@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+Every contribution to Celery is as important to us,
+as every coin in the money bin is to Scrooge McDuck.
+Everyone who have ever contributed to Celery should be in
+this list, but in a recent policy change it has been decided
+that everyone must add themselves here, and not be added
+by others, so it's currently incomplete, waiting for everyone
+to add their names.
+The full list of authors can be found in docs/AUTHORS.txt.
Contributor offers to license certain software (a “Contribution” or multiple
Contributor offers to license certain software (a “Contribution” or multiple
“Contributions”) to Celery, and Celery agrees to accept said Contributions,
“Contributions”) to Celery, and Celery agrees to accept said Contributions,
under the terms of the BSD open source license.
under the terms of the BSD open source license.