@@ -7,425 +7,11 @@ is enabled), used for monitoring purposes.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
-import os
-import time
-import threading
-from collections import defaultdict, deque
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-from copy import copy
-from operator import itemgetter
-from kombu import Exchange, Queue, Producer
-from kombu.connection import maybe_channel
-from kombu.mixins import ConsumerMixin
-from kombu.utils.objects import cached_property
-from celery import uuid
-from celery.app import app_or_default
-from celery.five import items
-from celery.utils.nodenames import anon_nodename
-from celery.utils.time import adjust_timestamp, utcoffset
-__all__ = ['Events', 'Event', 'EventDispatcher', 'EventReceiver']
-# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
-# We cache globals and attribute lookups, so disable this warning.
-event_exchange = Exchange('celeryev', type='topic')
-_TZGETTER = itemgetter('utcoffset', 'timestamp')
-def get_exchange(conn):
- ex = copy(event_exchange)
- if conn.transport.driver_type == 'redis':
- # quick hack for Issue #436
- ex.type = 'fanout'
- return ex
-def Event(type, _fields=None, __dict__=dict, __now__=time.time, **fields):
- """Create an event.
- An event is a dictionary, the only required field is ``type``.
- A ``timestamp`` field will be set to the current time if not provided.
- """
- event = __dict__(_fields, **fields) if _fields else fields
- if 'timestamp' not in event:
- event.update(timestamp=__now__(), type=type)
- else:
- event['type'] = type
- return event
-def group_from(type):
- """Get the group part of an event type name.
- Example:
- >>> group_from('task-sent')
- 'task'
- >>> group_from('custom-my-event')
- 'custom'
- """
- return type.split('-', 1)[0]
-class EventDispatcher(object):
- """Dispatches event messages.
- Arguments:
- connection (kombu.Connection): Connection to the broker.
- hostname (str): Hostname to identify ourselves as,
- by default uses the hostname returned by
- :func:`~celery.utils.anon_nodename`.
- groups (Sequence[str]): List of groups to send events for.
- :meth:`send` will ignore send requests to groups not in this list.
- If this is :const:`None`, all events will be sent.
- Example groups include ``"task"`` and ``"worker"``.
- enabled (bool): Set to :const:`False` to not actually publish any
- events, making :meth:`send` a no-op.
- channel (kombu.Channel): Can be used instead of `connection` to specify
- an exact channel to use when sending events.
- buffer_while_offline (bool): If enabled events will be buffered
- while the connection is down. :meth:`flush` must be called
- as soon as the connection is re-established.
- Note:
- You need to :meth:`close` this after use.
- """
- app = None
- # set of callbacks to be called when :meth:`enabled`.
- on_enabled = None
- # set of callbacks to be called when :meth:`disabled`.
- on_disabled = None
- def __init__(self, connection=None, hostname=None, enabled=True,
- channel=None, buffer_while_offline=True, app=None,
- serializer=None, groups=None, delivery_mode=1,
- buffer_group=None, buffer_limit=24, on_send_buffered=None):
- self.app = app_or_default(app or self.app)
- self.connection = connection
- self.channel = channel
- self.hostname = hostname or anon_nodename()
- self.buffer_while_offline = buffer_while_offline
- self.buffer_group = buffer_group or frozenset()
- self.buffer_limit = buffer_limit
- self.on_send_buffered = on_send_buffered
- self._group_buffer = defaultdict(list)
- self.mutex = threading.Lock()
- self.producer = None
- self._outbound_buffer = deque()
- self.serializer = serializer or self.app.conf.event_serializer
- self.on_enabled = set()
- self.on_disabled = set()
- self.groups = set(groups or [])
- self.tzoffset = [-time.timezone, -time.altzone]
- self.clock = self.app.clock
- self.delivery_mode = delivery_mode
- if not connection and channel:
- self.connection = channel.connection.client
- self.enabled = enabled
- conninfo = self.connection or self.app.connection_for_write()
- self.exchange = get_exchange(conninfo)
- if conninfo.transport.driver_type in self.DISABLED_TRANSPORTS:
- self.enabled = False
- if self.enabled:
- self.enable()
- self.headers = {'hostname': self.hostname}
- self.pid = os.getpid()
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
- self.close()
- def enable(self):
- self.producer = Producer(self.channel or self.connection,
- exchange=self.exchange,
- serializer=self.serializer)
- self.enabled = True
- for callback in self.on_enabled:
- callback()
- def disable(self):
- if self.enabled:
- self.enabled = False
- self.close()
- for callback in self.on_disabled:
- callback()
- def publish(self, type, fields, producer,
- blind=False, Event=Event, **kwargs):
- """Publish event using custom :class:`~kombu.Producer`.
