@@ -1,1167 +1 @@
-.. _contributing:
- Contributing
-This document is fairly extensive and you aren't really expected
-to study this in detail for small contributions;
- The most important rule is that contributing must be easy
- and that the community is friendly and not nitpicking on details,
- such as coding style.
-If you're reporting a bug you should read the Reporting bugs section
-below to ensure that your bug report contains enough information
-to successfully diagnose the issue, and if you're contributing code
-you should try to mimic the conventions you see surrounding the code
-you're working on, but in the end all patches will be cleaned up by
-the person merging the changes so don't worry too much.
-.. contents::
- :local:
-.. _community-code-of-conduct:
-Community Code of Conduct
-The goal is to maintain a diverse community that's pleasant for everyone.
-That's why we would greatly appreciate it if everyone contributing to and
-interacting with the community also followed this Code of Conduct.
-The Code of Conduct covers our behavior as members of the community,
-in any forum, mailing list, wiki, website, Internet relay chat (IRC), public
-meeting or private correspondence.
-The Code of Conduct is heavily based on the `Ubuntu Code of Conduct`_, and
-the `Pylons Code of Conduct`_.
-.. _`Ubuntu Code of Conduct`: https://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct
-.. _`Pylons Code of Conduct`: http://docs.pylonshq.com/community/conduct.html
-Be considerate
-Your work will be used by other people, and you in turn will depend on the
-work of others. Any decision you take will affect users and colleagues, and
-we expect you to take those consequences into account when making decisions.
-Even if it's not obvious at the time, our contributions to Celery will impact
-the work of others. For example, changes to code, infrastructure, policy,
-documentation and translations during a release may negatively impact
-others work.
-Be respectful
-The Celery community and its members treat one another with respect. Everyone
-can make a valuable contribution to Celery. We may not always agree, but
-disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We might all
-experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration
-to turn into a personal attack. It's important to remember that a community
-where people feel uncomfortable or threatened isn't a productive one. We
-expect members of the Celery community to be respectful when dealing with
-other contributors as well as with people outside the Celery project and with
-users of Celery.
-Be collaborative
-Collaboration is central to Celery and to the larger free software community.
-We should always be open to collaboration. Your work should be done
-transparently and patches from Celery should be given back to the community
-when they're made, not just when the distribution releases. If you wish
-to work on new code for existing upstream projects, at least keep those
-projects informed of your ideas and progress. It many not be possible to
-get consensus from upstream, or even from your colleagues about the correct
-implementation for an idea, so don't feel obliged to have that agreement
-before you begin, but at least keep the outside world informed of your work,
-and publish your work in a way that allows outsiders to test, discuss, and
-contribute to your efforts.
-When you disagree, consult others
-Disagreements, both political and technical, happen all the time and
-the Celery community is no exception. It's important that we resolve
-disagreements and differing views constructively and with the help of the
-community and community process. If you really want to go a different
-way, then we encourage you to make a derivative distribution or alternate
-set of packages that still build on the work we've done to utilize as common
-of a core as possible.
-When you're unsure, ask for help
-Nobody knows everything, and nobody is expected to be perfect. Asking
-questions avoids many problems down the road, and so questions are
-encouraged. Those who are asked questions should be responsive and helpful.
-However, when asking a question, care must be taken to do so in an appropriate
-Step down considerately
-Developers on every project come and go and Celery is no different. When you
-leave or disengage from the project, in whole or in part, we ask that you do
-so in a way that minimizes disruption to the project. This means you should
-tell people you're leaving and take the proper steps to ensure that others
-can pick up where you leave off.
-.. _reporting-bugs:
-Reporting Bugs
-.. _vulnsec:
-You must never report security related issues, vulnerabilities or bugs
-including sensitive information to the bug tracker, or elsewhere in public.
-Instead sensitive bugs must be sent by email to ``security@celeryproject.org``.
