@@ -8,6 +8,128 @@ This document contains change notes for bugfix releases in
the 4.0.x series (latentcall), please see :ref:`whatsnew-4.0` for
an overview of what's new in Celery 4.0.
+.. _version-4.0.1:
+:release-date: TBA
+:release-by: Ask Solem
+- **Tasks**: Added new method to register class-based tasks (Issue #3615).
+ To register a class based task you should now call ``app.register_task``:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ from celery import Celery, Task
+ app = Celery()
+ class CustomTask(Task):
+ def run(self):
+ return 'hello'
+ app.register_task(CustomTask())
+- **Tasks**: The ``task-sent`` event was not being sent even if
+ configured to do so (Issue #3646).
+- **Worker**: Fixed AMQP heartbeat support for eventlet/gevent pools
+ (Issue #3649).
+- **App**: ``app.conf.humanize()`` would not work if configuration
+ not finalized (Issue #3652).
+- **Utils**: ``saferepr`` attempted to show iterables as lists
+ and mappings as dicts.
+_ **Utils**: ``saferepr`` did not handle unicode-errors
+ when attempting to format ``bytes`` on Python 3 (Issue #3610).
+- **Utils**: ``saferepr`` should now properly represent byte strings
+ with non-ascii characters (Issue #3600).
+- **Results**: Fixed bug in elasticsearch where _index method missed
+ the body argument (Issue #3606).
+ Fix contributed by **何翔宇** (Sean Ho).
+- **Canvas**: Fixed :exc:`ValueError` in chord with single task header
+ (Issue #3608).
+ Fix contributed by **Viktor Holmqvist**.
+- **Task**: Ensure class-based task has name prior to registration
+ (Issue #3616).
+ Fix contributed by **Rick Wargo**.
+- **Beat**: Fixed problem with strings in shelve (Issue #3644).
+ Fix contributed by **Alli**.
+- **Worker**: Fixed :exc:`KeyError` in ``inspect stats`` when ``-O`` argument
+ set to something other than ``fast`` or ``fair`` (Issue #3621).
+- **Task**: Retried tasks were no longer sent to the original queue
+ (Issue #3622).
+- **Worker**: Python 3: Fixed None/int type comparison in
+ :file:`apps/worker.py` (Issue #3631).
+- **Results**: Redis has a new :setting:`redis_socket_connect_timeout`
+ setting.
+- **Results**: Redis result backend passed the ``socket_connect_timeout``
+ argument to UNIX socket based connections by mistake, causing a crash.
+- **Worker**: Fixed missing logo in worker splash screen when running on
+ Python 3.x (Issue #3627).
+ Fix contributed by **Brian Luan**.
+- **Deps**: Fixed ``celery[redis]`` bundle installation (Issue #3643).
+ Fix contributed by **Rémi Marenco**.
+- **Deps**: Bundle ``celery[sqs]`` now also requires :pypi:`pycurl`
+ (Issue #3619).
+- **Worker**: Hard time limits were no longer being respected (Issue #3618).
+- **Worker**: Soft time limit log showed ``Trues`` instead of the number
+ of seconds.
+- **App**: ``registry_cls`` argument no longer had any effect (Issue #3613).
+- **Worker**: Event producer now uses ``connection_for_Write`` (Issue #3525).
+- **Results**: Redis/memcache backends now uses :setting:`result_expires`
+ to expire chord counter (Issue #3573).
+ Contributed by **Tayfun Sen**.
+- **Django**: Fixed command for upgrading settings with Django (Issue #3563).
+ Fix contributed by **François Voron**.
+- **Testing**: Added a ``celery_parameters`` test fixture to be able to use
+ customized ``Celery`` init parameters. (#3626)
+ Contributed by **Steffen Allner**.
+- Documentation improvements contributed by
+ - :github_user:`csfeathers`
+ - **Moussa Taifi**
+ - **Yuhannaa**
+ - **Laurent Peuch**
+ - **Christian**
+ - **Bruno Alla**
+ - **Steven Johns**
+ - :github_user:`tnir`
+ - **GDR!**
.. _version-4.0.0: