@@ -2,10 +2,196 @@
Change history
-0.8.0 [2009-09-22 03:06 P.M CET]
+1.0.0 [xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx x.x xxx]
+* Default celeryd loglevel is now ``WARN``, to enable the previous log level
+ start celeryd with ``--loglevel=INFO``.
+* Tasks are automatically registered.
+ This means you no longer have to register your tasks manually.
+ You don't have to change your old code right away, as it doesn't matter if
+ a task is registered twice.
+ If you don't want your task to be automatically registered you can set
+ the ``abstract`` attribute
+ .. code-block:: python
+ class MyTask(Task):
+ abstract = True
+ By using ``abstract`` only tasks subclassing this task will be automatically
+ registered (this works like the Django ORM).
+ Incidentally, this change also fixes the problems with automatic name
+ assignment and relative imports. So you also don't have to specify a task name
+ anymore if you use relative imports.
+* You can no longer use regular functions as tasks. This change was added
+ because it makes the internals a lot more clean and simple. However, you can
+ now turn functions into tasks by using the ``@task`` decorator:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ from celery.decorators import task
+ @task()
+ def add(x, y):
+ return x + y
+ See the User Guide: :doc:`userguide/tasks` for more information.
+* The periodic task system has been rewritten to a centralized solution, this
+ means ``celeryd`` no longer schedules periodic tasks by default, but a new
+ daemon has been introduced: ``celerybeat``.
+ To launch the periodic task scheduler you have to run celerybeat::
+ $ celerybeat --detach
+ Make sure this is running on one server only, if you run it twice, all
+ periodic tasks will also be executed twice.
+ If you only have one worker server you can embed it into celeryd like this::
+ $ celeryd --detatch --beat # Embed celerybeat in celeryd.
+* The supervisor has been removed, please use something like
+ http://supervisord.org instead. This means the ``-S`` and ``--supervised``
+ options to ``celeryd`` is no longer supported.
+* ``TaskSet.join`` has been removed, use ``TaskSetResult.join`` instead.
+* The task status ``"DONE"`` has been renamed to `"SUCCESS"`.
+* ``AsyncResult.is_done`` has been removed, use ``AsyncResult.successful``
+ instead.
+* Rate limiting support (per task type, or globally).
+* New periodic task system.
+* Automatic registration.
+* New cool task decorator syntax.
+* New dependencies: billiard, python-dateutil, django-picklefield
+* ETA no longer sends datetime objects, but uses ISO 8601 date format in a
+ string for better compatibility with other platforms.
+* Task can now override the backend used to store results.
+* Refactored the ExecuteWrapper, ``apply`` and ``CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER`` now
+ also executes the task callbacks and signals.
+* Now using a proper scheduler for the tasks with an ETA. This means waiting
+ eta tasks are sorted by time, so we don't have to poll the whole list all the
+ time.
+* Reference now split into two sections; API reference and internal module
+ reference.
+0.8.1 [2009-11-16 05:21 P.M CEST]
+This release (with carrot 0.8.0) enables AMQP QoS (quality of service), which
+means the workers will only receive as many messages as it can handle at a
+time. As with any release, you should test this version upgrade on your
+development servers before rolling it out to production!
+* If you're using Python < 2.6 and you use the multiprocessing backport, then
+ multiprocessing version is required.
+* All AMQP_* settings has been renamed to BROKER_*, and in addition
+ AMQP_SERVER has been renamed to BROKER_HOST, so before where you had::
+ AMQP_SERVER = "localhost"
+ AMQP_PORT = 5678
+ AMQP_USER = "myuser"
+ AMQP_PASSWORD = "mypassword"
+ AMQP_VHOST = "celery"
+You need to change that to::
+ BROKER_HOST = "localhost"
+ BROKER_PORT = 5678
+ BROKER_USER = "myuser"
+ BROKER_PASSWORD = "mypassword"
+ BROKER_VHOST = "celery"
+* Custom carrot backends now need to include the backend class name, so before
+ where you had::
+ CARROT_BACKEND = "mycustom.backend.module"
+you need to change it to::
+ CARROT_BACKEND = "mycustom.backend.module.Backend"
+where ``Backend`` is the class name. This is probably ``"Backend"``, as
+that was the previously implied name.
+* New version requirement for carrot: 0.8.0
+* Incorporated the multiprocessing backport patch that fixes the
+ ``processName`` error.
+* Ignore the result of PeriodicTask's by default.
+* Added a Redis result store backend
+* Allow /etc/default/celeryd to define additional options for the celeryd init
+ script.
+* MongoDB periodic tasks issue when using different time than UTC fixed.
+* Windows specific: Negate test for available os.fork (thanks miracle2k)
+* Now tried to handle broken PID files.
+* Added a Django test runner to contrib that sets CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True for testing with the database backend
+* Added a CELERY_CACHE_BACKEND setting for using something other than the django-global cache backend.
+* Use custom implementation of functools.partial (curry) for Python 2.4 support
+ (Probably still problems with running on 2.4, but it will eventually be
+ supported)
+* Prepare exception to pickle when saving RETRY status for all backends.
+* SQLite no concurrency limit should only be effective if the db backend is used.
+0.8.0 [2009-09-22 03:06 P.M CEST]
* Add traceback to result value on failure.
**NOTE** If you use the database backend you have to re-create the
@@ -23,7 +209,8 @@ Change history
* Now depends on python-daemon 1.4.8
* Celery can now be used in pure Python (outside of a Django project).
This means celery is no longer Django specific.
@@ -85,7 +272,8 @@ Change history
Maximum number of restarts before we give up. Default: ``100``.