-If you'd like to submit the information encrypted our PGP key is::
- Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (Darwin)
- mQENBFJpWDkBCADFIc9/Fpgse4owLNvsTC7GYfnJL19XO0hnL99sPx+DPbfr+cSE
- 9wiU+Wp2TfUX7pCLEGrODiEP6ZCZbgtiPgId+JYvMxpP6GXbjiIlHRw1EQNH8RlX
- cVxy3rQfVv8PGGiJuyBBjxzvETHW25htVAZ5TI1+CkxmuyyEYqgZN2fNd0wEU19D
- +c10G1gSECbCQTCbacLSzdpngAt1Gkrc96r7wGHBBSvDaGDD2pFSkVuTLMbIRrVp
- lnKOPMsUijiip2EMr2DvfuXiUIUvaqInTPNWkDynLoh69ib5xC19CSVLONjkKBsr
- Pe+qAY29liBatatpXsydY7GIUzyBT3MzgMJlABEBAAG0MUNlbGVyeSBTZWN1cml0
- eSBUZWFtIDxzZWN1cml0eUBjZWxlcnlwcm9qZWN0Lm9yZz6JATgEEwECACIFAlJp
- CViDC7/P13jr+srRdjAsWvQztia9HmTlY8cUnbmkR9w6b6j3F2ayw8VhkyFWgYEJ
- wtPBv8mHKADiVSFARS+0yGsfCkia5wDSQuIv6XqRlIrXUyqJbmF4NUFTyCZYoh+C
- ZiQpN9xGhFPr5QDlMx2izWg1rvWlG1jY2Es1v/xED3AeCOB1eUGvRe/uJHKjGv7J
- rj0pFcptZX+WDF22AN235WYwgJM6TrNfSu8sv8vNAQOVnsKcgsqhuwomSGsOfMQj
- LFzIn95MKBBU1G5wOs7JtwiV9jefGqJGBO2FAvOVbvPdK/saSnB+7K36dQcIHqms
- 5hU4Xj0RIJiod5idlRC5AQ0EUmlYOQEIAJs8OwHMkrdcvy9kk2HBVbdqhgAREMKy
- gmphDp7prRL9FqSY/dKpCbG0u82zyJypdb7QiaQ5pfPzPpQcd2dIcohkkh7G3E+e
- hS2L9AXHpwR26/PzMBXyr2iNnNc4vTksHvGVDxzFnRpka6vbI/hrrZmYNYh9EAiv
- uhE54b3/XhXwFgHjZXb9i8hgJ3nsO0pRwvUAM1bRGMbvf8e9F+kqgV0yWYNnh6QL
- 4Vpl1+epqp2RKPHyNQftbQyrAHXT9kQF9pPlx013MKYaFTADscuAp4T3dy7xmiwS
- crqMbZLzfrxfFOsNxTUGE5vmJCcm+mybAtRo4aV6ACohAO9NevMx8pUAEQEAAYkB
- aZKZo2WzZR9c75kbqo6J6DYuUHe6xI0OZ2qZ60iABDEZAiNXGulysFLCiPdatQ8x
- 8zt3DF9BMkEck54ZvAjpNSern6zfZb1jPYWZq3TKxlTs/GuCgBAuV4i5vDTZ7xK/
- aF+OFY5zN7ciZHkqLgMiTZ+RhqRcK6FhVBP/Y7d9NlBOcDBTxxE1ZO1ute6n7guJ
- ciw4hfoRk8qNN19szZuq3UU64zpkM2sBsIFM9tGF2FADRxiOaOWZHmIyVZriPFqW
- RUwjSjs7jBVNq0Vy4fCu/5+e+XLOUBOoqtM5W7ELt0t1w9tXebtPEetV86in8fU2
- =0chn
-Other bugs
-Bugs can always be described to the :ref:`mailing-list`, but the best
-way to report an issue and to ensure a timely response is to use the
-issue tracker.
-1) **Create a GitHub account**.
-You need to `create a GitHub account`_ to be able to create new issues
-and participate in the discussion.
-.. _`create a GitHub account`: https://github.com/signup/free
-2) **Determine if your bug is really a bug**.
-You shouldn't file a bug if you're requesting support. For that you can use
-the :ref:`mailing-list`, or :ref:`irc-channel`.
-3) **Make sure your bug hasn't already been reported**.
-Search through the appropriate Issue tracker. If a bug like yours was found,
-check if you have new information that could be reported to help
-the developers fix the bug.
-4) **Check if you're using the latest version**.
-A bug could be fixed by some other improvements and fixes - it might not have an
-existing report in the bug tracker. Make sure you're using the latest releases of
-celery, billiard, kombu, amqp, and vine.
-5) **Collect information about the bug**.
-To have the best chance of having a bug fixed, we need to be able to easily
-reproduce the conditions that caused it. Most of the time this information
-will be from a Python traceback message, though some bugs might be in design,
-spelling or other errors on the website/docs/code.
- A) If the error is from a Python traceback, include it in the bug report.
- B) We also need to know what platform you're running (Windows, macOS, Linux,
- etc.), the version of your Python interpreter, and the version of Celery,
- and related packages that you were running when the bug occurred.
- C) If you're reporting a race condition or a deadlock, tracebacks can be
- hard to get or might not be that useful. Try to inspect the process to
- get more diagnostic data. Some ideas:
- * Enable Celery's :ref:`breakpoint signal <breakpoint_signal>` and use it
- to inspect the process's state. This will allow you to open a
- :mod:`pdb` session.
- * Collect tracing data using `strace`_(Linux),
- :command:`dtruss` (macOS), and :command:`ktrace` (BSD),
- `ltrace`_, and `lsof`_.
- D) Include the output from the :command:`celery report` command:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ celery -A proj report
- This will also include your configuration settings and it try to
- remove values for keys known to be sensitive, but make sure you also
- verify the information before submitting so that it doesn't contain
- confidential information like API tokens and authentication
- credentials.
-6) **Submit the bug**.
-By default `GitHub`_ will email you to let you know when new comments have
-been made on your bug. In the event you've turned this feature off, you
-should check back on occasion to ensure you don't miss any questions a
-developer trying to fix the bug might ask.
-.. _`GitHub`: https://github.com
-.. _`strace`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strace
-.. _`ltrace`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ltrace
-.. _`lsof`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lsof
-.. _issue-trackers:
-Issue Trackers
-Bugs for a package in the Celery ecosystem should be reported to the relevant
-issue tracker.
-* :pypi:`celery`: https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/
-* :pypi:`kombu`: https://github.com/celery/kombu/issues
-* :pypi:`amqp`: https://github.com/celery/py-amqp/issues
-* :pypi:`vine`: https://github.com/celery/vine/issues
-* :pypi:`librabbitmq`: https://github.com/celery/librabbitmq/issues
-* :pypi:`django-celery-beat`: https://github.com/celery/django-celery-beat/issues
-* :pypi:`django-celery-results`: https://github.com/celery/django-celery-results/issues
-If you're unsure of the origin of the bug you can ask the
-:ref:`mailing-list`, or just use the Celery issue tracker.
-Contributors guide to the code base
-There's a separate section for internal details,
-including details about the code base and a style guide.
-Read :ref:`internals-guide` for more!
-.. _versions:
-Version numbers consists of a major version, minor version and a release number.
-Since version 2.1.0 we use the versioning semantics described by
-SemVer: http://semver.org.
-Stable releases are published at PyPI
-while development releases are only available in the GitHub git repository as tags.
-All version tags starts with “v”, so version 0.8.0 is the tag v0.8.0.
-.. _git-branches:
-Current active version branches:
-* dev (which git calls "master") (https://github.com/celery/celery/tree/master)
-* 4.0 (https://github.com/celery/celery/tree/4.0)
-* 3.1 (https://github.com/celery/celery/tree/3.1)
-* 3.0 (https://github.com/celery/celery/tree/3.0)
-You can see the state of any branch by looking at the Changelog:
- https://github.com/celery/celery/blob/master/Changelog
-If the branch is in active development the topmost version info should
-contain meta-data like:
-.. code-block:: restructuredtext
- 2.4.0
- ======
- :release-date: TBA
- :status: DEVELOPMENT
- :branch: dev (git calls this master)
-The ``status`` field can be one of:
- The branch is currently experimental and in the planning stage.
- The branch is in active development, but the test suite should
- be passing and the product should be working and possible for users to test.
-* ``FROZEN``
- The branch is frozen, and no more features will be accepted.
- When a branch is frozen the focus is on testing the version as much
- as possible before it is released.
-dev branch
-The dev branch (called "master" by git), is where development of the next
-version happens.
-Maintenance branches
-Maintenance branches are named after the version -- for example,
-the maintenance branch for the 2.2.x series is named ``2.2``.
