@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+def abbr(S, max, ellipsis="..."):
+ if S is None:
+ return "???"
+ if len(S) > max:
+ return ellipsis and (S[:max - len(ellipsis)] + ellipsis) or S[:max]
+ return S
+def abbrtask(S, max):
+ if S is None:
+ return "???"
+ if len(S) > max:
+ module, _, cls = S.rpartition(".")
+ module = abbr(module, max - len(cls) - 3, False)
+ return module + "[.]" + cls
+ return S
+def indent(t, indent=0):
+ """Indent text."""
+ return "\n".join(" " * indent + p for p in t.split("\n"))
+def truncate(text, maxlen=128, suffix='...'):
+ """Truncates text to a maximum number of characters."""
+ if len(text) >= maxlen:
+ return text[:maxlen].rsplit(" ", 1)[0] + suffix
+ return text
+def pluralize(n, text, suffix='s'):
+ if n > 1:
+ return text + suffix
+ return text