* Fix an incompatibility between python-daemon and multiprocessing,
which resulted in the ``[Errno 10] No child processes`` problem when
@@ -134,9 +322,10 @@ Change history
Thanks mikedizon
0.6.0 [2009-08-07 06:54 A.M CET]
* Fixed a bug where tasks raising unpickleable exceptions crashed pool
workers. So if you've had pool workers mysteriously dissapearing, or
@@ -154,7 +343,8 @@ Change history
we didn't do this before. Some documentation is updated to not manually
specify a task name.
* Tested with Django 1.1
@@ -206,13 +396,13 @@ Change history
* Convert statistics data to unicode for use as kwargs. Thanks Lucy!
0.4.1 [2009-07-02 01:42 P.M CET]
* Fixed a bug with parsing the message options (``mandatory``,
``routing_key``, ``priority``, ``immediate``)
-0.4.0 [2009-07-01 07:29 P.M CET]
+0.4.0 [2009-07-01 07:29 P.M CET]
* Adds eager execution. ``celery.execute.apply``|``Task.apply`` executes the
function blocking until the task is done, for API compatiblity it
@@ -224,8 +414,8 @@ Change history
* 99% coverage using python ``coverage`` 3.0.
-0.3.20 [2009-06-25 08:42 P.M CET]
+0.3.20 [2009-06-25 08:42 P.M CET]
* New arguments to ``apply_async`` (the advanced version of
``delay_task``), ``countdown`` and ``eta``;
@@ -362,14 +552,14 @@ Change history
* Tyrant Backend: Now re-establishes the connection for every task
-0.3.3 [2009-06-08 01:07 P.M CET]
+0.3.3 [2009-06-08 01:07 P.M CET]
- * The ``PeriodicWorkController`` now sleeps for 1 second between checking
- for periodic tasks to execute.
+* The ``PeriodicWorkController`` now sleeps for 1 second between checking
+ for periodic tasks to execute.
0.3.2 [2009-06-08 01:07 P.M CET]
* celeryd: Added option ``--discard``: Discard (delete!) all waiting
messages in the queue.
@@ -377,7 +567,7 @@ Change history
* celeryd: The ``--wakeup-after`` option was not handled as a float.
0.3.1 [2009-06-08 01:07 P.M CET]
* The `PeriodicTask`` worker is now running in its own thread instead
of blocking the ``TaskController`` loop.
@@ -385,7 +575,7 @@ Change history
* Default ``QUEUE_WAKEUP_AFTER`` has been lowered to ``0.1`` (was ``0.3``)
0.3.0 [2009-06-08 12:41 P.M CET]
**NOTE** This is a development version, for the stable release, please
see versions 0.2.x.
@@ -459,7 +649,7 @@ arguments, so be sure to flush your task queue before you upgrade.
0.2.0 [2009-05-20 05:14 P.M CET]
* Final release of 0.2.0
@@ -469,20 +659,20 @@ arguments, so be sure to flush your task queue before you upgrade.
from the database backend.
0.2.0-pre3 [2009-05-20 05:14 P.M CET]
* *Internal release*. Improved handling of unpickled exceptions,
``get_result`` now tries to recreate something looking like the
original exception.
0.2.0-pre2 [2009-05-20 01:56 P.M CET]
* Now handles unpickleable exceptions (like the dynimically generated
subclasses of ``django.core.exception.MultipleObjectsReturned``).
0.2.0-pre1 [2009-05-20 12:33 P.M CET]
* It's getting quite stable, with a lot of new features, so bump
version to 0.2. This is a pre-release.
@@ -492,20 +682,20 @@ arguments, so be sure to flush your task queue before you upgrade.
and ``celery.backends.default_backend.mark_as_failure()`` instead.
0.1.15 [2009-05-19 04:13 P.M CET]
* The celery daemon was leaking AMQP connections, this should be fixed,
if you have any problems with too many files open (like ``emfile``
errors in ``rabbit.log``, please contact us!
0.1.14 [2009-05-19 01:08 P.M CET]
* Fixed a syntax error in the ``TaskSet`` class. (No such variable
0.1.13 [2009-05-19 12:36 P.M CET]
* Forgot to add ``yadayada`` to install requirements.
@@ -526,7 +716,7 @@ arguments, so be sure to flush your task queue before you upgrade.
and the result will be in ``docs/.build/html``.
0.1.12 [2009-05-18 04:38 P.M CET]
* ``delay_task()`` etc. now returns ``celery.task.AsyncResult`` object,
which lets you check the result and any failure that might have
@@ -564,13 +754,13 @@ arguments, so be sure to flush your task queue before you upgrade.
TT_PORT = 6657; # Port of the Tokyo Tyrant server.
0.1.11 [2009-05-12 02:08 P.M CET]
* The logging system was leaking file descriptors, resulting in
servers stopping with the EMFILES (too many open files) error. (fixed)
0.1.10 [2009-05-11 12:46 P.M CET]
* Tasks now supports both positional arguments and keyword arguments.
@@ -579,7 +769,7 @@ arguments, so be sure to flush your task queue before you upgrade.
* The daemon now tries to reconnect if the connection is lost.
0.1.8 [2009-05-07 12:27 P.M CET]
* Better test coverage
* More documentation
@@ -587,7 +777,7 @@ arguments, so be sure to flush your task queue before you upgrade.
0.1.7 [2009-04-30 1:50 P.M CET]
* Added some unittests
@@ -602,7 +792,7 @@ arguments, so be sure to flush your task queue before you upgrade.
0.1.6 [2009-04-28 2:13 P.M CET]
* Introducing ``TaskSet``. A set of subtasks is executed and you can
find out how many, or if all them, are done (excellent for progress
@@ -645,6 +835,6 @@ arguments, so be sure to flush your task queue before you upgrade.
the name change request is in ``docs/name_change_request.txt``.
0.1.0 [2009-04-24 11:28 A.M CET]
* Initial release