@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ MINGLE_GET_FIELDS = itemgetter('clock', 'revoked')
def dump_body(m, body):
if isinstance(body, buffer_t):
- body = bytes_t(buffer)
+ body = bytes_t(body)
return '{0} ({1}b)'.format(truncate(safe_repr(body), 1024),
@@ -536,20 +536,6 @@ class Heart(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
shutdown = stop
-class Control(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
- requires = (Events, )
- def __init__(self, c, **kwargs):
- self.is_green = c.pool is not None and c.pool.is_green
- self.box = (pidbox.gPidbox if self.is_green else pidbox.Pidbox)(c)
- self.start = self.box.start
- self.stop = self.box.stop
- self.shutdown = self.box.shutdown
- def include_if(self, c):
class Tasks(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
requires = (Events, )
@@ -592,9 +578,57 @@ class Agent(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
return agent
+class Mingle(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
+ label = 'Mingle'
+ requires = (Events, )
+ compatible_transports = set(['amqp', 'redis'])
+ def __init__(self, c, without_mingle=False, **kwargs):
+ self.enabled = not without_mingle and self.compatible_transport(c.app)
+ def compatible_transport(self, app):
+ with app.connection() as conn:
+ return conn.transport.driver_type in self.compatible_transports
+ def start(self, c):
+ info('mingle: searching for neighbors')
+ I = c.app.control.inspect(timeout=1.0, connection=c.connection)
+ replies = I.hello(c.hostname, revoked._data) or {}
+ replies.pop(c.hostname, None)
+ if replies:
+ info('mingle: sync with %s nodes',
+ len([reply for reply, value in items(replies) if value]))
+ for reply in values(replies):
+ if reply:
+ try:
+ other_clock, other_revoked = MINGLE_GET_FIELDS(reply)
+ except KeyError: # reply from pre-3.1 worker
+ pass
+ else:
+ c.app.clock.adjust(other_clock)
+ revoked.update(other_revoked)
+ info('mingle: sync complete')
+ else:
+ info('mingle: all alone')
+class Control(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
+ requires = (Mingle, )
+ def __init__(self, c, **kwargs):
+ self.is_green = c.pool is not None and c.pool.is_green
+ self.box = (pidbox.gPidbox if self.is_green else pidbox.Pidbox)(c)
+ self.start = self.box.start
+ self.stop = self.box.stop
+ self.shutdown = self.box.shutdown
+ def include_if(self, c):
class Gossip(bootsteps.ConsumerStep):
label = 'Gossip'
- requires = (Events, )
+ requires = (Mingle, )
_cons_stamp_fields = itemgetter(
'id', 'clock', 'hostname', 'pid', 'topic', 'action', 'cver',
@@ -747,40 +781,6 @@ class Gossip(bootsteps.ConsumerStep):
-class Mingle(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
- label = 'Mingle'
- requires = (Gossip, )
- compatible_transports = set(['amqp', 'redis'])
- def __init__(self, c, without_mingle=False, **kwargs):
- self.enabled = not without_mingle and self.compatible_transport(c.app)
- def compatible_transport(self, app):
- with app.connection() as conn:
- return conn.transport.driver_type in self.compatible_transports
- def start(self, c):
- info('mingle: searching for neighbors')
- I = c.app.control.inspect(timeout=1.0, connection=c.connection)
- replies = I.hello(c.hostname, revoked._data) or {}
- replies.pop(c.hostname, None)
- if replies:
- info('mingle: sync with %s nodes',
- len([reply for reply, value in items(replies) if value]))
- for reply in values(replies):
- if reply:
- try:
- other_clock, other_revoked = MINGLE_GET_FIELDS(reply)
- except KeyError: # reply from pre-3.1 worker
- pass
- else:
- c.app.clock.adjust(other_clock)
- revoked.update(other_revoked)
- info('mingle: sync complete')
- else:
- info('mingle: all alone')
class Evloop(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
label = 'event loop'
last = True