* Tasks are automatically registered.
-This means you no longer have to register your tasks manually.
-You don't have to change old code right away, because a task can't be
-registered twice.
+ This means you no longer have to register your tasks manually.
+ You don't have to change your old code right away, as it doesn't matter if
+ a task is registered twice.
-If you don't want your task to be automatically registered you can set
-the ``abstract`` attribute
+ If you don't want your task to be automatically registered you can set
+ the ``abstract`` attribute
-.. code-block:: python
+ .. code-block:: python
- class MyTask(Task):
- abstract = True
+ class MyTask(Task):
+ abstract = True
-By using ``abstract`` only tasks subclassing this task will be automatically
-registered (this works like the Django ORM).
+ By using ``abstract`` only tasks subclassing this task will be automatically
+ registered (this works like the Django ORM).
-Incidentally, this change also fixes the problems with automatic name
-assignment and relative imports. So you also don't have to specify a task name
-anymore if you use relative imports.
+ Incidentally, this change also fixes the problems with automatic name
+ assignment and relative imports. So you also don't have to specify a task name
+ anymore if you use relative imports.
* You can no longer use regular functions as tasks. This change was added
because it makes the internals a lot more clean and simple. However, you can
now turn functions into tasks by using the ``@task`` decorator:
-.. code-block:: python
+ .. code-block:: python
- from celery.decorators import task
+ from celery.decorators import task
- @task()
- def add(x, y):
- return x + y
+ @task()
+ def add(x, y):
+ return x + y
-See the User Guide for more information.
+ See the User Guide: :doc:`userguide/tasks` for more information.
* The periodic task system has been rewritten to a centralized solution, this
means ``celeryd`` no longer schedules periodic tasks by default, but a new