@@ -1,27 +1,25 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import logging
-import numbers
import os
import pytest
import sys
import threading
import warnings
-import weakref
-from copy import deepcopy
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from functools import partial
from importlib import import_module
from case import Mock
-from case.utils import decorator
-from kombu import Queue
-from kombu.utils.imports import symbol_by_name
-from celery import Celery
-from celery.app import current_app
-from celery.backends.cache import CacheBackend, DummyClient
+from celery.utils.pytest import (
+ assert_signal_called, TaskMessage, TaskMessage1, task_message_from_sig,
+from celery.utils.pytest import app # noqa
+from celery.utils.pytest import reset_cache_backend_state # noqa
+from celery.utils.pytest import depends_on_current_app # noqa
+__all__ = ['app', 'reset_cache_backend_state', 'depends_on_current_app']
WindowsError = WindowsError # noqa
@@ -36,32 +34,6 @@ CASE_LOG_REDIRECT_EFFECT = 'Test {0} didn\'t disable LoggingProxy for {1}'
CASE_LOG_LEVEL_EFFECT = 'Test {0} modified the level of the root logger'
CASE_LOG_HANDLER_EFFECT = 'Test {0} modified handlers for the root logger'
- #: Don't want log output when running suite.
- 'worker_hijack_root_logger': False,
- 'worker_log_color': False,
- 'task_default_queue': 'testcelery',
- 'task_default_exchange': 'testcelery',
- 'task_default_routing_key': 'testcelery',
- 'task_queues': (
- Queue('testcelery', routing_key='testcelery'),
- ),
- 'accept_content': ('json', 'pickle'),
- 'enable_utc': True,
- 'timezone': 'UTC',
- # Mongo results tests (only executed if installed and running)
- 'mongodb_backend_settings': {
- 'host': os.environ.get('MONGO_HOST') or 'localhost',
- 'port': os.environ.get('MONGO_PORT') or 27017,
- 'database': os.environ.get('MONGO_DB') or 'celery_unittests',
- 'taskmeta_collection': (os.environ.get('MONGO_TASKMETA_COLLECTION') or
- 'taskmeta_collection'),
- 'user': os.environ.get('MONGO_USER'),
- 'password': os.environ.get('MONGO_PASSWORD'),
- }
@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='session')
def AAA_disable_multiprocessing(request):
@@ -76,10 +48,6 @@ def AAA_disable_multiprocessing(request):
- if sys.version_info[0] > 3:
- stuff.append('multiprocessing.process.BaseProcess')
- else:
- stuff.append('multiprocessing.process.Process')
ctxs = [patch(s) for s in stuff]
[ctx.__enter__() for ctx in ctxs]
@@ -88,29 +56,6 @@ def AAA_disable_multiprocessing(request):
-class Trap(object):
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- raise RuntimeError('Test depends on current_app')
-class UnitLogging(symbol_by_name(Celery.log_cls)):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(UnitLogging, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.already_setup = True
-def TestApp(name=None, set_as_current=False, log=UnitLogging,
- broker='memory://', backend='cache+memory://', **kwargs):
- app = Celery(name or 'celery.tests',
- set_as_current=set_as_current,
- log=log, broker=broker, backend=backend,
- **kwargs)
- app.add_defaults(deepcopy(CELERY_TEST_CONFIG))
- return app
def alive_threads():
return [thread for thread in threading.enumerate() if thread.is_alive()]
@@ -148,47 +93,6 @@ def threads_not_lingering(request):
-def app(request):
- from celery import _state
- prev_current_app = current_app()
- prev_default_app = _state.default_app
- prev_finalizers = set(_state._on_app_finalizers)
- prev_apps = weakref.WeakSet(_state._apps)
- trap = Trap()
- prev_tls = _state._tls
- _state.set_default_app(trap)
- class NonTLS(object):