-Previously these were named ``releaseXX-maint``.
-The versions we currently maintain is:
-* 3.1
- This is the current series.
-* 3.0
- This is the previous series, and the last version to support Python 2.5.
-Archived branches
-Archived branches are kept for preserving history only,
-and theoretically someone could provide patches for these if they depend
-on a series that's no longer officially supported.
-An archived version is named ``X.Y-archived``.
-Our currently archived branches are:
-* :github_branch:`2.5-archived`
-* :github_branch:`2.4-archived`
-* :github_branch:`2.3-archived`
-* :github_branch:`2.1-archived`
-* :github_branch:`2.0-archived`
-* :github_branch:`1.0-archived`
-Feature branches
-Major new features are worked on in dedicated branches.
-There's no strict naming requirement for these branches.
-Feature branches are removed once they've been merged into a release branch.
-- Tags are used exclusively for tagging releases. A release tag is
- named with the format ``vX.Y.Z`` -- for example ``v2.3.1``.
-- Experimental releases contain an additional identifier ``vX.Y.Z-id`` --
- for example ``v3.0.0-rc1``.
-- Experimental tags may be removed after the official release.
-.. _contributing-changes:
-Working on Features & Patches
-.. note::
- Contributing to Celery should be as simple as possible,
- so none of these steps should be considered mandatory.
- You can even send in patches by email if that's your preferred
- work method. We won't like you any less, any contribution you make
- is always appreciated!
- However following these steps may make maintainers life easier,
- and may mean that your changes will be accepted sooner.
-Forking and setting up the repository
-First you need to fork the Celery repository, a good introduction to this
-is in the GitHub Guide: `Fork a Repo`_.
-After you have cloned the repository you should checkout your copy
-to a directory on your machine:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ git clone git@github.com:username/celery.git
-When the repository is cloned enter the directory to set up easy access
-to upstream changes:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ cd celery
- $ git remote add upstream git://github.com/celery/celery.git
- $ git fetch upstream
-If you need to pull in new changes from upstream you should
-always use the ``--rebase`` option to ``git pull``:
-.. code-block:: console
- git pull --rebase upstream master
-With this option you don't clutter the history with merging
-commit notes. See `Rebasing merge commits in git`_.
-If you want to learn more about rebasing see the `Rebase`_
-section in the GitHub guides.
-If you need to work on a different branch than the one git calls ``master``, you can
-fetch and checkout a remote branch like this::
- git checkout --track -b 3.0-devel origin/3.0-devel
-.. _`Fork a Repo`: https://help.github.com/fork-a-repo/
-.. _`Rebasing merge commits in git`:
- https://notes.envato.com/developers/rebasing-merge-commits-in-git/
-.. _`Rebase`: https://help.github.com/rebase/
-.. _contributing-testing:
-Running the unit test suite
-To run the Celery test suite you need to install a few dependencies.
-A complete list of the dependencies needed are located in
-If you're working on the development version, then you need to
-install the development requirements first:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ pip install -U -r requirements/dev.txt
-Both the stable and the development version have testing related
-dependencies, so install these next:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ pip install -U -r requirements/test.txt
- $ pip install -U -r requirements/default.txt
-After installing the dependencies required, you can now execute
-the test suite by calling :pypi:`py.test <pytest>`:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ py.test
-Some useful options to :command:`py.test` are:
-* ``-x``
- Stop running the tests at the first test that fails.
-* ``-s``
- Don't capture output
-* ``-v``
- Run with verbose output.
-If you want to run the tests for a single test file only
-you can do so like this:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ py.test t/unit/worker/test_worker_job.py
-.. _contributing-pull-requests:
-Creating pull requests
-When your feature/bugfix is complete you may want to submit
-a pull requests so that it can be reviewed by the maintainers.
-Creating pull requests is easy, and also let you track the progress
-of your contribution. Read the `Pull Requests`_ section in the GitHub
-Guide to learn how this is done.
-You can also attach pull requests to existing issues by following
-the steps outlined here: https://bit.ly/koJoso
-.. _`Pull Requests`: http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/
-.. _contributing-coverage:
-Calculating test coverage
-To calculate test coverage you must first install the :pypi:`pytest-cov` module.
