@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
-import errno
-import select
-import sys
-from time import time
-from celery.worker import autoreload
-from celery.worker.autoreload import (
- WorkerComponent,
- file_hash,
- BaseMonitor,
- StatMonitor,
- KQueueMonitor,
- InotifyMonitor,
- default_implementation,
- Autoreloader,
-from celery.tests.case import AppCase, Case, Mock, mock, patch
-class test_WorkerComponent(AppCase):
- def test_create_threaded(self):
- w = Mock()
- w.use_eventloop = False
- x = WorkerComponent(w)
- x.instantiate = Mock()
- r = x.create(w)
- x.instantiate.assert_called_with(w.autoreloader_cls, w)
- self.assertIs(r, w.autoreloader)
- @patch('select.kevent', create=True)
- @patch('select.kqueue', create=True)
- @patch('kombu.utils.eventio.kqueue')
- def test_create_ev(self, kq, kqueue, kevent):
- w = Mock()
- w.use_eventloop = True
- x = WorkerComponent(w)
- x.instantiate = Mock()
- r = x.create(w)
- x.instantiate.assert_called_with(w.autoreloader_cls, w)
- x.register_with_event_loop(w, w.hub)
- self.assertIsNone(r)
- w.hub.on_close.add.assert_called_with(
- w.autoreloader.on_event_loop_close,
- )
-class test_file_hash(Case):
- def test_hash(self):
- with mock.open() as a:
- a.write('the quick brown fox\n')
- a.seek(0)
- A = file_hash('foo')
- with mock.open() as b:
- b.write('the quick brown bar\n')
- b.seek(0)
- B = file_hash('bar')
- self.assertNotEqual(A, B)
-class test_BaseMonitor(Case):
- def test_start_stop_on_change(self):
- x = BaseMonitor(['a', 'b'])
- with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
- x.start()
- x.stop()
- x.on_change([])
- x._on_change = Mock()
- x.on_change('foo')
- x._on_change.assert_called_with('foo')
- x.on_event_loop_close(Mock())
-class test_StatMonitor(Case):
- @patch('os.stat')
- def test_start(self, stat):
- class st(object):
- st_mtime = time()
- stat.return_value = st()
- x = StatMonitor(['a', 'b'])
- def on_is_set():
- if x.shutdown_event.is_set.call_count > 3:
- return True
- return False
- x.shutdown_event = Mock()
- x.shutdown_event.is_set.side_effect = on_is_set
- x.start()
- x.shutdown_event = Mock()
- stat.side_effect = OSError()
- x.start()
- def test_register_with_event_loop(self):
- hub = Mock(name='hub')
- x = StatMonitor(['a'])
- x.register_with_event_loop(hub)
- hub.call_repeatedly.assert_called_with(2.0, x.find_changes)
- @patch('os.stat')
- def test_mtime_stat_raises(self, stat):
- stat.side_effect = ValueError()
- x = StatMonitor(['a', 'b'])
- x._mtime('a')
-class test_KQueueMonitor(Case):
- @patch('select.kqueue', create=True)
- @patch('os.close')
- def test_stop(self, close, kqueue):
- x = KQueueMonitor(['a', 'b'])
- x.poller = Mock()
- x.filemap['a'] = 10
- x.stop()
- x.poller.close.assert_called_with()
- close.assert_called_with(10)
- close.side_effect = OSError()
- close.side_effect.errno = errno.EBADF
- x.stop()
- @patch('kombu.utils.eventio.kqueue', create=True)
- def test_register_with_event_loop(self, kqueue):
- x = KQueueMonitor(['a', 'b'])
- hub = Mock(name='hub')
- x.add_events = Mock(name='add_events()')
- x.register_with_event_loop(hub)
- x.add_events.assert_called_with(x._kq)
- self.assertEqual(
- x._kq.on_file_change,
- x.handle_event,
- )
- def test_register_with_event_loop_no_kqueue(self):
- from kombu.utils import eventio
- prev, eventio.kqueue = eventio.kqueue, None
- try:
- x = KQueueMonitor(['a'])
- x.register_with_event_loop(Mock())
- finally:
- eventio.kqueue = prev
- def test_on_event_loop_close(self):
- x = KQueueMonitor(['a', 'b'])
- x.close = Mock()
- x._kq = Mock(name='_kq')
- x.on_event_loop_close(Mock(name='hub'))
- x.close.assert_called_with(x._kq)
- def test_handle_event(self):
- x = KQueueMonitor(['a', 'b'])
- x.on_change = Mock()
- eA = Mock()
- eA.ident = 'a'
- eB = Mock()
- eB.ident = 'b'
- x.fdmap = {'a': 'A', 'b': 'B'}
- x.handle_event([eA, eB])
- x.on_change.assert_called_with(['A', 'B'])
- @patch('kombu.utils.eventio.kqueue', create=True)
- @patch('kombu.utils.eventio.kevent', create=True)
- @patch('os.open')
- @patch('select.kqueue', create=True)
- def test_start(self, _kq, osopen, kevent, kqueue):
- from kombu.utils import eventio
- prev_poll, eventio.poll = eventio.poll, kqueue
- prev = {}
- for i, flag in enumerate(flags):
- prev[flag] = getattr(eventio, flag, None)
- if not prev[flag]:
- setattr(eventio, flag, i)
- try:
- kq = kqueue.return_value = Mock()
