@@ -30,6 +30,33 @@ or with any task decorator:
def add(self, x, y):
return x + y
+.. note::
+ The task must use the new Task base class (:class:`celery.Task`),
+ and the old base class using classmethods (``celery.task.Task``,
+ ``celery.task.base.Task``).
+ This means that you have to use the task decorator from a Celery app
+ instance, and not the old-API:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ from celery import task # BAD
+ from celery.task import task # ALSO BAD
+ # GOOD:
+ celery = Celery(...)
+ @celery.task(filter=task_method)
+ def foo(self): pass
+ from celery import current_app
+ @current_app.task(filter=task_method)
+ def foo(self): pass
@@ -73,7 +100,7 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
from functools import partial
-from celery import task as _task
+from celery import current_app
class task_method(object):
@@ -89,4 +116,5 @@ class task_method(object):
return task
-task = partial(_task, filter=task_method)
+def task(*args, **kwargs):
+ return current_app.task(*args, **dict(kwargs, filter=task_method))