@@ -90,6 +90,25 @@ the ``CELERY_RESULT_ENGINE_OPTIONS`` setting::
Backward incompatible changes
+* Default (python) loader now prints warning on missing ``celeryconfig.py``
+ instead of raising :exc:`ImportError`.
+ celeryd raises :exc:`~celery.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured` if the configuration
+ is not set up. This makes it possible to use ``--help`` etc, without having a
+ working configuration.
+ Also this makes it possible to use the client side of celery without being
+ configured::
+ >>> from carrot.connection import Connection
+ >>> conn = Connection("localhost", "guest", "guest", "/")
+ >>> from celery.execute import send_task
+ >>> r = send_task("celery.ping", args=(), kwargs={}, connection=conn)
+ >>> from celery.backends.amqp import AMQPBackend
+ >>> r.backend = AMQPBackend(connection=conn)
+ >>> r.get()
+ 'pong'
* The following deprecated settings has been removed (as scheduled by
the `deprecation timeline`_):
@@ -125,8 +144,26 @@ Backward incompatible changes
+* now depends on carrot >= 0.10.5
* now depends on billiard >= 0.4.0
+* now depends on pyparsing
+* celeryd: Now waits for available pool processes before applying new
+ tasks to the pool.
+ This means it doesn't have to wait for dozens of tasks to finish at shutdown
+ because it has already applied n prefetched tasks without any pool
+ processes to immediately accept them.
+ Some overhead for very short tasks though, then the shutdown probably doesn't
+ matter either so can disable with::
+ See http://github.com/ask/celery/issues/closed#issue/122
* Added support for task soft and hard timelimits.
New settings added:
@@ -166,6 +203,9 @@ News
See http://github.com/ask/celery/issues/#issue/122
+* Test suite is now passing without a running broker, using the carrot
+ in-memory backend.
* Log output is now available in colors.
===================================== =====================================
@@ -269,6 +309,25 @@ News
$ celeryd -Q image,video
+* celeryd: New return value for the ``revoke`` control command:
+ Now returns::
+ {"ok": "task $id revoked"}
+ instead of ``True``.
+* celeryd: Can now enable/disable events using remote control
+ Example usage:
+ >>> from celery.task.control import broadcast
+ >>> broadcast("enable_events")
+ >>> broadcast("disable_events")
+* celeryd: New option ``--version``: Dump version info and exit.
* :mod:`celeryd-multi <celeryd.bin.celeryd_multi>`: Tool for shell scripts
to start multiple workers.
@@ -329,12 +388,6 @@ News
celeryd-multi -n baz.myhost -c 10
celeryd-multi -n xuzzy.myhost -c 3
1.0.4 [2010-05-31 09:54 A.M CEST]