-Installing the :pypi:`pytest-cov` module:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ pip install -U pytest-cov
-Code coverage in HTML format
-#. Run :command:`py.test` with the ``--cov-report=html`` argument enabled:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ py.test --cov=celery --cov-report=html
-#. The coverage output will then be located in the :file:`htmlcov/` directory:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ open htmlcov/index.html
-Code coverage in XML (Cobertura-style)
-#. Run :command:`py.test` with the ``--cov-report=xml`` argument enabled:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ py.test --cov=celery --cov-report=xml
-#. The coverage XML output will then be located in the :file:`coverage.xml` file.
-.. _contributing-tox:
-Running the tests on all supported Python versions
-There's a :pypi:`tox` configuration file in the top directory of the
-To run the tests for all supported Python versions simply execute:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ tox
-Use the ``tox -e`` option if you only want to test specific Python versions:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ tox -e 2.7
-Building the documentation
-To build the documentation you need to install the dependencies
-listed in :file:`requirements/docs.txt` and :file:`requirements/default.txt`:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ pip install -U -r requirements/docs.txt
- $ pip install -U -r requirements/default.txt
-After these dependencies are installed you should be able to
-build the docs by running:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ cd docs
- $ rm -rf _build
- $ make html
-Make sure there are no errors or warnings in the build output.
-After building succeeds the documentation is available at :file:`_build/html`.
-.. _contributing-verify:
-Verifying your contribution
-To use these tools you need to install a few dependencies. These dependencies
-can be found in :file:`requirements/pkgutils.txt`.
-Installing the dependencies:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ pip install -U -r requirements/pkgutils.txt
-pyflakes & PEP-8
-To ensure that your changes conform to :pep:`8` and to run pyflakes
-.. code-block:: console
- $ make flakecheck
-To not return a negative exit code when this command fails use
-the ``flakes`` target instead:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ make flakes
-API reference
-To make sure that all modules have a corresponding section in the API
-reference please execute:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ make apicheck
- $ make indexcheck
-If files are missing you can add them by copying an existing reference file.
-If the module is internal it should be part of the internal reference
-located in :file:`docs/internals/reference/`. If the module is public
-it should be located in :file:`docs/reference/`.
-For example if reference is missing for the module ``celery.worker.awesome``
-and this module is considered part of the public API, use the following steps:
-Use an existing file as a template:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ cd docs/reference/
- $ cp celery.schedules.rst celery.worker.awesome.rst
-Edit the file using your favorite editor:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ vim celery.worker.awesome.rst
- # change every occurrence of ``celery.schedules`` to
- # ``celery.worker.awesome``
-Edit the index using your favorite editor:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ vim index.rst
- # Add ``celery.worker.awesome`` to the index.
-Commit your changes:
-.. code-block:: console
- # Add the file to git
- $ git add celery.worker.awesome.rst
- $ git add index.rst
- $ git commit celery.worker.awesome.rst index.rst \
- -m "Adds reference for celery.worker.awesome"
-.. _coding-style:
-Coding Style
-You should probably be able to pick up the coding style
-from surrounding code, but it is a good idea to be aware of the
-following conventions.
-* All Python code must follow the :pep:`8` guidelines.
-:pypi:`pep8` is a utility you can use to verify that your code
-is following the conventions.
-* Docstrings must follow the :pep:`257` conventions, and use the following
- style.
- Do this:
- .. code-block:: python
- def method(self, arg):
- """Short description.
- More details.
- """
- or:
- .. code-block:: python
- def method(self, arg):
- """Short description."""
- but not this:
- .. code-block:: python
- def method(self, arg):
- """
- Short description.
- """
-* Lines shouldn't exceed 78 columns.
- You can enforce this in :command:`vim` by setting the ``textwidth`` option:
- .. code-block:: vim
- set textwidth=78
- If adhering to this limit makes the code less readable, you have one more
- character to go on. This means 78 is a soft limit, and 79 is the hard
- limit :)
-* Import order
- * Python standard library (`import xxx`)
- * Python standard library (`from xxx import`)
- * Third-party packages.
- * Other modules from the current package.
- or in case of code using Django:
- * Python standard library (`import xxx`)
- * Python standard library (`from xxx import`)
- * Third-party packages.
- * Django packages.
- * Other modules from the current package.
- Within these sections the imports should be sorted by module name.
