celery test-suite is failing
+**Answer**: You're running tests from your own Django applicaiton, and celerys
+tests are failing and celerys tests are failing in that context?
+If so, read on for a trick, if not please report the test failure to our issue
+tracker at GitHub.
+ http://github.com/ask/celery/issues/
+That Django is running tests for all applications in ``INSTALLED_APPS``
+is a pet peeve of mine. You should use a test runner that either
+ 1) Explicitly lists the apps you want to run tests for, or
+ 2) make a test runner that skips tests for apps you don't want to run.
+For example this test runner that celery is using:
+ http://bit.ly/NVKep
+To use this add the following to your settings.py:
+.. code-block:: python
+ TEST_RUNNER = "celery.tests.runners.run_tests"
+ "app1",
+ "app2",
+ "app3",
+ "app4",
+ )
+If you just want to skip celery you could use:
+.. code-block:: python
+ INSTALLED_APPS = (.....)
+ TEST_RUNNER = "celery.tests.runners.run_tests"
+ TEST_APPS = filter(lambda k: k != "celery", INSTALLED_APPS)