@@ -37,18 +37,9 @@ Type '%(prog_name)s <command> --help' for help using a specific command.
commands = {}
command_classes = (
- ("Main",
- ["worker", "events", "beat", "shell", "amqp", "help"],
- "green",
- ),
- ("Remote Control",
- ["status", "inspect", "control"],
- "blue",
- ),
- ("Utils",
- ["purge", "list", "migrate", "apply", "result", "report"],
- None,
- ),
+ ('Main', ['worker', 'events', 'beat', 'shell', 'amqp', 'help'], 'green'),
+ ('Remote Control', ['status', 'inspect', 'control'], 'blue'),
+ ('Utils', ['purge', 'list', 'migrate', 'apply', 'result', 'report'], None),
@@ -70,16 +61,16 @@ def command(fun, name=None, sortpri=0):
class Command(BaseCommand):
- help = ""
- args = ""
+ help = ''
+ args = ''
version = __version__
- prog_name = "celery"
+ prog_name = 'celery'
show_body = True
leaf = True
option_list = (
- Option("--quiet", "-q", action="store_true"),
- Option("--no-color", "-C", action="store_true"),
+ Option('--quiet', '-q', action='store_true'),
+ Option('--no-color', '-C', action='store_true'),
def __init__(self, app=None, no_color=False, stdout=sys.stdout,
@@ -94,13 +85,13 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
ret = self.run(*args, **kwargs)
except Error, exc:
- self.error(self.colored.red("Error: %s" % exc))
+ self.error(self.colored.red('Error: %s' % exc))
return exc.status
return ret if ret is not None else EX_OK
def show_help(self, command):
- self.run_from_argv(self.prog_name, [command, "--help"])
+ self.run_from_argv(self.prog_name, [command, '--help'])
return EX_USAGE
def error(self, s):
@@ -108,8 +99,8 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
def out(self, s, fh=None):
s = str(s)
- if not s.endswith("\n"):
- s += "\n"
+ if not s.endswith('\n'):
+ s += '\n'
(fh or self.stdout).write(s)
def run_from_argv(self, prog_name, argv):
@@ -119,55 +110,55 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
self.parser = self.create_parser(self.prog_name, self.command)
options, args = self.prepare_args(
- self.colored = term.colored(enabled=not options["no_color"])
- self.quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
- self.show_body = options.get("show_body", True)
+ self.colored = term.colored(enabled=not options['no_color'])
+ self.quiet = options.get('quiet', False)
+ self.show_body = options.get('show_body', True)
return self(*args, **options)
def usage(self, command):
- return "%%prog %s [options] %s" % (command, self.args)
+ return '%%prog %s [options] %s' % (command, self.args)
def prettify_list(self, n):
c = self.colored
if not n:
- return "- empty -"
- return "\n".join(str(c.reset(c.white("*"), " %s" % (item, )))
+ return '- empty -'
+ return '\n'.join(str(c.reset(c.white('*'), ' %s' % (item, )))
for item in n)
def prettify_dict_ok_error(self, n):
c = self.colored
- return (c.green("OK"),
- text.indent(self.prettify(n["ok"])[1], 4))
+ return (c.green('OK'),
+ text.indent(self.prettify(n['ok'])[1], 4))
except KeyError:
- return (c.red("ERROR"),
- text.indent(self.prettify(n["error"])[1], 4))
+ return (c.red('ERROR'),
+ text.indent(self.prettify(n['error'])[1], 4))
def say_remote_command_reply(self, replies):
c = self.colored
node = replies.keys()[0]
reply = replies[node]
status, preply = self.prettify(reply)
- self.say_chat("->", c.cyan(node, ": ") + status,
+ self.say_chat('->', c.cyan(node, ': ') + status,
text.indent(preply, 4))
def prettify(self, n):
- OK = str(self.colored.green("OK"))
+ OK = str(self.colored.green('OK'))
if isinstance(n, list):
return OK, self.prettify_list(n)
if isinstance(n, dict):
- if "ok" in n or "error" in n:
+ if 'ok' in n or 'error' in n:
return self.prettify_dict_ok_error(n)
if isinstance(n, basestring):
return OK, unicode(n)
return OK, pformat(n)
- def say_chat(self, direction, title, body=""):
+ def say_chat(self, direction, title, body=''):
c = self.colored
- if direction == "<-" and self.quiet:
+ if direction == '<-' and self.quiet:
- dirstr = not self.quiet and c.bold(c.white(direction), " ") or ""
+ dirstr = not self.quiet and c.bold(c.white(direction), ' ') or ''
self.out(c.reset(dirstr, title))
if body and self.show_body:
@@ -197,11 +188,6 @@ class Delegate(Command):
return self.target.run(*args, **kwargs)
-def create_delegate(name, Command):
- return command(type(name, (Delegate, ), {"Command": Command,
- "__module__": __name__}))
class worker(Delegate):
"""Start worker instance.