- class ev(object):
- ident = 10
- filter = eventio.KQ_FILTER_VNODE
- kq.control.return_value = [ev()]
- x = KQueueMonitor(['a'])
- osopen.return_value = 10
- calls = [0]
- def on_is_set():
- calls[0] += 1
- if calls[0] > 2:
- return True
- return False
- x.shutdown_event = Mock()
- x.shutdown_event.is_set.side_effect = on_is_set
- x.start()
- finally:
- for flag in flags:
- if prev[flag]:
- setattr(eventio, flag, prev[flag])
- else:
- delattr(eventio, flag)
- eventio.poll = prev_poll
-class test_InotifyMonitor(Case):
- @patch('celery.worker.autoreload.pyinotify')
- def test_start(self, inotify):
- x = InotifyMonitor(['a'])
- inotify.IN_MODIFY = 1
- inotify.IN_ATTRIB = 2
- x.start()
- inotify.WatchManager.side_effect = ValueError()
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
- x.start()
- x.stop()
- x._on_change = None
- x.process_(Mock())
- x._on_change = Mock()
- x.process_(Mock())
- x._on_change.assert_called()
- x.create_notifier = Mock()
- x._wm = Mock()
- hub = Mock()
- x.register_with_event_loop(hub)
- x.create_notifier.assert_called_with()
- hub.add_reader.assert_called_with(x._wm.get_fd(), x.on_readable)
- x.on_event_loop_close(hub)
- x._notifier = Mock()
- x.on_readable()
- x._notifier.read_events.assert_called_with()
- x._notifier.process_events.assert_called_with()
-class test_default_implementation(Case):
- @patch('select.kqueue', create=True)
- @patch('kombu.utils.eventio.kqueue', create=True)
- def test_kqueue(self, kq, kqueue):
- self.assertEqual(default_implementation(), 'kqueue')
- @patch('celery.worker.autoreload.pyinotify')
- def test_inotify(self, pyinotify):
- kq = getattr(select, 'kqueue', None)
- try:
- delattr(select, 'kqueue')
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- platform, sys.platform = sys.platform, 'linux'
- try:
- self.assertEqual(default_implementation(), 'inotify')
- ino, autoreload.pyinotify = autoreload.pyinotify, None
- try:
- self.assertEqual(default_implementation(), 'stat')
- finally:
- autoreload.pyinotify = ino
- finally:
- if kq:
- select.kqueue = kq
- sys.platform = platform
-class test_Autoreloader(AppCase):
- def test_register_with_event_loop(self):
- x = Autoreloader(Mock(), modules=[__name__])
- hub = Mock()
- x._monitor = None
- x.on_init = Mock()
- def se(*args, **kwargs):
- x._monitor = Mock()
- x.on_init.side_effect = se
- x.register_with_event_loop(hub)
- x.on_init.assert_called_with()
- x._monitor.register_with_event_loop.assert_called_with(hub)
- x._monitor.register_with_event_loop.reset_mock()
- x.register_with_event_loop(hub)
- x._monitor.register_with_event_loop.assert_called_with(hub)
- def test_on_event_loop_close(self):
- x = Autoreloader(Mock(), modules=[__name__])
- hub = Mock()
- x._monitor = Mock()
- x.on_event_loop_close(hub)
- x._monitor.on_event_loop_close.assert_called_with(hub)
- x._monitor = None
- x.on_event_loop_close(hub)
- @patch('celery.worker.autoreload.file_hash')
- def test_start(self, fhash):
- x = Autoreloader(Mock(), modules=[__name__])
- x.Monitor = Mock()
- mon = x.Monitor.return_value = Mock()
- mon.start.side_effect = OSError()
- mon.start.side_effect.errno = errno.EINTR
- x.body()
- mon.start.side_effect.errno = errno.ENOENT
- with self.assertRaises(OSError):
- x.body()
- mon.start.side_effect = None
- x.body()
- @patch('celery.worker.autoreload.file_hash')
- @patch('os.path.exists')
- def test_maybe_modified(self, exists, fhash):
- exists.return_value = True
- fhash.return_value = 'abcd'
- x = Autoreloader(Mock(), modules=[__name__])
- x._hashes = {}
- x._hashes[__name__] = 'dcba'
- self.assertTrue(x._maybe_modified(__name__))
- x._hashes[__name__] = 'abcd'
- self.assertFalse(x._maybe_modified(__name__))
- exists.return_value = False
- self.assertFalse(x._maybe_modified(__name__))
- def test_on_change(self):
- x = Autoreloader(Mock(), modules=[__name__])
- mm = x._maybe_modified = Mock(0)
- mm.return_value = True
- x._reload = Mock()
- x.file_to_module[__name__] = __name__
- x.on_change([__name__])
- x._reload.assert_called()
- mm.return_value = False
- x.on_change([__name__])
- def test_reload(self):
- x = Autoreloader(Mock(), modules=[__name__])
- x._reload([__name__])
- x.controller.reload.assert_called_with([__name__], reload=True)
- def test_stop(self):
- x = Autoreloader(Mock(), modules=[__name__])
- x._monitor = None
- x.stop()
- x._monitor = Mock()
- x.stop()
- x._monitor.stop.assert_called_with()