@@ -335,8 +335,7 @@ News
django-celery now comes with a Celery monitor for the Django
Admin interface. To use this you need to run the django-celery
snapshot camera, which stores snapshots to the database at configurable
- intervals. See :ref:`monitoring-nodjango` for information about using
- this monitor if you're not using Django.
+ intervals.
To use the Django admin monitor you need to do the following:
@@ -388,10 +387,6 @@ News
The rate limit is off by default, which means it will take a snapshot
for every :option:`--frequency` seconds.
-.. seealso::
- :ref:`monitoring-django-admin` and :ref:`monitoring-snapshots`.
* :func:`~celery.task.control.broadcast`: Added callback argument, this can be
used to process replies immediately as they arrive.