@@ -791,6 +791,122 @@ you have to pass them as regular args:
super(HttpError, self).__init__(status_code, headers, body)
+.. _task-semipredicates:
+The worker wraps the task in a tracing function which records the final
+state of the task. There are a number of exceptions that can be used to
+signal this function to change how it treats the return of the task.
+.. _task-semipred-ignore:
+The task may raise :exc:`~@Ignore` to force the worker to ignore the
+task. This means that no state will be recorded for the task, but the
+message is still acknowledged (removed from queue).
+This is can be used if you want to implement custom revoke-like
+functionality, or manually store the result of a task.
+Example keeping revoked tasks in a Redis set:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from celery.exceptions import Ignore
+ @app.task(bind=True)
+ def some_task(self):
+ if redis.ismember('tasks.revoked', self.request.id):
+ raise Ignore()
+Example that stores results manually:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from celery import states
+ from celery.exceptions import Ignore
+ @app.task(bind=True)
+ def get_tweets(self, user):
+ timeline = twitter.get_timeline(user)
+ self.update_state(sate=states.SUCCESS, meta=timeline)
+ raise Ignore()
+.. _task-semipred-reject:
+The task may raise :exc:`~@Reject` to reject the task message using
+AMQPs ``basic_reject`` method. This will not have any effect unless
+:attr:`Task.acks_late` is enabled.
+Rejecting a message has the same effect as acking it, but some
+brokers may implement additional functionality that can be used.
+For example RabbitMQ supports the concept of `Dead Letter Exchanges`_
+where a queue can be configured to use a dead letter exchange that rejected
+messages are redelivered to.
+.. _`Dead Letter Exchanges`: http://www.rabbitmq.com/dlx.html
+Reject can also be used to requeue messages, but please be very careful
+when using this as it can easily result in an infinite message loop.
+Example using reject when a task causes an out of memory condition:
+.. code-block:: python
+ import errno
+ from celery.exceptions import Reject
+ @app.task(bind=True, acks_late=True)
+ def render_scene(self, path):
+ file = get_file(path)
+ try:
+ renderer.render_scene(file)
+ # if the file is too big to fit in memory
+ # we reject it so that it's redelivered to the dead letter exchange
+ # and we can manually inspect the situation.
+ except MemoryError as exc:
+ raise Reject(exc, requeue=False)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ if exc.errno == errno.ENOMEM:
+ raise Reject(exc, requeue=False)
+ # For any other error we retry after 10 seconds.
+ except Exception as exc:
+ raise self.retry(exc, countdown=10)
+Example requeuing the message:
+.. code-block:: python
+ import errno
+ from celery.exceptions import Reject
+ @app.task(bind=True, acks_late=True)
+ def requeues(self):
+ if not self.request.delivery_info['redelivered']:
+ raise Requeue('no reason', requeue=True)
+ print('received two times')
+Consult your broker documentation for more details about the ``basic_reject``
+.. _task-semipred-retry:
+The :exc:`~@Retry` exception is raised by the ``Task.retry`` method
+to tell the worker that the task is being retried.
.. _task-custom-classes:
Custom task classes