@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ class AMQPBackend(BaseBackend):
return self.rkey(task_id), request.correlation_id or task_id
return self.rkey(task_id), task_id
- def _store_result(self, task_id, result, status,
- traceback=None, request=None, **kwargs):
+ def store_result(self, task_id, result, status,
+ traceback=None, request=None, **kwargs):
"""Send task return value and status."""
routing_key, correlation_id = self.destination_for(task_id, request)
if not routing_key:
@@ -230,7 +230,8 @@ class AMQPBackend(BaseBackend):
def get_many(self, task_ids, timeout=None,
now=monotonic, getfields=itemgetter('status', 'task_id'),
- READY_STATES=states.READY_STATES, **kwargs):
with self.app.pool.acquire_channel(block=True) as (conn, channel):
ids = set(task_ids)
cached_ids = set()
@@ -248,11 +249,14 @@ class AMQPBackend(BaseBackend):
results = deque()
push_result = results.append
push_cache = self._cache.__setitem__
+ to_exception = self.exception_to_python
def on_message(message):
body = message.decode()
state, uid = getfields(body)
if state in READY_STATES:
+ if state in PROPAGATE_STATES:
+ body['result'] = to_exception(body['result'])
push_result(body) \
if uid in task_ids else push_cache(uid, body)