@@ -141,7 +141,414 @@ These options are described in more detailed in the :ref:`Workers Guide <guide-w
$ celery --app=proj.celery:celery
+.. _calling-tasks:
+Calling Tasks
+You can call a task using the :meth:`delay` method::
+ >>> add.delay(2, 2)
+This method is actually a star-argument shortcut to another method called
+ >>> add.apply_async((2, 2))
+The latter enables you to specify execution options like the time to run
+(countdown), the queue it should be sent to and so on::
+ >>> add.apply_async((2, 2), queue='lopri', countdown=10)
+In the above example the task will be sent to a queue named ``lopri`` and the
+task will execute, at the earliest, 10 seconds after the message was sent.
+Applying the task directly will execute the task in the current process,
+so that no message is sent::
+ >>> add(2, 2)
+ 4
+These three methods - :meth:`delay`, :meth:`apply_async`, and applying
+(``__call__``), represents the Celery calling API, which are also used for
+A more detailed overview of the Calling API can be found in the
+:ref:`Calling User Guide <guide-calling>`.
+Every task invocation will be given a unique identifier (an UUID), this
+is the task id.
+The ``delay`` and ``apply_async`` methods return an :class:`~@AsyncResult`
+instance, which can be used to keep track of the tasks execution state.
+But for this you need to enable a :ref:`result backend <task-result-backend>` so that
+the state can be stored somewhere.
+Results are disabled by default because of the fact that there is no result
+backend that suits every application, so to choose one you need to consider
+the drawbacks of each individual backend. For many tasks
+keeping the return value isn't even very useful, so it's a sensible default to
+have. Also note that result backends are not used for monitoring tasks and workers,
+for that we use dedicated event messages (see :ref:`guide-monitoring`).
+If you have a result backend configured we can retrieve the return
+value of a task::
+ >>> res = add.delay(2, 2)
+ >>> res.get(timeout=1)
+ 4
+You can find the task's id by looking at the :attr:`id` attribute::
+ >>> res.id
+ d6b3aea2-fb9b-4ebc-8da4-848818db9114
+We can also inspect the exception and traceback if the task raised an
+exception, in fact ``result.get()`` will propagate any errors by default::
+ >>> res = add.delay(2)
+ >>> res.get(timeout=1)
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
+ File "/opt/devel/celery/celery/result.py", line 113, in get
+ interval=interval)
+ File "/opt/devel/celery/celery/backends/amqp.py", line 138, in wait_for
+ raise self.exception_to_python(meta['result'])
+ TypeError: add() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
+If you don't wish for the errors to propagate then you can disable that
+by passing the ``propagate`` argument::
+ >>> res.get(propagate=False)
+ TypeError('add() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)',)
+In this case it will return the exception instance raised instead,
+and so to check whether the task succeeded or failed you will have to
+use the corresponding methods on the result instance::
+ >>> res.failed()
+ True
+ >>> res.successful()
+ False
+So how does it know if the task has failed or not? It can find out by looking
+at the tasks *state*::
+ >>> res.state
+A task can only be in a single state, but it can progress through several
+states. The stages of a typical task can be::
+The started state is a special state that is only recorded if the
+:setting:`CELERY_TRACK_STARTED` setting is enabled, or if the
+``@task(track_started=True)`` option is set for the task.
+The pending state is actually not a recorded state, but rather
+the default state for any task id that is unknown, which you can see
+from this example::
+ >>> from proj.celery import celery
+ >>> res = celery.AsyncResult('this-id-does-not-exist')
+ >>> res.state
+If the task is retried the stages can become even more complex,
+e.g, for a task that is retried two times the stages would be::
+To read more about task states you should see the :ref:`task-states` section
+in the tasks user guide.
.. _designing-workflows:
*Canvas*: Designing Workflows
+We just learned how to call a task using the tasks ``delay`` method,
+and this is often all you need, but sometimes you may want to pass the
+signature of a task invocation to another process or as an argument to another
+function, for this Celery uses something called *subtasks*.