@@ -215,7 +201,7 @@ class worker(Delegate):
celery worker --autoscale=10,0
- Command = "celery.bin.celeryd:WorkerCommand"
+ Command = 'celery.bin.celeryd:WorkerCommand'
worker = command(worker, sortpri=01)
@@ -238,7 +224,7 @@ class events(Delegate):
celery events -d
celery events -C mod.attr -F 1.0 --detach --maxrate=100/m -l info
- Command = "celery.bin.celeryev:EvCommand"
+ Command = 'celery.bin.celeryev:EvCommand'
events = command(events, sortpri=10)
@@ -252,7 +238,7 @@ class beat(Delegate):
celery beat -S djcelery.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler
- Command = "celery.bin.celerybeat:BeatCommand"
+ Command = 'celery.bin.celerybeat:BeatCommand'
beat = command(beat, sortpri=20)
@@ -273,7 +259,7 @@ class amqp(Delegate):
celery amqp queue.delete queue yes yes
- Command = "celery.bin.camqadm:AMQPAdminCommand"
+ Command = 'celery.bin.camqadm:AMQPAdminCommand'
amqp = command(amqp, sortpri=30)
@@ -286,33 +272,33 @@ class list_(Command):
NOTE: For RabbitMQ the management plugin is required.
- args = "[bindings]"
+ args = '[bindings]'
def list_bindings(self, management):
bindings = management.get_bindings()
except NotImplementedError:
- raise Error("Your transport cannot list bindings.")
+ raise Error('Your transport cannot list bindings.')
- fmt = lambda q, e, r: self.out("%s %s %s" % (q.ljust(28),
+ fmt = lambda q, e, r: self.out('%s %s %s' % (q.ljust(28),
e.ljust(28), r))
- fmt("Queue", "Exchange", "Routing Key")
- fmt("-" * 16, "-" * 16, "-" * 16)
+ fmt('Queue', 'Exchange', 'Routing Key')
+ fmt('-' * 16, '-' * 16, '-' * 16)
for b in bindings:
- fmt(b["destination"], b["source"], b["routing_key"])
+ fmt(b['destination'], b['source'], b['routing_key'])
def run(self, what=None, *_, **kw):
- topics = {"bindings": self.list_bindings}
+ topics = {'bindings': self.list_bindings}
available = ', '.join(topics.keys())
if not what:
- raise Error("You must specify what to list (%s)" % available)
+ raise Error('You must specify what to list (%s)' % available)
if what not in topics:
- raise Error("unknown topic %r (choose one of: %s)" % (
+ raise Error('unknown topic %r (choose one of: %s)' % (
what, available))
with self.app.broker_connection() as conn:
-list_ = command(list_, "list")
+list_ = command(list_, 'list')
class apply(Command):
@@ -323,33 +309,33 @@ class apply(Command):
celery apply tasks.add --args='[2, 2]'
celery apply tasks.add --args='[2, 2]' --countdown=10
- args = "<task_name>"
+ args = '<task_name>'
option_list = Command.option_list + (
- Option("--args", "-a", help="positional arguments (json)."),
- Option("--kwargs", "-k", help="keyword arguments (json)."),
- Option("--eta", help="scheduled time (ISO-8601)."),
- Option("--countdown", type="float",
- help="eta in seconds from now (float/int)."),
- Option("--expires", help="expiry time (ISO-8601/float/int)."),
- Option("--serializer", default="json", help="defaults to json."),
- Option("--queue", help="custom queue name."),
- Option("--exchange", help="custom exchange name."),
- Option("--routing-key", help="custom routing key."),
+ Option('--args', '-a', help='positional arguments (json).'),
+ Option('--kwargs', '-k', help='keyword arguments (json).'),
+ Option('--eta', help='scheduled time (ISO-8601).'),
+ Option('--countdown', type='float',
+ help='eta in seconds from now (float/int).'),
+ Option('--expires', help='expiry time (ISO-8601/float/int).'),
+ Option('--serializer', default='json', help='defaults to json.'),
+ Option('--queue', help='custom queue name.'),
+ Option('--exchange', help='custom exchange name.'),
+ Option('--routing-key', help='custom routing key.'),
def run(self, name, *_, **kw):
