@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Bump version of python package in current directory.
+# Updates version in package/__init__.py, and version embedded as
+# reStructuredtext in README.
+# Usage: BUMP package_name [new_version] [-c]
+# If new_version is not specified the release part of the version will
+# be incremented.
+# if -c is set it will be commited and pushed.
+bump_version () {
+ commit=0
+ while getopts "c" flag; do
+ case $flag in
+ c)
+ commit=1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+ package="$1"
+ new_version="$2"
+ [ $commit ] && git pull origin master
+ current=$(python -c "
+import $package
+ ")
+ cur_major=$(echo "$current" | cut -d. -f 1)
+ cur_minor=$(echo "$current" | cut -d. -f 2)
+ cur_release=$(echo "$current" | cut -d. -f 3)
+ if [ -z "$new_version" ]; then
+ new_version="$cur_major.$cur_minor.$(($cur_release + 1))";
+ new_as_tuple="($cur_major, $cur_minor, $(($cur_release + 1)))";
+ fi
+ new_major=$(echo "$new_version" | cut -d. -f 1)
+ new_minor=$(echo "$new_version" | cut -d. -f 2)
+ new_release=$(echo "$new_version" | cut -d. -f 3)
+ new_as_tuple="($new_major, $new_minor, $new_release)"
+ echo "$package: $current -> $new_version"
+ perl -pi -e"s/(VERSION\s*=\s*)\((.+?)\);?/\$1$new_as_tuple/" \
+ "$package/__init__.py"
+ perl -pi -e"s/(:Version:)\s*(.+?)(\s*$)/\$1 $new_version\$3/i" README
+ [ $commit ] && (
+ git commit "$package/__init__.py" README \
+ -m "Bumped version to $new_version";
+ git push;
+ )
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $(basename $0) package_name [new_version]"
+ exit 1
+bump_version $*