@@ -144,11 +144,49 @@ Backward incompatible changes
-* now depends on carrot >= 0.10.5
+* **celeryev**: Curses Celery Monitor and Event Viewer.
-* now depends on billiard >= 0.4.0
+ This is a simple monitor allowing you to see what tasks are
+ executing in real-time and investigate tracebacks and results of ready
+ tasks. It also enables you to set new rate limits and revoke tasks.
-* now depends on pyparsing
+ Screenshot:
+ .. image:: http://celeryproject.org/img/celeryevshotsm.jpg
+ If you run ``celeryev`` with the ``-d`` switch it will act as an event
+ dumper, simply dumping the events it receives to standard out::
+ $ celeryev -d
+ -> celeryev: starting capture...
+ casper.local [2010-06-04 10:42:07.020000] heartbeat
+ casper.local [2010-06-04 10:42:14.750000] task received:
+ tasks.add(61a68756-27f4-4879-b816-3cf815672b0e) args=[2, 2] kwargs={}
+ eta=2010-06-04T10:42:16.669290, retries=0
+ casper.local [2010-06-04 10:42:17.230000] task started
+ tasks.add(61a68756-27f4-4879-b816-3cf815672b0e) args=[2, 2] kwargs={}
+ casper.local [2010-06-04 10:42:17.960000] task succeeded:
+ tasks.add(61a68756-27f4-4879-b816-3cf815672b0e)
+ args=[2, 2] kwargs={} result=4, runtime=0.782663106918
+ The fields here are, in order: *sender hostname*, *timestamp*, *event type* and
+ *additional event fields*.
+* :mod:`billiard` has been moved back to the celery repository.
+ ===================================== =====================================
+ **Module name** **celery equivalent**
+ ===================================== =====================================
+ ``billiard.pool`` ``celery.concurrency.processes``
+ ``billiard.serialization`` ``celery.serialization``
+ ``billiard.utils.functional`` ``celery.utils.functional``
+ ===================================== =====================================
+ The :mod:`billiard` distribution may be maintained, depending on interest.
+* now depends on :mod:`carrot` >= 0.10.5
+* now depends on :mod:`pyparsing`
* celeryd: Now waits for available pool processes before applying new
tasks to the pool.