+A subtask wraps the arguments and execution options of a single task
+invocation in a way such that it can be passed to functions or even serialized
+and sent across the wire.
+You can create a subtask for the ``add`` task using the arguments ``(2, 2)``,
+and a countdown of 10 seconds like this::
+ >>> add.subtask((2, 2), countdown=10)
+ tasks.add(2, 2)
+There is also a shortcut using star arguments::
+ >>> add.s(2, 2)
+ tasks.add(2, 2)
+and it also supports keyword arguments::
+ >>> add.s(2, 2, debug=True)
+ tasks.add(2, 2, debug=True)
+From any subtask instance we can inspect the different fields::
+ >>> s = add.subtask((2, 2), {'debug': True}, countdown=10)
+ >>> s.args
+ (2, 2)
+ >>> s.kwargs
+ {'debug': True}
+ >>> s.options
+ {'countdown': 10}
+And there's that calling API again...
+Subtask instances also support the calling API, which means you can use
+``delay``, ``apply_async``, or *calling* it directly.
+But there is a difference in that the subtask may already have
+an argument signature specified. The ``add`` task takes two arguments,
+so a subtask specifying two arguments would make a complete signature::
+ >>> s1 = add.s(2, 2)
+ >>> res = s2.delay()
+ >>> res.get()
+ 4
+But, you can also make incomplete signatures to create what we call
+ # incomplete partial: add(?, 2)
+ >>> s2 = add.s(2)
+``s2`` is now a partial subtask that needs another argument to be complete,
+and this can actually be resolved when calling the subtask::
+ # resolves the partial: add(8, 2)
+ >>> res = s2.delay(8)
+ >>> res.get()
+ 10
+Here we added the argument 8, which was prepended to the existing argument 2
+forming a complete signature of ``add(8, 2)``.
+Keyword arguments can also be added later, these are then merged with any
+existing keyword arguments, but with new arguments taking precedence::
+ >>> s3 = add.s(2, 2, debug=True)
+ >>> s3.delay(debug=False) # debug is now False.
+As stated subtasks supports the calling API, and with the introduction
+of partial arguments, which means that:
+- ``subtask.apply_async(args=(), kwargs={}, **options)``
+ Calls the subtask with optional partial arguments and partial
+ keyword arguments. Also supports partial execution options.
+- ``subtask.delay(*args, **kwargs)``
+ Star argument version of ``apply_async``. Any arguments will be prepended
+ to the arguments in the signature, and keyword arguments is merged with any
+ existing keys.
+So this all seems very useful, but what can we actually do with these?
+To get to that we must introduce the canvas primitives...
+The Primitives
+- ``group``
+ The group primitive is a subtask that takes a list of tasks that should
+ be applied in parallel.
+- ``chain``
+ The chain primitive lets us link together subtasks so that one is called
+ after the other, essentially forming a *chain* of callbacks.
+- ``chord``
+ A chord is just like a group but with a callback. A group consists
+ of a header group and a body, where the body is a task that should execute
+ after all of the tasks in the header is complete.
+- ``map``
+ The map primitive works like the built-in ``map`` function, but creates
+ a temporary task where a list of arguments is applied to the task.
+ E.g. ``task.map([1, 2])`` results in a single task
+ being called, appyling the arguments in order to the task function so
+ that the result is::
+ res = [task(1), task(2)]
+- ``starmap``
+ Works exactly like map except the arguments are applied as ``*args``.
+ For example ``add.starmap([(2, 2), (4, 4)])`` results in a single
+ task calling::
+ res = [add(2, 2), add(4, 4)]
+- ``chunks``
+ Chunking splits a long list of arguments into parts, e.g the operation::
+ >>> add.chunks(zip(xrange(1000), xrange(1000), 10))
+ will create 10 tasks that apply 100 items each.
+The primitives are also subtasks themselves, so that they can be combined
+in any number of ways to compose complex workflows.
+Here's some examples::
+- Simple chain
+ Here's a simple chain, the first task executes passing its return value
+ to the next task in the chain, and so on.