- current_app = trap
- _state._tls = NonTLS()
- app = TestApp(set_as_current=False)
- is_not_contained = any([
- not getattr(request.module, 'app_contained', True),
- not getattr(request.cls, 'app_contained', True),
- not getattr(request.function, 'app_contained', True)
- ])
- if is_not_contained:
- app.set_current()
- def fin():
- _state.set_default_app(prev_default_app)
- _state._tls = prev_tls
- _state._tls.current_app = prev_current_app
- if app is not prev_current_app:
- app.close()
- _state._on_app_finalizers = prev_finalizers
- _state._apps = prev_apps
- request.addfinalizer(fin)
- return app
-def depends_on_current_app(app):
- app.set_current()
def test_cases_shortcuts(request, app, patching):
if request.instance:
@@ -237,18 +141,6 @@ def sanity_no_shutdown_flags_set(request):
-def reset_cache_backend_state(request, app):
- def fin():
- backend = app.__dict__.get('backend')
- if backend is not None:
- if isinstance(backend, CacheBackend):
- if isinstance(backend.client, DummyClient):
- backend.client.cache.clear()
- backend._cache.clear()
- request.addfinalizer(fin)
def sanity_stdouts(request):
def fin():
@@ -359,85 +251,3 @@ def import_all_modules(name=__name__, file=__file__,
'Ignored error importing module {0}: {1!r}'.format(
module, exc,
-def assert_signal_called(signal, **expected):
- handler = Mock()
- call_handler = partial(handler)
- signal.connect(call_handler)
- try:
- yield handler
- finally:
- signal.disconnect(call_handler)
- handler.assert_called_with(signal=signal, **expected)
-def TaskMessage(name, id=None, args=(), kwargs={}, callbacks=None,
- errbacks=None, chain=None, shadow=None, utc=None, **options):
- from celery import uuid
- from kombu.serialization import dumps
- id = id or uuid()
- message = Mock(name='TaskMessage-{0}'.format(id))
- message.headers = {
- 'id': id,
- 'task': name,
- 'shadow': shadow,
- }
- embed = {'callbacks': callbacks, 'errbacks': errbacks, 'chain': chain}
- message.headers.update(options)
- message.content_type, message.content_encoding, message.body = dumps(
- (args, kwargs, embed), serializer='json',
- )
- message.payload = (args, kwargs, embed)
- return message
-def TaskMessage1(name, id=None, args=(), kwargs={}, callbacks=None,
- errbacks=None, chain=None, **options):
- from celery import uuid
- from kombu.serialization import dumps
- id = id or uuid()
- message = Mock(name='TaskMessage-{0}'.format(id))
- message.headers = {}
- message.payload = {
- 'task': name,
- 'id': id,
- 'args': args,
- 'kwargs': kwargs,
- 'callbacks': callbacks,
- 'errbacks': errbacks,
- }
- message.payload.update(options)
- message.content_type, message.content_encoding, message.body = dumps(
- message.payload,
- )
- return message
-def task_message_from_sig(app, sig, utc=True, TaskMessage=TaskMessage):
- sig.freeze()
- callbacks = sig.options.pop('link', None)
- errbacks = sig.options.pop('link_error', None)
- countdown = sig.options.pop('countdown', None)
- if countdown:
- eta = app.now() + timedelta(seconds=countdown)
- else:
- eta = sig.options.pop('eta', None)
- if eta and isinstance(eta, datetime):
- eta = eta.isoformat()
- expires = sig.options.pop('expires', None)
- if expires and isinstance(expires, numbers.Real):
- expires = app.now() + timedelta(seconds=expires)
- if expires and isinstance(expires, datetime):
- expires = expires.isoformat()
- return TaskMessage(
- sig.task, id=sig.id, args=sig.args,
- kwargs=sig.kwargs,
- callbacks=[dict(s) for s in callbacks] if callbacks else None,
- errbacks=[dict(s) for s in errbacks] if errbacks else None,
- eta=eta,
- expires=expires,
- utc=utc,
- **sig.options
- )