- Example:
- .. code-block:: python
- import threading
- import time
- from collections import deque
- from Queue import Queue, Empty
- from .platforms import Pidfile
- from .five import zip_longest, items, range
- from .utils.time import maybe_timedelta
-* Wild-card imports must not be used (`from xxx import *`).
-* For distributions where Python 2.5 is the oldest support version
- additional rules apply:
- * Absolute imports must be enabled at the top of every module::
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- * If the module uses the :keyword:`with` statement and must be compatible
- with Python 2.5 (celery isn't) then it must also enable that::
- from __future__ import with_statement
- * Every future import must be on its own line, as older Python 2.5
- releases didn't support importing multiple features on the
- same future import line::
- # Good
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- from __future__ import with_statement
- # Bad
- from __future__ import absolute_import, with_statement
- (Note that this rule doesn't apply if the package doesn't include
- support for Python 2.5)
-* Note that we use "new-style" relative imports when the distribution
- doesn't support Python versions below 2.5
- This requires Python 2.5 or later:
- .. code-block:: python
- from . import submodule
-.. _feature-with-extras:
-Contributing features requiring additional libraries
-Some features like a new result backend may require additional libraries
-that the user must install.
-We use setuptools `extra_requires` for this, and all new optional features
-that require third-party libraries must be added.
-1) Add a new requirements file in `requirements/extras`
- For the Cassandra backend this is
- :file:`requirements/extras/cassandra.txt`, and the file looks like this:
- .. code-block:: text
- pycassa
- These are pip requirement files so you can have version specifiers and
- multiple packages are separated by newline. A more complex example could
- be:
- .. code-block:: text
- # pycassa 2.0 breaks Foo
- pycassa>=1.0,<2.0
- thrift
-2) Modify ``setup.py``
- After the requirements file is added you need to add it as an option
- to :file:`setup.py` in the ``extras_require`` section::
- extra['extras_require'] = {
- # ...
- 'cassandra': extras('cassandra.txt'),
- }
-3) Document the new feature in :file:`docs/includes/installation.txt`
- You must add your feature to the list in the :ref:`bundles` section
- of :file:`docs/includes/installation.txt`.
- After you've made changes to this file you need to render
- the distro :file:`README` file:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ pip install -U requirements/pkgutils.txt
- $ make readme
-That's all that needs to be done, but remember that if your feature
-adds additional configuration options then these needs to be documented
-in :file:`docs/configuration.rst`. Also all settings need to be added to the
-:file:`celery/app/defaults.py` module.
-Result backends require a separate section in the :file:`docs/configuration.rst`
-.. _contact_information:
-This is a list of people that can be contacted for questions
-regarding the official git repositories, PyPI packages
-Read the Docs pages.
-If the issue isn't an emergency then it's better
-to :ref:`report an issue <reporting-bugs>`.
-Ask Solem
-:github: https://github.com/ask
-:twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/asksol
-Asif Saif Uddin
-:github: https://github.com/auvipy
-:twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/auvipy
-Dmitry Malinovsky
-:github: https://github.com/malinoff
-:twitter: https://twitter.com/__malinoff__
-Ionel Cristian Mărieș
-:github: https://github.com/ionelmc
-:twitter: https://twitter.com/ionelmc
-Mher Movsisyan
-:github: https://github.com/mher
-:twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/movsm
-Omer Katz
-:github: https://github.com/thedrow
-:twitter: https://twitter.com/the_drow
-Steeve Morin
-:github: https://github.com/steeve
-:twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/steeve
-The Celery Project website is run and maintained by
-Mauro Rocco
-:github: https://github.com/fireantology
-:twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/fireantology
-with design by:
-Jan Henrik Helmers
-:web: http://www.helmersworks.com
-:twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/helmers
-.. _packages:
-:git: https://github.com/celery/celery
-:CI: https://travis-ci.org/#!/celery/celery
-:Windows-CI: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ask/celery
-:PyPI: :pypi:`celery`
-:docs: http://docs.celeryproject.org
-Messaging library.
-:git: https://github.com/celery/kombu
-:CI: https://travis-ci.org/#!/celery/kombu
-:Windows-CI: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ask/kombu
-:PyPI: :pypi:`kombu`
-:docs: https://kombu.readthedocs.io
-Python AMQP 0.9.1 client.
