@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ VERSION_BANNER = '{0} ({1})'.format(__version__, SERIES)
# -eof meta-
import os
+import sys
if os.environ.get('C_IMPDEBUG'): # pragma: no cover
- import sys
from .five import builtins
real_import = builtins.__import__
@@ -74,3 +74,61 @@ old_module, new_module = recreate_module( # pragma: no cover
__homepage__=__homepage__, __docformat__=__docformat__,
+if sys.version_info[0:2] == (3, 2):
+ # There is a problem in Python3's import system where it
+ # returns the raw module object instead of the one
+ # kept in ``sys.modules``.
+ # This breaks our dynamically generated modules because we insert
+ # them into sys.modules, and expect the import statement to return
+ # that.
+ # I'm not entirely sure of why, or when it happens, but this import hook
+ # fixes the problem. The bug can be reproduced by disabling the hook
+ # and doing the following:
+ #
+ # >>> import celery
+ # >>> from celery.task import sets
+ # >>> from celery import task
+ # >>> type(celery.task)
+ # <class 'celery.task'>
+ # >>> import sys
+ # >>> import celery
+ # >>> sys.modules.pop('celery.task')
+ # <module 'celery.task' from 'celery/task/__init__.py'>
+ # >>> from celery.task import sets
+ # Traceback (most recent call last):
+ # File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
+ # ImportError: cannot import name sets
+ # >>> type(celery.task)
+ # <class 'module'> # <-- where did this come from?!?
+ # Note that popping the module from sys.modules is just a way to force
+ # this to happen and I'm sure it happens in other cases too.
+ # [ask]
+ import imp
+ class FixBrokenImportHook(object):
+ generated_modules = ('celery', 'celery.task')
+ def load_module(self, name, *args):
+ try:
+ return sys.modules[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ modname, path = name, None
+ if '.' in name:
+ modname, path = name.split('.')[-1], __path__
+ module_info = imp.find_module(modname, path)
+ module = imp.load_module(name, *module_info)
+ return sys.modules[name]
+ def find_module(self, name, path):
+ if name in self.generated_modules:
+ return self
+ return None
+ sys.meta_path.insert(0, FixBrokenImportHook())