@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Notes
causes problems when the recursion limit is exceeded.
This is fixed in the new message protocol by specifying
- a list of chords, each task will then pop a chain off the list
+ a list of signatures, each task will then pop a task off the list
when sending the next message::
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Notes
sig = maybe_signature(chain.pop())
-- ``correlation_id`` replaces task_id ``field``.
+- ``correlation_id`` replaces ``task_id`` field.
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ Undecided
- May consider moving callbacks/errbacks/chain into body.
- It's unknown if huge lists in headers will cause messaging overhead,
- but the downside of moving them into the body is that intermediates
- will not be able to introspect these values.
+ Will huge lists in headers cause overhead?
+ The downside of keeping them in the body is that intermediates
+ won't be able to introspect these values.
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Definition
'group': (uuid)group_id,
'chord': (uuid)chord_id,
'retries': (int)retries,
- 'time'
+ 'timelimit': (tuple)(soft, hard),
body = (args, kwargs)