- Arguments:
- type (str): Event type name, with group separated by dash (`-`).
- fields: Dictionary of event fields, must be json serializable.
- producer (kombu.Producer): Producer instance to use:
- only the ``publish`` method will be called.
- retry (bool): Retry in the event of connection failure.
- retry_policy (Mapping): Map of custom retry policy options.
- See :meth:`~kombu.Connection.ensure`.
- blind (bool): Don't set logical clock value (also don't forward
- the internal logical clock).
- Event (Callable): Event type used to create event.
- Defaults to :func:`Event`.
- utcoffset (Callable): Function returning the current
- utc offset in hours.
- """
- clock = None if blind else self.clock.forward()
- event = Event(type, hostname=self.hostname, utcoffset=utcoffset(),
- pid=self.pid, clock=clock, **fields)
- with self.mutex:
- return self._publish(event, producer,
- routing_key=type.replace('-', '.'), **kwargs)
- def _publish(self, event, producer, routing_key, retry=False,
- retry_policy=None, utcoffset=utcoffset):
- exchange = self.exchange
- try:
- producer.publish(
- event,
- routing_key=routing_key,
- exchange=exchange.name,
- retry=retry,
- retry_policy=retry_policy,
- declare=[exchange],
- serializer=self.serializer,
- headers=self.headers,
- delivery_mode=self.delivery_mode,
- )
- except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- if not self.buffer_while_offline:
- raise
- self._outbound_buffer.append((event, routing_key, exc))
- def send(self, type, blind=False, utcoffset=utcoffset, retry=False,
- retry_policy=None, Event=Event, **fields):
- """Send event.
- Arguments:
- type (str): Event type name, with group separated by dash (`-`).
- retry (bool): Retry in the event of connection failure.
- retry_policy (Mapping): Map of custom retry policy options.
- See :meth:`~kombu.Connection.ensure`.
- blind (bool): Don't set logical clock value (also don't forward
- the internal logical clock).
- Event (Callable): Event type used to create event,
- defaults to :func:`Event`.
- utcoffset (Callable): unction returning the current utc offset
- in hours.
- **fields (Any): Event fields -- must be json serializable.
- """
- if self.enabled:
- groups, group = self.groups, group_from(type)
- if groups and group not in groups:
- return
- if group in self.buffer_group:
- clock = self.clock.forward()
- event = Event(type, hostname=self.hostname,
- utcoffset=utcoffset(),
- pid=self.pid, clock=clock, **fields)
- buf = self._group_buffer[group]
- buf.append(event)
- if len(buf) >= self.buffer_limit:
- self.flush()
- elif self.on_send_buffered:
- self.on_send_buffered()
- else:
- return self.publish(type, fields, self.producer, blind=blind,
- Event=Event, retry=retry,
- retry_policy=retry_policy)
- def flush(self, errors=True, groups=True):
- """Flush the outbound buffer."""
- if errors:
- buf = list(self._outbound_buffer)
- try:
- with self.mutex:
- for event, routing_key, _ in buf:
- self._publish(event, self.producer, routing_key)
- finally:
- self._outbound_buffer.clear()
- if groups:
- with self.mutex:
- for group, events in items(self._group_buffer):
- self._publish(events, self.producer, '%s.multi' % group)
- events[:] = [] # list.clear
- def extend_buffer(self, other):
- """Copy the outbound buffer of another instance."""
- self._outbound_buffer.extend(other._outbound_buffer)
- def close(self):
- """Close the event dispatcher."""
- self.mutex.locked() and self.mutex.release()
- self.producer = None
- def _get_publisher(self):
- return self.producer
- def _set_publisher(self, producer):
- self.producer = producer
- publisher = property(_get_publisher, _set_publisher) # XXX compat
-class EventReceiver(ConsumerMixin):
- """Capture events.
- Arguments:
- connection (kombu.Connection): Connection to the broker.
- handlers (Mapping[Callable]): Event handlers.
- This is a map of event type names and their handlers.
- The special handler `"*"` captures all events that don't have a
- handler.