# Positional args.
- args = kw.get("args") or ()
+ args = kw.get('args') or ()
if isinstance(args, basestring):
args = anyjson.loads(args)
# Keyword args.
- kwargs = kw.get("kwargs") or {}
+ kwargs = kw.get('kwargs') or {}
if isinstance(kwargs, basestring):
kwargs = anyjson.loads(kwargs)
# Expires can be int/float.
- expires = kw.get("expires") or None
+ expires = kw.get('expires') or None
expires = float(expires)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
@@ -360,12 +346,12 @@ class apply(Command):
res = self.app.send_task(name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs,
- countdown=kw.get("countdown"),
- serializer=kw.get("serializer"),
- queue=kw.get("queue"),
- exchange=kw.get("exchange"),
- routing_key=kw.get("routing_key"),
- eta=maybe_iso8601(kw.get("eta")),
+ countdown=kw.get('countdown'),
+ serializer=kw.get('serializer'),
+ queue=kw.get('queue'),
+ exchange=kw.get('exchange'),
+ routing_key=kw.get('routing_key'),
+ eta=maybe_iso8601(kw.get('eta')),
apply = command(apply)
@@ -381,12 +367,12 @@ class purge(Command):
queues = len(self.app.amqp.queues.keys())
messages_removed = self.app.control.purge()
if messages_removed:
- self.out("Purged %s %s from %s known task %s." % (
- messages_removed, text.pluralize(messages_removed, "message"),
- queues, text.pluralize(queues, "queue")))
+ self.out('Purged %s %s from %s known task %s.' % (
+ messages_removed, text.pluralize(messages_removed, 'message'),
+ queues, text.pluralize(queues, 'queue')))
- self.out("No messages purged from %s known %s" % (
- queues, text.pluralize(queues, "queue")))
+ self.out('No messages purged from %s known %s' % (
+ queues, text.pluralize(queues, 'queue')))
purge = command(purge)
@@ -400,17 +386,17 @@ class result(Command):
celery result 8f511516-e2f5-4da4-9d2f-0fb83a86e500 --traceback
- args = "<task_id>"
+ args = '<task_id>'
option_list = Command.option_list + (
- Option("--task", "-t", help="name of task (if custom backend)"),
- Option("--traceback", action="store_true",
- help="show traceback instead"),
+ Option('--task', '-t', help='name of task (if custom backend)'),
+ Option('--traceback', action='store_true',
+ help='show traceback instead'),
def run(self, task_id, *args, **kwargs):
result_cls = self.app.AsyncResult
- task = kwargs.get("task")
- traceback = kwargs.get("traceback", False)
+ task = kwargs.get('task')
+ traceback = kwargs.get('traceback', False)
if task:
result_cls = self.app.tasks[task].AsyncResult
@@ -428,13 +414,13 @@ class _RemoteControl(Command):
choices = None
leaf = False
option_list = Command.option_list + (
- Option("--timeout", "-t", type="float",
- help="Timeout in seconds (float) waiting for reply"),
- Option("--destination", "-d",
- help="Comma separated list of destination node names."))
+ Option('--timeout', '-t', type='float',
+ help='Timeout in seconds (float) waiting for reply'),
+ Option('--destination', '-d',
+ help='Comma separated list of destination node names.'))
- def get_command_info(self, command, indent=0, prefix="", color=None,
+ def get_command_info(self, command, indent=0, prefix='', color=None,
if help:
help = '|' + text.indent(self.choices[command][1], indent + 4)
@@ -444,52 +430,52 @@ class _RemoteControl(Command):