-:git: https://github.com/celery/py-amqp
-:CI: https://travis-ci.org/#!/celery/py-amqp
-:Windows-CI: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ask/py-amqp
-:PyPI: :pypi:`amqp`
-:docs: https://amqp.readthedocs.io
-Promise/deferred implementation.
-:git: https://github.com/celery/vine/
-:CI: https://travis-ci.org/#!/celery/vine/
-:Windows-CI: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ask/vine
-:PyPI: :pypi:`vine`
-:docs: https://vine.readthedocs.io
-Fork of multiprocessing containing improvements
-that'll eventually be merged into the Python stdlib.
-:git: https://github.com/celery/billiard
-:CI: https://travis-ci.org/#!/celery/billiard/
-:Windows-CI: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ask/billiard
-:PyPI: :pypi:`billiard`
-Database-backed Periodic Tasks with admin interface using the Django ORM.
-:git: https://github.com/celery/django-celery-beat
-:CI: https://travis-ci.org/#!/celery/django-celery-beat
-:Windows-CI: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ask/django-celery-beat
-:PyPI: :pypi:`django-celery-beat`
-Store task results in the Django ORM, or using the Django Cache Framework.
-:git: https://github.com/celery/django-celery-results
-:CI: https://travis-ci.org/#!/celery/django-celery-results
-:Windows-CI: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ask/django-celery-results
-:PyPI: :pypi:`django-celery-results`
-Very fast Python AMQP client written in C.
-:git: https://github.com/celery/librabbitmq
-:PyPI: :pypi:`librabbitmq`
-Actor library.
-:git: https://github.com/celery/cell
-:PyPI: :pypi:`cell`
-Distributed Celery Instance manager.
-:git: https://github.com/celery/cyme
-:PyPI: :pypi:`cyme`
-:docs: https://cyme.readthedocs.io/
-- ``django-celery``
-:git: https://github.com/celery/django-celery
-:PyPI: :pypi:`django-celery`
-:docs: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/django
-- ``Flask-Celery``
-:git: https://github.com/ask/Flask-Celery
-:PyPI: :pypi:`Flask-Celery`
-- ``celerymon``
-:git: https://github.com/celery/celerymon
-:PyPI: :pypi:`celerymon`
-- ``carrot``
-:git: https://github.com/ask/carrot
-:PyPI: :pypi:`carrot`
-- ``ghettoq``
-:git: https://github.com/ask/ghettoq
-:PyPI: :pypi:`ghettoq`
-- ``kombu-sqlalchemy``
-:git: https://github.com/ask/kombu-sqlalchemy
-:PyPI: :pypi:`kombu-sqlalchemy`
-- ``django-kombu``
-:git: https://github.com/ask/django-kombu
-:PyPI: :pypi:`django-kombu`
-- ``pylibrabbitmq``
-Old name for :pypi:`librabbitmq`.
-:git: :const:`None`
-:PyPI: :pypi:`pylibrabbitmq`
-.. _release-procedure:
-Release Procedure
-Updating the version number
-The version number must be updated two places:
- * :file:`celery/__init__.py`
- * :file:`docs/include/introduction.txt`
-After you have changed these files you must render
-the :file:`README` files. There's a script to convert sphinx syntax
-to generic reStructured Text syntax, and the make target `readme`
-does this for you:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ make readme
-Now commit the changes:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ git commit -a -m "Bumps version to X.Y.Z"
-and make a new version tag:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ git tag vX.Y.Z
- $ git push --tags
-Commands to make a new public stable release:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ make distcheck # checks pep8, autodoc index, runs tests and more
- $ make dist # NOTE: Runs git clean -xdf and removes files not in the repo.
- $ python setup.py sdist upload --sign --identity='Celery Security Team'
- $ python setup.py bdist_wheel upload --sign --identity='Celery Security Team'
-If this is a new release series then you also need to do the
-* Go to the Read The Docs management interface at:
- https://readthedocs.org/projects/celery/?fromdocs=celery
-* Enter "Edit project"
- Change default branch to the branch of this series, for example, use
- the ``2.4`` branch for the 2.4 series.
-* Also add the previous version under the "versions" tab.
+.. include:: ../CONTRIBUTING.rst