@@ -3,28 +3,56 @@ import warnings
from itertools import count
-from carrot.messaging import Consumer, Publisher
+from kombu.entity import Exchange, Queue
+from kombu.messaging import Consumer, Producer
from celery.app import app_or_default
-class ControlReplyConsumer(Consumer):
- exchange = "celerycrq"
- exchange_type = "direct"
- durable = False
- exclusive = False
- auto_delete = True
- no_ack = True
- def __init__(self, connection, ticket, **kwargs):
- self.ticket = ticket
- queue = "%s.%s" % (self.exchange, ticket)
- super(ControlReplyConsumer, self).__init__(connection,
- queue=queue,
- routing_key=ticket,
- **kwargs)
- def collect(self, limit=None, timeout=1, callback=None):
+from celery.utils import gen_unique_id
+class Mailbox(object):
+ def __init__(self, namespace, connection):
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ self.connection = connection
+ self.exchange = Exchange("%s.pidbox" % (self.namespace, ),
+ type="fanout",
+ durable=False,
+ auto_delete=True)
+ self.reply_exchange = Exchange("reply.%s.pidbox" % (self.namespace, ),
+ type="direct",
+ durable=False,
+ auto_delete=True)
+ def publish_reply(self, reply, exchange, routing_key, channel=None):
+ chan = channel or self.connection.channel()
+ try:
+ exchange = Exchange(exchange, exchange_type="direct",
+ delivery_mode="transient",
+ durable=False,
+ auto_delete=True)
+ producer = Producer(chan, exchange=exchange)
+ producer.publish(reply, routing_key=routing_key)
+ finally:
+ channel or chan.close()
+ def get_reply_queue(self, ticket):
+ return Queue("%s.%s" % (ticket, self.reply_exchange.name),
+ exchange=self.reply_exchange,
+ routing_key=ticket,
+ durable=False,
+ auto_delete=True)
+ def get_queue(self, hostname):
+ return Queue("%s.%s.pidbox" % (hostname, self.namespace),
+ exchange=self.exchange)
+ def collect_reply(self, ticket, limit=None, timeout=1,
+ callback=None, channel=None):
+ chan = channel or self.connection.channel()
+ queue = self.get_reply_queue(ticket)
+ consumer = Consumer(channel, [queue], no_ack=True)
responses = []
def on_message(message_data, message):
@@ -32,82 +60,68 @@ class ControlReplyConsumer(Consumer):
- self.callbacks = [on_message]
- self.consume()
- for i in limit and range(limit) or count():
- try:
- self.connection.drain_events(timeout=timeout)
- except socket.timeout:
- break
- return responses
-class ControlReplyPublisher(Publisher):
- exchange = "celerycrq"
- exchange_type = "direct"
- delivery_mode = "non-persistent"
- durable = False
- auto_delete = True
-class BroadcastPublisher(Publisher):
- """Publish broadcast commands"""
- ReplyTo = ControlReplyConsumer
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- app = self.app = app_or_default(kwargs.get("app"))
- kwargs["exchange"] = kwargs.get("exchange") or \
- kwargs["exchange_type"] = kwargs.get("exchange_type") or \
- super(BroadcastPublisher, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def send(self, type, arguments, destination=None, reply_ticket=None):
- """Send broadcast command."""
+ try:
+ consumer.register_callback(on_message)
+ consumer.consume()
+ for i in limit and range(limit) or count():
+ try:
+ self.connection.drain_events(timeout=timeout)
+ except socket.timeout:
+ break
+ return responses
+ finally:
+ channel or chan.close()
+ def publish(self, type, arguments, destination=None, reply_ticket=None,
+ channel=None):
arguments["command"] = type
arguments["destination"] = destination
- reply_to = self.ReplyTo(self.connection, None, app=self.app,
- auto_declare=False)
if reply_ticket:
- arguments["reply_to"] = {"exchange": reply_to.exchange,
+ arguments["reply_to"] = {"exchange": self.reply_exchange.name,
"routing_key": reply_ticket}
- super(BroadcastPublisher, self).send({"control": arguments})
-class BroadcastConsumer(Consumer):
- """Consume broadcast commands"""
- no_ack = True
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.app = app = app_or_default(kwargs.get("app"))
- kwargs["queue"] = kwargs.get("queue") or \
- kwargs["exchange"] = kwargs.get("exchange") or \
- kwargs["exchange_type"] = kwargs.get("exchange_type") or \
- self.hostname = kwargs.pop("hostname", None) or socket.gethostname()
- self.queue = "%s_%s" % (self.queue, self.hostname)
- super(BroadcastConsumer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def verify_exclusive(self):
- # XXX Kombu material
- channel = getattr(self.backend, "channel")
- if channel and hasattr(channel, "queue_declare"):
- try:
- _, _, consumers = channel.queue_declare(self.queue,
- passive=True)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- else:
- if consumers:
- warnings.warn(UserWarning(
- "A node named %s is already using this process "
- "mailbox. Maybe you should specify a custom name "
- "for this node with the -n argument?" % self.hostname))
- def consume(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.verify_exclusive()
- return super(BroadcastConsumer, self).consume(*args, **kwargs)
+ chan = channel or self.connection.channel()
+ producer = Producer(exchange=self.exchange, delivery_mode="transient")
+ try:
+ producer.publish({"control": arguments})
+ finally:
+ channel or chan.close()
+ def get_consumer(self, hostname, channel=None):
+ return Consumer(channel or self.connection.channel(),
+ [self.get_queue(hostname)],
+ no_ack=True)
+ def broadcast(self, command, arguments=None, destination=None,
+ reply=False, timeout=1, limit=None, callback=None, channel=None):
+ arguments = arguments or {}
+ reply_ticket = reply and gen_unique_id() or None
+ if destination is not None and \
+ not isinstance(destination, (list, tuple)):
+ raise ValueError("destination must be a list/tuple not %s" % (
+ type(destination)))
+ # Set reply limit to number of destinations (if specificed)
+ if limit is None and destination:
+ limit = destination and len(destination) or None
+ chan = channel or self.connection.channel()
+ try:
+ if reply_ticket:
+ self.get_reply_queue(reply_ticket)(chan).declare()
+ self.publish(command, arguments, destination=destination,
+ reply_ticket=reply_ticket,
+ channel=chan)
+ if reply_ticket:
+ return self.collect_reply(reply_ticket, limit=limit,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ callback=callback,
+ channel=chan)
+ finally:
+ channel or chan.close()
+def mailbox(connection):
+ return Mailbox("celeryd", connection)