# see if it uses args.
meth = getattr(self, command)
return text.join([
- '|' + text.indent("%s%s %s" % (prefix, color(command),
+ '|' + text.indent('%s%s %s' % (prefix, color(command),
meth.__doc__), indent), help,
except AttributeError:
return text.join([
- "|" + text.indent(prefix + str(color(command)), indent), help,
+ '|' + text.indent(prefix + str(color(command)), indent), help,
- def list_commands(self, indent=0, prefix="", color=None, help=False):
+ def list_commands(self, indent=0, prefix='', color=None, help=False):
color = color if color else lambda x: x
- prefix = prefix + " " if prefix else ""
- return "\n".join(self.get_command_info(c, indent, prefix, color, help)
+ prefix = prefix + ' ' if prefix else ''
+ return '\n'.join(self.get_command_info(c, indent, prefix, color, help)
for c in sorted(self.choices))
def epilog(self):
- return "\n".join([
- "[Commands]",
+ return '\n'.join([
+ '[Commands]',
self.list_commands(indent=4, help=True)
def usage(self, command):
- return "%%prog %s [options] %s <command> [arg1 .. argN]" % (
+ return '%%prog %s [options] %s <command> [arg1 .. argN]' % (
command, self.args)
def call(self, *args, **kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError("get_obj")
+ raise NotImplementedError('get_obj')
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not args:
- raise Error("Missing %s method. See --help" % self.name)
+ raise Error('Missing %s method. See --help' % self.name)
return self.do_call_method(args, **kwargs)
def do_call_method(self, args, **kwargs):
method = args[0]
- if method == "help":
- raise Error("Did you mean '%s --help'?" % self.name)
+ if method == 'help':
+ raise Error("Did you mean '%s --help'?' % self.name)
if method not in self.choices:
- raise Error("Unknown %s method %s" % (self.name, method))
+ raise Error('Unknown %s method %s' % (self.name, method))
- destination = kwargs.get("destination")
- timeout = kwargs.get("timeout") or self.choices[method][0]
+ destination = kwargs.get('destination')
+ timeout = kwargs.get('timeout') or self.choices[method][0]
if destination and isinstance(destination, basestring):
- destination = map(str.strip, destination.split(","))
+ destination = map(str.strip, destination.split(','))
handler = getattr(self, method)
@@ -500,15 +486,15 @@ class _RemoteControl(Command):
timeout=timeout, destination=destination,
if not replies:
- raise Error("No nodes replied within time constraint.",
+ raise Error('No nodes replied within time constraint.',
return replies
- def say(self, direction, title, body=""):
+ def say(self, direction, title, body=''):
c = self.colored
- if direction == "<-" and self.quiet:
+ if direction == '<-' and self.quiet:
- dirstr = not self.quiet and c.bold(c.white(direction), " ") or ""
+ dirstr = not self.quiet and c.bold(c.white(direction), ' ') or ''
self.out(c.reset(dirstr, title))
if body and self.show_body:
@@ -526,17 +512,17 @@ class inspect(_RemoteControl):
celery inspect revoked -d w1.e.com,w2.e.com
- name = "inspect"
+ name = 'inspect'
choices = {
- "active": (1.0, "dump active tasks (being processed)"),
- "active_queues": (1.0, "dump queues being consumed from"),
- "scheduled": (1.0, "dump scheduled tasks (eta/countdown/retry)"),
- "reserved": (1.0, "dump reserved tasks (waiting to be processed)"),
- "stats": (1.0, "dump worker statistics"),
- "revoked": (1.0, "dump of revoked task ids"),
- "registered": (1.0, "dump of registered tasks"),
- "ping": (0.2, "ping worker(s)"),
- "report": (1.0, "get bugreport info")
+ 'active': (1.0, 'dump active tasks (being processed)'),
+ 'active_queues': (1.0, 'dump queues being consumed from'),
+ 'scheduled': (1.0, 'dump scheduled tasks (eta/countdown/retry)'),
+ 'reserved': (1.0, 'dump reserved tasks (waiting to be processed)'),
+ 'stats': (1.0, 'dump worker statistics'),
+ 'revoked': (1.0, 'dump of revoked task ids'),
+ 'registered': (1.0, 'dump of registered tasks'),
+ 'ping': (0.2, 'ping worker(s)'),
+ 'report': (1.0, 'get bugreport info')
def call(self, method, *args, **options):
@@ -562,19 +548,19 @@ class control(_RemoteControl):
celery control -d w1.e.com add_consumer queue exchange direct rkey
- name = "control"
+ name = 'control'
choices = {
- "enable_events": (1.0, "tell worker(s) to enable events"),
- "disable_events": (1.0, "tell worker(s) to disable events"),
- "add_consumer": (1.0, "tell worker(s) to start consuming a queue"),
- "cancel_consumer": (1.0, "tell worker(s) to stop consuming a queue"),
- "rate_limit": (1.0,
- "tell worker(s) to modify the rate limit for a task type"),
- "time_limit": (1.0,
- "tell worker(s) to modify the time limit for a task type."),
- "autoscale": (1.0, "change autoscale settings"),
- "pool_grow": (1.0, "start more pool processes"),
- "pool_shrink": (1.0, "use less pool processes"),