- """
- app = None
- def __init__(self, channel, handlers=None, routing_key='#',
- node_id=None, app=None, queue_prefix=None,
- accept=None, queue_ttl=None, queue_expires=None):
- self.app = app_or_default(app or self.app)
- self.channel = maybe_channel(channel)
- self.handlers = {} if handlers is None else handlers
- self.routing_key = routing_key
- self.node_id = node_id or uuid()
- self.queue_prefix = queue_prefix or self.app.conf.event_queue_prefix
- self.exchange = get_exchange(
- self.connection or self.app.connection_for_write())
- if queue_ttl is None:
- queue_ttl = self.app.conf.event_queue_ttl
- if queue_expires is None:
- queue_expires = self.app.conf.event_queue_expires
- self.queue = Queue(
- '.'.join([self.queue_prefix, self.node_id]),
- exchange=self.exchange,
- routing_key=self.routing_key,
- auto_delete=True, durable=False,
- message_ttl=queue_ttl,
- expires=queue_expires,
- )
- self.clock = self.app.clock
- self.adjust_clock = self.clock.adjust
- self.forward_clock = self.clock.forward
- if accept is None:
- accept = {self.app.conf.event_serializer, 'json'}
- self.accept = accept
- def process(self, type, event):
- """Process event by dispatching to configured handler."""
- handler = self.handlers.get(type) or self.handlers.get('*')
- handler and handler(event)
- def get_consumers(self, Consumer, channel):
- return [Consumer(queues=[self.queue],
- callbacks=[self._receive], no_ack=True,
- accept=self.accept)]
- def on_consume_ready(self, connection, channel, consumers,
- wakeup=True, **kwargs):
- if wakeup:
- self.wakeup_workers(channel=channel)
- def itercapture(self, limit=None, timeout=None, wakeup=True):
- return self.consume(limit=limit, timeout=timeout, wakeup=wakeup)
- def capture(self, limit=None, timeout=None, wakeup=True):
- """Open up a consumer capturing events.
- This has to run in the main process, and it will never stop
- unless :attr:`EventDispatcher.should_stop` is set to True, or
- forced via :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` or :exc:`SystemExit`.
- """
- return list(self.consume(limit=limit, timeout=timeout, wakeup=wakeup))
- def wakeup_workers(self, channel=None):
- self.app.control.broadcast('heartbeat',
- connection=self.connection,
- channel=channel)
- def event_from_message(self, body, localize=True,
- now=time.time, tzfields=_TZGETTER,
- adjust_timestamp=adjust_timestamp,
- type = body['type']
- if type == 'task-sent':
- # clients never sync so cannot use their clock value
- _c = body['clock'] = (self.clock.value or 1) + CLIENT_CLOCK_SKEW
- self.adjust_clock(_c)
- else:
- try:
- clock = body['clock']
- except KeyError:
- body['clock'] = self.forward_clock()
- else:
- self.adjust_clock(clock)
- if localize:
- try:
- offset, timestamp = tzfields(body)
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- body['timestamp'] = adjust_timestamp(timestamp, offset)
- body['local_received'] = now()
- return type, body
- def _receive(self, body, message, list=list, isinstance=isinstance):
- if isinstance(body, list): # celery 4.0: List of events
- process, from_message = self.process, self.event_from_message
- [process(*from_message(event)) for event in body]
- else:
- self.process(*self.event_from_message(body))
- @property
- def connection(self):
- return self.channel.connection.client if self.channel else None
-class Events(object):
- """Implements app.events."""
- def __init__(self, app=None):
- self.app = app
- @cached_property
- def Receiver(self):
- return self.app.subclass_with_self(EventReceiver,
- reverse='events.Receiver')
- @cached_property
- def Dispatcher(self):
- return self.app.subclass_with_self(EventDispatcher,
- reverse='events.Dispatcher')
- @cached_property
- def State(self):
- return self.app.subclass_with_self('celery.events.state:State',
- reverse='events.State')
- @contextmanager
- def default_dispatcher(self, hostname=None, enabled=True,
- buffer_while_offline=False):
- with self.app.amqp.producer_pool.acquire(block=True) as prod:
- # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
- # This is a property pylint...
- with self.Dispatcher(prod.connection, hostname, enabled,
- prod.channel, buffer_while_offline) as d:
- yield d
+from .dispatcher import EventDispatcher
+from .event import Event, event_exchange, get_exchange, group_from
+from .receiver import EventReceiver
+__all__ = [
+ 'Event', 'EventDispatcher', 'EventReceiver',
+ 'event_exchange', 'get_exchange', 'group_from',