@@ -54,20 +54,12 @@ def add_unlock_chord_task(app):
from celery.exceptions import ChordError
from celery.result import allow_join_result, result_from_tuple
- default_propagate = app.conf.chord_propagates
@app.task(name='celery.chord_unlock', max_retries=None, shared=False,
default_retry_delay=1, ignore_result=True, lazy=False, bind=True)
- def unlock_chord(self, group_id, callback, interval=None, propagate=None,
+ def unlock_chord(self, group_id, callback, interval=None,
max_retries=None, result=None,
Result=app.AsyncResult, GroupResult=app.GroupResult,
- result_from_tuple=result_from_tuple):
- # if propagate is disabled exceptions raised by chord tasks
- # will be sent as part of the result list to the chord callback.
- # Since 3.1 propagate will be enabled by default, and instead
- # the chord callback changes state to FAILURE with the
- # exception set to ChordError.
- propagate = default_propagate if propagate is None else propagate
+ result_from_tuple=result_from_tuple, **kwargs):
if interval is None:
interval = self.default_retry_delay
@@ -93,7 +85,7 @@ def add_unlock_chord_task(app):
callback = maybe_signature(callback, app=app)
with allow_join_result():
- ret = j(timeout=3.0, propagate=propagate)
+ ret = j(timeout=3.0, propagate=True)
except Exception as exc:
culprit = next(deps._failed_join_report())
@@ -191,8 +183,7 @@ def add_chord_task(app):
@app.task(name='celery.chord', bind=True, ignore_result=False,
shared=False, lazy=False)
def chord(self, header, body, partial_args=(), interval=None,
- countdown=1, max_retries=None, propagate=None,
- eager=False, **kwargs):
+ countdown=1, max_retries=None, eager=False, **kwargs):
app = self.app
# - convert back to group if serialized
tasks = header.tasks if isinstance(header, group) else header
@@ -202,5 +193,5 @@ def add_chord_task(app):
body = maybe_signature(body, app=app)
ch = _chord(header, body)
return ch.run(header, body, partial_args, app, interval,
- countdown, max_retries, propagate, **kwargs)
+ countdown, max_retries, **kwargs)
return chord