+ 'enable_events': (1.0, 'tell worker(s) to enable events'),
+ 'disable_events': (1.0, 'tell worker(s) to disable events'),
+ 'add_consumer': (1.0, 'tell worker(s) to start consuming a queue'),
+ 'cancel_consumer': (1.0, 'tell worker(s) to stop consuming a queue'),
+ 'rate_limit': (1.0,
+ 'tell worker(s) to modify the rate limit for a task type'),
+ 'time_limit': (1.0,
+ 'tell worker(s) to modify the time limit for a task type.'),
+ 'autoscale': (1.0, 'change autoscale settings'),
+ 'pool_grow': (1.0, 'start more pool processes'),
+ 'pool_shrink': (1.0, 'use less pool processes'),
def call(self, method, *args, **options):
@@ -601,7 +587,7 @@ class control(_RemoteControl):
return self.call(method, task_name, soft, hard, **kwargs)
def add_consumer(self, method, queue, exchange=None,
- exchange_type="direct", routing_key=None, **kwargs):
+ exchange_type='direct', routing_key=None, **kwargs):
"""<queue> [exchange [type [routing_key]]]"""
return self.call(method, queue, exchange,
exchange_type, routing_key, **kwargs)
@@ -618,16 +604,16 @@ class status(Command):
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
replies = inspect(app=self.app,
- no_color=kwargs.get("no_color", False),
+ no_color=kwargs.get('no_color', False),
stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr) \
- .run("ping", **dict(kwargs, quiet=True, show_body=False))
+ .run('ping', **dict(kwargs, quiet=True, show_body=False))
if not replies:
- raise Error("No nodes replied within time constraint",
+ raise Error('No nodes replied within time constraint',
nodecount = len(replies)
- if not kwargs.get("quiet", False):
- self.out("\n%s %s online." % (nodecount,
- text.pluralize(nodecount, "node")))
+ if not kwargs.get('quiet', False):
+ self.out('\n%s %s online.' % (nodecount,
+ text.pluralize(nodecount, 'node')))
status = command(status)
@@ -643,15 +629,15 @@ class migrate(Command):
a backup of the tasks before you continue.
def usage(self, command):
- return "%%prog %s <source_url> <dest_url>" % (command, )
+ return '%%prog %s <source_url> <dest_url>' % (command, )
def on_migrate_task(self, state, body, message):
- self.out("Migrating task %s/%s: %s[%s]" % (
- state.count, state.strtotal, body["task"], body["id"]))
+ self.out('Migrating task %s/%s: %s[%s]' % (
+ state.count, state.strtotal, body['task'], body['id']))
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
if len(args) != 2:
- return self.show_help("migrate")
+ return self.show_help('migrate')
from kombu import BrokerConnection
from celery.contrib.migrate import migrate_tasks
@@ -683,46 +669,46 @@ class shell(Command): # pragma: no cover
<AsyncResult: 537b48c7-d6d3-427a-a24a-d1b4414035be>
option_list = Command.option_list + (
- Option("--ipython", "-I",
- action="store_true", dest="force_ipython",
- help="force iPython."),
- Option("--bpython", "-B",
- action="store_true", dest="force_bpython",
- help="force bpython."),
- Option("--python", "-P",
- action="store_true", dest="force_python",
- help="force default Python shell."),
- Option("--without-tasks", "-T", action="store_true",
+ Option('--ipython', '-I',
+ action='store_true', dest='force_ipython',
+ help='force iPython.'),
+ Option('--bpython', '-B',
+ action='store_true', dest='force_bpython',
+ help='force bpython.'),
+ Option('--python', '-P',
+ action='store_true', dest='force_python',
+ help='force default Python shell.'),
+ Option('--without-tasks', '-T', action='store_true',
help="don't add tasks to locals."),
- Option("--eventlet", action="store_true",
- help="use eventlet."),
- Option("--gevent", action="store_true", help="use gevent."),
+ Option('--eventlet', action='store_true',
+ help='use eventlet.'),
+ Option('--gevent', action='store_true', help='use gevent.'),
def run(self, force_ipython=False, force_bpython=False,
force_python=False, without_tasks=False, eventlet=False,
gevent=False, **kwargs):
if eventlet:
- import_module("celery.concurrency.eventlet")
+ import_module('celery.concurrency.eventlet')
if gevent:
- import_module("celery.concurrency.gevent")
+ import_module('celery.concurrency.gevent')
import celery
import celery.task.base
- self.locals = {"celery": self.app,
- "Task": celery.Task,
- "chord": celery.chord,
- "group": celery.group,
- "chain": celery.chain,
- "chunks": celery.chunks,
- "xmap": celery.xmap,
- "xstarmap": celery.xstarmap,
- "subtask": celery.subtask}
+ self.locals = {'celery': self.app,
+ 'Task': celery.Task,
+ 'chord': celery.chord,
+ 'group': celery.group,
+ 'chain': celery.chain,
+ 'chunks': celery.chunks,
+ 'xmap': celery.xmap,
+ 'xstarmap': celery.xstarmap,
+ 'subtask': celery.subtask}
if not without_tasks:
self.locals.update(dict((task.__name__, task)
for task in self.app.tasks.itervalues()
- if not task.name.startswith("celery.")))