+ .. code-block:: python
+ # 2 + 2 + 4 + 8
+ >>> res = chain(add.s(2, 2), add.s(4), add.s(8))()
+ >>> res.get()
+ 16
+ This can also be written using pipes::
+ >>> (add.s(2, 2) | add.s(4) | add.s(8))().get()
+ 16
+- Immutable subtasks
+ As we have learned signatures can be partial, so that arguments can be
+ added to the existing arguments, but you may not always want that,
+ for example if you don't want the result of the previous task in a chain.
+ In that case you can mark the subtask as immutable, so that the arguments
+ cannot be changed::
+ >>> add.subtask((2, 2), immutable=True)
+ There's also an ``.si`` shortcut for this::
+ >>> add.si(2, 2)
+ Now we can create a chain of independent tasks instead::
+ >>> res = (add.si(2, 2), add.si(4, 4), add.s(8, 8))()
+ >>> res.get()
+ 16
+ >>> res.parent.get()
+ 8
+ >>> res.parent.parent.get()
+ 4
+- Simple group
+ We can easily create a group of tasks to execute in parallel::
+ >>> res = group(add.s(i, i) for i in xrange(10))()
+ >>> res.get(timeout=1)
+ [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
+ - For primitives `.apply_async` is special...
+ as it will create a temporary task to apply the tasks in,
+ for example by *applying the group*::
+ >>> g = group(add.s(i, i) for i in xrange(10))
+ >>> g() # << applying
+ the act of sending the messages for the tasks in the group
+ will happen in the current process,
+ but with ``.apply_async`` this happens in a temporary task
+ instead::
+ >>> g = group(add.s(i, i) for i in xrange(10))
+ >>> g.apply_async()
+ This is useful because we can e.g. specify a time for the
+ messages in the group to be called::
+ >>> g.apply_async(countdown=10)
+- Simple chord
+ The chord primitive enables us to add callback to be called when
+ all of the tasks in a group has finished executing, which is often
+ required for algorithms that aren't embarrassingly parallel::
+ >>> res = chord((add.s(i, i) for i in xrange(10)), xsum.s())()
+ >>> res.get()
+ 90
+ The above example creates 10 task that all start in parallel,
+ and when all of them is complete the return values is combined
+ into a list and sent to the ``xsum`` task.
+ The body of a chord can also be immutable, so that the return value
+ of the group is not passed on to the callback::
+ >>> chord((import_contact.s(c) for c in contacts),
+ ... notify_complete.si(import_id)).apply_async()
+ Note the use of ``.si`` above which creates an immutable subtask.
+- Blow your mind by combining
+ Chains can be partial too::
+ >>> c1 = (add.s(4) | mul.s(8))
+ # (16 + 4) * 8
+ >>> res = c1(16)
+ >>> res.get()
+ 160
+ Which means that you can combine chains too::
+ # ((4 + 16) * 2 + 4) * 8
+ >>> c2 = (add.s(4, 16) | mul.s(2) | (add.s(4) | mul.s(8)))
+ >>> c2
+ tasks.add(16) | tasks.mul(2) | tasks.add(4) | tasks.mul(8)
+ >>> res = c2()
+ >>> res.get()
+ 352
+ Chaining a group together with another task will automatically
+ upgrade it to be a chord::
+ >>> c3 = (group(add.s(i, i) for i in xrange(10) | xsum.s()))
+ >>> res = c3()
+ >>> res.get()
+ 90
+ Groups and chords accepts partial arguments too, which in case
+ the return value of the previous task is sent to all tasks in the group::
+ >>> new_user_workflow = (create_user.s() | group(
+ ... import_contacts.s(),
+ ... send_welcome_email.s()))
+ ... new_user_workflow.delay(username='artv',
+ ... first='Art',
+ ... last='Vandelay',
+ ... email='art@vandelay.com')
+Be sure to read more about workflows in the :ref:`Canvas <guide-canvas>` user