+ if not task.name.startswith('celery.')))
if force_python:
return self.invoke_fallback_shell()
@@ -755,7 +741,7 @@ class shell(Command): # pragma: no cover
import rlcompleter
- readline.parse_and_bind("tab:complete")
+ readline.parse_and_bind('tab:complete')
def invoke_ipython_shell(self):
@@ -777,12 +763,12 @@ class help(Command):
"""Show help screen and exit."""
def usage(self, command):
- return "%%prog <command> [options] %s" % (self.args, )
+ return '%%prog <command> [options] %s' % (self.args, )
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.out(HELP % {"prog_name": self.prog_name,
- "commands": CeleryCommand.list_commands()})
+ self.out(HELP % {'prog_name': self.prog_name,
+ 'commands': CeleryCommand.list_commands()})
return EX_USAGE
help = command(help)
@@ -800,26 +786,26 @@ report = command(report)
class CeleryCommand(BaseCommand):
commands = commands
enable_config_from_cmdline = True
- prog_name = "celery"
+ prog_name = 'celery'
def execute(self, command, argv=None):
cls = self.commands[command]
except KeyError:
- cls, argv = self.commands["help"], ["help"]
- cls = self.commands.get(command) or self.commands["help"]
+ cls, argv = self.commands['help'], ['help']
+ cls = self.commands.get(command) or self.commands['help']
return cls(app=self.app).run_from_argv(self.prog_name, argv)
except Error:
- return self.execute("help", argv)
+ return self.execute('help', argv)
def remove_options_at_beginning(self, argv, index=0):
if argv:
while index < len(argv):
value = argv[index]
- if value.startswith("--"):
+ if value.startswith('--'):
- elif value.startswith("-"):
+ elif value.startswith('-'):
index += 1
return argv[index:]
@@ -833,7 +819,7 @@ class CeleryCommand(BaseCommand):
command = argv[0]
except IndexError:
- command, argv = "help", ["help"]
+ command, argv = 'help', ['help']
return self.execute(command, argv)
def execute_from_commandline(self, argv=None):
@@ -848,11 +834,11 @@ class CeleryCommand(BaseCommand):
colored = term.colored().names[color] if color else lambda x: x
obj = self.commands[command]
if obj.leaf:
- return '|' + text.indent("celery %s" % colored(command), indent)
+ return '|' + text.indent('celery %s' % colored(command), indent)
return text.join([
- " ",
- '|' + text.indent("celery %s --help" % colored(command), indent),
- obj.list_commands(indent, "celery %s" % command, colored),
+ ' ',
+ '|' + text.indent('celery %s --help' % colored(command), indent),
+ obj.list_commands(indent, 'celery %s' % command, colored),
@@ -861,12 +847,12 @@ class CeleryCommand(BaseCommand):
ret = []
for cls, commands, color in command_classes:
- text.indent("+ %s: " % white(cls), indent),
- "\n".join(self.get_command_info(command, indent + 4, color)
+ text.indent('+ %s: ' % white(cls), indent),
+ '\n'.join(self.get_command_info(command, indent + 4, color)
for command in commands),
- ""
+ ''
- return "\n".join(ret).strip()
+ return '\n'.join(ret).strip()
def determine_exit_status(ret):
@@ -879,10 +865,10 @@ def main():
# Fix for setuptools generated scripts, so that it will
# work with multiprocessing fork emulation.
# (see multiprocessing.forking.get_preparation_data())
- if __name__ != "__main__": # pragma: no cover
- sys.modules["__main__"] = sys.modules[__name__]
+ if __name__ != '__main__': # pragma: no cover
+ sys.modules['__main__'] = sys.modules[__name__]
-if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
+if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover